新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
The Avacchedakatanirukti (of the Didhiti and Gadadhari) with the Subodha commentary by N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya ; associate editor, S. Lakshminarasimham (Regards sur l'Asie du Sud, 8.; Vyakhyanamala, 2)
2,860円 |
The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part IV, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (from Saktinirnaya to Sphotavada). (Collection Indologie, 151)
9,207円 |
The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part III, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (Samasasaktinirnaya). (Collection Indologie, 149)
6,413円 |
The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part II, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (Lakarartha-, Karakartha- and Namartha-chapters). (Collection Indologie no 139)
6,413円 |
The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part I. with the Niranani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakasa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu (South Asian Perspectives no 6)
5,544円 |
Islamism and Democracy in India: The Transformation of Jamaat-e-Islami. (The Indian Century)
3,300円 |
Islam, Caste and Dalit-Muslim Relations in India.
660円 |
'We are Lovers of the Qalandar': piety, pilgrimage, and ritual in Pakistani Sufi Islam.
3,670円 |
The Politics of Ethnicity and Federalism in Pakistan: local, national, and comparative perspectives.
3,399円 |
The Class Structure of Pakistan. ed. by Maion Molteno
3,630円 |
A Life in Urdu: personal encounters and selected essays on Urdu literature. ed. by Maion Molteno
6,408円 |
Crisis and Religious Renwal in the Brahmo Samaj (1860-1884): a documentary study of the emergence of the "new dispensation" under Keshab Chandra Sen. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 9)
5,330円 |
Caste, Society and Politics in India: From the Eighteenth Century to the Modern Age. (The New Cambridge History of India, IV.3)
1,650円 |
Shankara and Indian Philosophy. (SUNY Series in Religion)
6,204円 |
Advaita-Brahma-Siddhi of Sadananda Yati. (Parimal Sanskrit Series, No. 5)
440円 |
Yuktidipika: the most significant commentary on the Samkhyakarika, Vol. I. (Alt- und neu-indische Studien ; 44)
8,999円 |
The Concept of Liberation While Still Alive in the Philosophy of Madhva.
473円 |
Adi Sankaracarya's Aparoksanubhuti: the essence of self realization. (Adventure of consciousness ; 4)
1,430円 |
Epic in India.
8,789円 |
The 'Early Medieval' Origins of India.
5,473円 |
Caste in India. (Key Issues in Asian Studies)
3,001円 |
Perspectives of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.
2,929円 |
The Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion, with special reference to Jainism.
2,250円 |
Tibetan Painting: a study of Tibetan Thankas, 11th to 19th centuries.
4,375円 |
Tibet, past and present: Tibetan Studies I: PIATS 2000 : Tibetan studies : proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/1)
7,349円 |
A Historical Atlas of Tibet.
7,795円 |
Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas.
5,745円 |
The Other Emptiness: rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist discourse in Tibet.
6,556円 |
Esoteric Pure Land Buddhism. (Pure Land Buddhist Studies)
6,292円 |
Classical Theism and Buddhism: connecting metaphysical and ethical systems.
6,754円 |
Buddhist-Inflected Sovereignties Across the Indian Ocean : the Pali arena, 1200-1550 (New Southeast Asia: politics, meaning, and memory)
12,223円 |
Scripture:Canon::Text:Context : essays honoring Lewis Lancaster (Contemporary Issues in Buddhism Studies)
8,030円 |
Sīmās : foundations of Buddhist religion. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)
5,115円 |
Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahāyāna : a study and translation of the Rāṣṭrapālapariprc̥chā-sūtra. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)
10,120円 |
A Few Good Men : The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā) (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)
5,280円 |
Buddhist Monks and Business Matters : Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)
5,665円 |
Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks : Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India. (Studies in the Buddhist traditions)
6,380円 |
Siksasamuccaya of Santideva. (Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 11)
3,780円 |
Mitrayogin's 108 Mandalas: an image database.
5,636円 |
Toward a New Image of Paramartha: Yogacara and Tathagatagarbha Buddhims revisited. (Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies)
6,754円 |
From Stone to Flesh: a short history of the Buddha.
4,026円 |
The Philosophy of Religion: a Buddhist perspective. (Oxford India Paperbacks)
1,529円 |
Discovering Indian Philosophy: an introduction to Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thought.
4,657円 |
Science and Society in the Sanskrit World. (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, v. 21)
28,458円 |
A Cultural History of Hinduism. 6 volumes set
94,468円 |
Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies. (Routledge Handbooks)
10,017円 |
Padarthatattvanirupanam: tikatrayopetam. ed. by Anita Rajpal
7,600円 |
Yogadarsanam of Maharsi Patanjali, along with Vyasa Bhasya. edited with Yogadipika Hindi commentary by Devi Sahai Pandey (The Vrajajivan Prachyabharati Granthamala 163)
1,599円 |
Nyaya-Vaisesika. (A History of Indian Litrerature, Vol. VI, fasc. 2)
2,599円 |
Sanskrit: an easy introduction to an enchanting language. Volumes 1 & 2: Tools: Grammatical and lexical, Volume 3: Tests and transition.
10,429円 |
Sanskrit Syntax: selected papers presented at the seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures, 13-15 June 2013, Université Paris Diderot, with an updated and revised bibliography by Hans Henrich Hock
18,300円 |