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新しくカタログ41(中東研究XXIV 2022)を作成しました。
新しいカタログ41では前のカタログより以降に取り扱った図書と新刊を紹介しています。この間に取り寄せることができたアラビア語、ペル シャ語、トルコ語書籍をできるだけ多く掲載しました。
カタログ41号(中東研究XXIV 2022)
Contents (目 次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
1. Language & Literature (アラビア語学・文学) 2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture (イスラムの思想・歴史・文化) 3. History, Politics & Sociology in the Middle East (incl. Africa) (近、現代の中東地域(歴史・政治・経済・社会)
II IRANIAN STUDIES (イラン研究) III TURKISH STUDIES (incl. Balkan) (トルコ研究) IV CAUCASUS & CENTRAL ASIA (コーカサス・中央アジア研究) V SOUTH ASIA & SOUTHEAST ASIA (南アジア・東南アジア研究)
Contents (目 次と案内・地図)
1. Language & Literature (アラビア語学・文学) 2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture (イスラムの思想・歴史・文化), 3. History, Politics & Sociology in the Middle East (近、現代の中東地域(歴史・政治・経済・社会),
II IRANIAN STUDIES (イラン研究), III TURKISH STUDIES (incl. Balkan) (トルコ研究), IV CAUCASUS & CENTRAL ASIA (コーカサス・中央アジア研究), V SOUTH ASIA & SOUTHEAST ASIA (南アジア・東南アジア研究)
Islamic Law in Context: a primary source reader.
6,897円 |
Islamic Theology in the Turkish Republic. (Edinburgh Studies on Modern Turkey)
4,596円 |
Toplumsal Tarih Akademi : Osmanlı-Türkiye çalişmaları, 01: yıl 1/sayı 1 Aralık 2022, 02: yıl 1/sayı 2 haziran 2023, 03: yıl 2/ sayı 3. aralık 2023
14,099円 |
The Nation or the Ummah: Islamism and Turkish foreign policy.
5,919円 |
Tophane-i Amire Müsiriyeti
5,949円 |
Turkey: a modern history. 3rd edition
1,650円 |
Türk Toplum Bilimcileri, 1. 2.
2,662円 |
The Development of Secularism in Turkey.
1,650円 |
The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: the structure of power. 2nd edition
1,210円 |
The North Caucasus Borderland: between Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire, 1555-1605. (Edinburgh Studies on the Ottoman Empire)
5,745円 |
Müsameret ül-Ahbar: Mogollar zamaninda Türkiye Selçuklulari Tarihi. ed. by Osman Turan (T.T.K. III. Seri - No. 1)
3,630円 |
XIV-XVII. Yüzyillarda Osmanlilarda Devlet Teskilat.i ve Sosyal Yapi. (T.T.K,. VII Dizi-Sa. 127/7)
3,801円 |
Musluman-Turk Devletleri Tarihi. (T.T.K. VII. Dizi-Sa. 110)
3,643円 |
Mir'atü'z-Zaman fi Tarihi'l-Ayan'da Selçuklular. seçme, tercüme ve degerlendirme: Ali Sevim (T.T.K. IV/A-2-1. Dizi-Sa. 3)
1,210円 |
In Asian Waters: Oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama.
6,792円 |
Across the Green Sea: histories from the Western Indian Ocean, 1440-1640. (Connected Histories of the Middlev East and the Global South)
9,180円 |
History of the Caucasus, volume 2: In the shadow of great powers.
8,169円 |
Iran and Persianate Culture in the Indian Ocean World. (BIPS - Studies in the History and Culture of the Persianate World)
19,840円 |
Persian and Arabic Literary Communities in the Seventeenth Century: migrant poets between Arabia, Iran and India. (I.B. Tauris Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Persian Literature)
6,766円 |
Farhang-e Vazheh-ha-ye Farsi dar Zaban-e 'Arabi. (Anjoman-e Athar-e Melli, 58)
3,850円 |
Farhang-e 'Arabi dar Farsi-ye Mo'aser.
1,540円 |
Din-ha va Kish-ha-ye Irani dar dawran-e bastan beh revayat-e Shahrestani. ed. & tr. by Mohsen Abu al-Qasemi
1,815円 |
Rahnama-ye Zaman-e Jashn-ha va gerdhemayi-ha-ye Melli-ye Iran-e Bastan.
