



Epic in India.

Epic in India.




Indian Religion & Thought
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Navya-Nyaya Philosophy of Language. Navya-Nyaya Philosophy of Language. Toshihiro Wada x,116p DK Printworld 2020 1,584円 Navya Nyāya -- Language and logic -- Gaṅgeśa, active 13th century -- Tattvacintāmaṇi This book represents the philosophy of language in Navya-Nyaya, based upon an analysis of the “Verbal Suffix Chapter” (Akhyatavada) of Gangesha’s Tattvacintamani. Since this chapter elaborates what kind of verbal understanding is generated and discusses related issues, the book demonstrates the main features of that philosophy of language and serves as a good introduction to that. The analysis mainly deals with Gangesha, but in some cases it refers to Raghunatha. Since the book is an attempt to pursue philological exactness and philosophical analysis, it is hoped to interest not only Sanskrit scholars, but also philosophers in general.
The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy of Language. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy of Language. Graheli, Alessandro (ed.) ix,475p pap. Bloomsbury Academic 2022(20) 9,129円 Language and languages -- Indic Philosophy The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy of Language presents a systematic survey of philosophy of language in the Indian tradition, providing an up-to-date research resource for better understanding the history and future direction of the field. Each chapter addresses a particular philosophical problem from the viewpoint of seminal traditions and specific thinkers. Covering the philosophical insight on language found in the mainstream philosophies of Vyakarana, Mima?sa, Nyaya, Vedanta, Buddhism, and Alankarasastra, the chapters tackle crucial semantic and pragmatic questions such as the relation of the speaker to reality, the use of metalanguage, the distinction between sentences, elliptic statements, and figurative usages, and the impact of textual structures on the philosophical message. Complete with further reading suggestions and an annotated bibliography, this collection makes an important contribution to both Eastern and Western contemporary philosophy of language
The Bhamati: a gloss on Shankara Bhashya. The Bhamati: a gloss on Shankara Bhashya. Vachaspati Misra 2 vols. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan 2010 (2nd) 2,574円 Vedanta -- Advaita -- Śankarācārya. -- Śārīrakamīmāṃsābhāṣya --Bādarāyaṇa. -- Brahmasūtra Bhāmatī : Brahmasūtraśānkarabhāṣyavyākhyā/ Vācaspatimiśraviracitā ; Ḍhuṇḍhirājaśāstriṇā saṅkalitā viṣamasthalaṭippaṇyā samalaṅkr̥tā tenaiva Saṃskr̥tā ca. [Bhāmatī : a gloss on Shānkara Bhāshya]
Linguistic Studies in Sanskrit Grammar. Linguistic Studies in Sanskrit Grammar. Banerjee, Satya Ranjan vi,127p Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar 2013 1,188円 Sanskrit -- Grammar -- Linguistics 1. Sanskrit Studies and Research Methodology, 2. Morphophonemic Alterations in Pānini's Śivasūtra, 3. On the Conception of Language and Phonetics in Indian Tradition vis-a-vis Greek and Latin authors, 4. The Speculative Grammarians in the Middle Ages, 5. Dionysius Thrax and Pānini on Grammar, 6. Was R dental in Sanskrit?, 7. On Sa meaning 'one' in Sanskrit, 8. Sir William Jones
Karakatattvasamgrahah Karakatattvasamgrahah Das, Karunasindhu (gen. ed.) xxvi,267p The Asiatic Society 2020 3,960円 Pāṇini -- Aṣṭādhyāyī -- Sanskrit language -- Grammar Kārakatattvasaṅgrahaḥ = Kārakatattvasaṃgrahaḥ : a collection of some post-Pāṇinian grammatical works on Kāraka relations/ general editor, Karunasindhu Das A collection of some post-Pāṇinian grammatical works on Kāraka relations. In Sanskrit; introduction in English Part 1. Kārakacandrikā and Madhumatī / edited by Rita Bhattacharya -- part 2. Ṣaṭkārakaṭippanī and Kārakatattva / edited by Sumita Chatterjee -- part 3. Kātantra Aṣṭādhyāyī and Kātantra pariśiṣṭa / edited by Silpi Adhikari --
