新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
Sayyid Muhammad al-Husayni-i Gisudiraz (721/1321-825/1422) on Sufism (IAD Religio-Philosophy (Original) Ser., 5)
990円 |
A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries.
6,600円 |
Muslim under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and religious tolerance. (Islamic South Asia Series)
6,765円 |
Emperor of the Five Rivers: the life and times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
4,193円 |
In Praise of Kings: Rajputs, Sultans and poets in fifteenth-century Gujarat.
2,495円 |
Waves Across the South: a new history of revolution and empire.
4,730円 |
Monsoon Islam: trade and faith on the medieval Malabar coast. (Cambridge Oceanic Histories)
2,178円 |
In Asian Waters: Oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama.
6,793円 |
Across the Green Sea: histories from the Western Indian Ocean, 1440-1640. (Connected Histories of the Middlev East and the Global South)
9,181円 |
Tuhfat al-Mujahidin: a historical epic of the sixteenth century. tr. from Arabic by S. Muhd. Husayn Nainar
3,025円 |
The Indian Oceans in the Making of Early Modern India.
9,334円 |
Sufism in Eighteenth-Century India: Muhammad Nasir 'Andalib's Lament of the Nightingale and Tariqa-yi Khalis Muhammadiyya. (Routledge Sufi Series)
10,117円 |
Women, Wealth and the State in Early Colonial India : the begams of Awadh. (States before Modernity)
22,770円 |
Soul and Sword : the endless battle over political Hinduism
6,930円 |
Buddhist Learning in South Asia: education, religion, and culture at the ancient Sri Nalanda Mahavihara. (Studies in comparative philosophy and religion)
9,430円 |
Three Pillars of Skepticism in Classical India: Nagarjuna, Jayarasi, and Sri Harsa. (Studies in comparative philosophy and religion)
9,238円 |
Sri Chaitanya's Life and Teaching: the golden Avatara of divine love. (Explorations in Indic traditions: theological, ethical, and philosophical)
9,815円 |
Sanskrit Snatak Pratiyogita Darpan: CUET UG Sanskrit Entrance for DU JNU JMI BHU AU AMU as per new Syllabu (Gokuldas Sanskrit Ser., 220)
3,680円 |
Rupa-Candrika (A collection of the forms of Sanskrit words and roots) (Chaukhamba Surbharati Granthamala, 208)
1,010円 |
The Earliest Mandala of Subhakarasimha (637-735 CE) (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 666)
12,375円 |
Dynamics of Indic Culture. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 667)
14,850円 |
Buddhist Treasures of Russia and Mongolia. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 668)
16,335円 |
Heritage of India and the West. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 665)
22,275円 |
Development of Indian languages (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 664 )
16,830円 |
Dharmakosa, Volume V: Varsramadharmakanda, Part VIII.
20,680円 |
The Buddhist Indus Script and Scriptures : on the so-called Bhaikṣukī or Saindhavī script of the Sāṃmitīyas and their Canon (Studien zur Indologie, Band 7)
13,838円 |
Caraka-Samhita of Maharsi Agnivesa (Sanskrit text with Tibetan translation), Volume 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tr. into Tibetan & ed. by L. Tenzin & D. Sherpa (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 94, 95)
17,468円 |
Sricatuspithamahatantrarajah, Vol. I.: Rnal ʼbyor maʼi rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba bhzhugs so (Rare Buddhist Texts Series, 409)
2,332円 |
Ārya Sandhinimorcanānāma Mahāyānasūtram = ʼPhags pa dgongs pa nges par ʼgrel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen poʼi mdo bzhugs so (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, 96)
2,013円 |
Shri Vadikesari Venkatacharyaswamishisya's Subodhinī: सुबोधिनी. ch. ed. by V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 322-323)
4,202円 |
Shrishaila Shrinivasacharya's Bhedadarpaṇaḥ : भेददर्पण ch. ed. by V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 325)
1,210円 |
Pañcalakṣaṇī, Siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇe ca, with Didhiti of Raghunatha Siromani, Prakasika on Didhiti of Gadadhara Bhattacharya & Balabodhini on Didhiti Prakasika by N.S. Ramanujatatacharya. gen. ed. V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 311)
2,959円 |
Residential Architecture in Bhoja's Samaranganasutradhara: introduction, text, translation and notes
3,475円 |
Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi. ed. by Arkanasya Caudhari (Gokuldas Samskrit Granthamala, 211)
4,149円 |
Knowledge, Meanig & Intuition: some theories in Indian logic.
2,750円 |
Compendium of pearls of thought : (Nyāyakallolinī) : Sanskrit text with English translation
2,970円 |
Why I am a Hindu.
6,298円 |
Hurt Sentiments: secularism and belonging in South Asia.
8,415円 |
Environmental Issues in India: a reader.
2,305円 |
Energy and Environment in India: the Politics of a chronic crisis. (Center on Global Energy Policy Series)
5,610円 |
A Taste for Purity: an entangled history of vegetarianism. (Columbia Studies in International and Global History)
6,545円 |
Later Indo-Scythians, (from the numismatic chronicle 1893-94). gen. ed. by A.K. Narain (Complete Works of Alexander Cunningham, no. 11)
356円 |
Maktubat al-Shaykh al-Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi wa aulad-hi wa mu'asir-hi (Collection of Arabic letters by Shah Waliullah Dihlavi with Urdu translation). ed. & tr. by Shah Abdus Salam
3,146円 |
Makatib-e Hadrat Shah Vali Allah Mohaddeth Dehlavi. ed. by Nethar Ahmad Faruqi
4,708円 |
Another India : the Making of the World's Largest Muslim Minority, 1947-77.
6,270円 |
The Rajas of the Punjab: Being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab and their Political Relations with the British Governmen.
3,630円 |
Rethinking 'Classical Yoga' and Buddhism: meditation, metaphors and materiality. (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)
7,302円 |
The Winds of Change: Buddhism and the maritime links of early South Asia. (Oxford India Paperbacks)
5,583円 |
Dethroned: the downfall of India's princely states.
6,188円 |
Defending Muhammad in Modernity.
2,780円 |
Attendant Lords: Bairam Khan and Abdur Rahim: courtiers & poets in Mughal India.
3,460円 |