1,232円 |
Zendegi va Mohajarat-e Nezhad-e Areya: bas asas-e revayat-e Iran: la vie et l'emigration des Aryens, d'apres les traditions iraniennes
880円 |
Dastur-e Tarikh-e Zaban-e Farsi: A historical grammar of the Persian language.
2,090円 |
Yad-e Bahar: yadnameh-ye doktur Mehrdad Bahar (majmu'eh-ye maqalat)
3,630円 |
Az Nouruz ta Nouruz: ayin-ha va marasem-e sonnati-ye Zartoshteyan-e Iran.
2,002円 |
Bist va Hasht Goftar dar Bab-e Farhang va Mardom-e Iran.
2,266円 |
Historical Dictionary of Azerbaijan. (Asian and Oceanian Historical Dictionaries, 31)
1,943円 |
Dastur-e Zaban-e Adharbayjani: qava'ed-e amuzesh-e zaban-e adharbayjani bara-ye 'omum va daneshjuyan.
1,793円 |
Sokhanvaran-e Adharbayjan: poetes d'Azarbaidjan.
4,235円 |
History of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Dashnaktsutiun 1980/19024.
3,630円 |
A Myth of Terror: Armenian extremism: its causes and its historical context.
3,630円 |
Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire: institutional change and the profesionalization of the Ulema.
6,840円 |
Cumhuriyetin Düsünürleri.
2,365円 |
Muharrir ve Matbuat: On dokuzuncu asirda yazarlik meslegi ve Babıali çevresinde yayıncılık faaliyetler
7,009円 |
Imparatorlugun Son Asrinda Osmanlilar.
4,859円 |
Osmanli Siyasal Iktidari: Mesruiyet, otorite ve ideoloji üzerine bir deneme.
5,099円 |
Revealing the Unseen: new perspectives on Qajar Art.
17,009円 |
Treasures of Herat: two manuscripts of the Khamsah of Nizami in the British Library.
17,009円 |
Waves Across the South: a new history of revolution and empire.
4,730円 |
Monsoon Islam: trade and faith on the medieval Malabar coast. (Cambridge Oceanic Histories)
2,178円 |
Katalog Rukopisnych Knig na Persidskom Jazyke iz Sobranija Nacionalʹnoj Biblioteki Respubliki Kazachstan
1,815円 |
Materialy po Istorii Irano-Gruzinskich Vzaimootnošenij v Načale XVII veka: svedenija "Ichja al-Muluk" o Gruzii.
1,210円 |
726円 |
Christian - Muslim Encounters.
1,320円 |
A History of Islamic Societies. 2nd edition
2,783円 |
Studies in Islamic Society: contribution in memory of Gabriel Baer.
4,840円 |
Manarat al-Aqdas. tr. into Arabic by Mar Diyunisus Bahnam Jijawi
3,630円 |
Tarajim Rijal al-Qarnayn al-Sadis wa al-Sabi': al-ma'ruf bi-Dhayl 'ala al-Rawdatayn.
1,815円 |
Al-Rawdatayn fi Akhbar al-Dawlatayn.
2,420円 |
Tabaqat al-Shafi'iyat al-Kubra. ed. by M. Muhd. al-Tanahi & 'Abd F. Muhd. al-Hilwi
6,050円 |
Rawdat al-Jannat fi Ahwal al-'Ulama' wa al-Sadat.
18,150円 |
Raudat al-Jannat fi Ahval al-'olama' al-sadat. tr. into Persian by Mohd. Baqer Sa'di Khorasani
10,692円 |
Naqd al-Nathr fi Turath al-'Arab al-Naqdi hatta Nihayat al-'Asr al-'Abbasi 656 H.
1,089円 |
Identification and Identity in Classical Arabic Poetry. (Gibb Memorial Trust, Gibb Literary Studies 2)
3,509円 |
al-Rabbah al-Hajariyah: al-Waqa'i' al-Mafqudah min Sirat al-Majus wa Nusus Ukhra
1,009円 |
Al-Majus: riwayah, 1-2.
4,319円 |
al-Sahara: riwayah.
4,569円 |
Rasul al-Samawat al-Sab'. (riwayah)
1,499円 |