Bhaviveka on Samkhya and Vedanta: the Samkhya and Vedanta chapters on the Madhyamakahrdayakarika and Tarkajvala. Bhaviveka on Samkhya and Vedanta: the Samkhya and Vedanta chapters on the Madhyamakahrdayakarika and Tarkajvala. Qvarnstr:om, Olle 2015 Harvard U.P. 2015 7,856円 Bhāvaviveka. -- Mādhyamakahr̥daya -- Tarkajvāla -- Mādhyamika (Buddhism) -- Early works to 1800 Bhāviveka on Sāṃkhya and Vedānta : the Sāṃkhya and Vedānta chapters of the Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā/ by Olle Qvarnström ; (with Tibetological assistance by Professor Per K. Sørensen) For anyone interested in an epoch of almost unrivaled intellectual activity and debate in India, the sixth-century Madhyamakahrdayakārikā along with its auto-commentary, the Tarkajvālā, is an indispensable resource. This partly doxographical treatise, composed by the Madhyamaka philosopher Bhāviveka, is the earliest and most substantial work to present and critically examine Śrāvaka, Yogācāra, Sāmkhya, Vaiśesika, Vedānta, and Mīmāmsā in great detail. Bhāviveka’s text is of unique value in its attempt to identify a Madhyamaka approach to other schools of philosophy as well as in furnishing us with valuable information regarding early Indic systematic philosophy, including what appear to be extracts from original sources that are otherwise unavailable. Most probably it served as a Madhyamaka debate manual for those engaged in discussion with representatives of opposing philosophical schools. Bhāviveka’s treatment of Sāmkhya and Vedānta is of particular importance because of the scarcity of sources pertaining to the early formation and development of these systems of philosophy. The present book includes a critical edition and English translation of the Sāmkhya and Vedānta chapters of the Madhyamakahrdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā along with a historical introduction.
Vaikhanasa Mantra Prasna V-VIII (Daivikacatustayam) Vaikhanasa Mantra Prasna V-VIII (Daivikacatustayam) Resnick, Hopward 1122p Harvard U.P. 2019 15,455円 Vaikhānasa-mantra-praśna V-VIII : (Daivikacatuṣṭayam)/ Howard Resnick The Vaikhānasas are mentioned in many Vedic texts, and they maintain a close affiliation with the Taittirīya school of the Kṛṣṇa Yajur Veda. Yet they are Vaiṣṇavas, monotheistic worshipers of Viṣṇu. Generally, Vaiṣnavism is held to be a post-Vedic development. Thus, the Vaikhānasas bridge two key ages in the history of South Asian religion. This text contains many quotations from ancient Vedic literature, and probably some other older original material, as well as architectural and iconographical data of the later first millennium CE. The Vaikhānasas remain relevant today. They are the chief priests (arcakas) in more than half of the Viṣṇu temples in the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka—including the renowned Hindu pilgrimage center Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh.
Sanskrit Dictionary of Law and Statecraft. Sanskrit Dictionary of Law and Statecraft. Olivelle, Patrick (ed.) xxiv,448p pap. Primus 2019(15) 2,752円 Kauṭalya. -- Arthaśāstra -- Law -- Sanskrit -- Dictionaries This dictionary contains technical terms used in Sanskrit texts of ancient and medieval India dealing with law and statecraft within Dharmaśāstra and Arthaśāstra
Yoga in the Three Indian Philosophical Schools and Integral Yoga. Yoga in the Three Indian Philosophical Schools and Integral Yoga. Bhate, Niranjana xx,259p Munshiram 2020 3,544円 Yoga -- Veda -- Upanisads -- Jainism -- Buddhism 1. Yoga in the Vedas and the Upanisads, 2. Yoga in the Buddhism (pt. 1: Hīnayāna), 3. Yoga in the Buddhism (pt. 2: Mahāyāna), 4. The Jaina Yoga, 5. The Pātañjala Yoga, 6. Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo, Mantrayoga, Tantrayoga, Hathayoga, Nāthayoga) 7. Comparison and Conclusion
Sabdartharatna of Taranatha Tarkavacaspati: Sabdartharatna of Taranatha Tarkavacaspati: Parecattil, Jojo xxvii,489p Pratibha Prakashan 2013 15,424円 Bhaṭṭācārya, Tārānātha Tarkavācaspati, 1812-1885. -- Śabdārtharatna -- Sanskrit language -- Dictionaries -- Word formation Śabdārtharatna of Tārānātha Tarkavācaspati : a critical study with English translation Includes text of Sabdartharatna in Sanskrit with English translation
Pasanahachariyam/ Pasnah Chariyam (prakrit). Pasanahachariyam/ Pasnah Chariyam (prakrit). Devabhadrasuri 4 vols. L.D. Institute of Indology 2020 7,920円 Prakrit work on Pārśvanātha, 8th century B.C., Jaina Tirthankara; with Sanskrit translation Pāsanāhacariyaṃ grantharacanākāra, Parama Pūjya Ācārya Bhagavanta Śrī Devabhadrasūrīśvarajī Mahārājā ; sampādaka, Muni Nyāyaratna Vijaya ; saṃśodhaka, Pa. Pū Munipravara Śrī Trailokyamaṇḍana Vijayajī Ma. Sā. Sanskrit and Prakrit; includes introduction in Hindi and Gujarati
Sri Nandisutram. Sri Nandisutram. Devavacakaganina 402p+112p Sri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2012 2,376円 Jaina canonical text; critical edition श्री नन्दिसूत्रम् / Śrī Nandisūtram critically edited by Muni Jambūvijaya disciple of His Holiness Munirāja S̀ri Bhuvanavijayjajī Mahārāja (Śrī Mahāvīra Jaina Vidyālaya; Jaina-āgama-granthamāla, 21)
Jambuddiva Pannatti Suttam, part 1 (vaksaskar 1 to 3), part 2 (vaksaskar 4 to 7). Jambuddiva Pannatti Suttam, part 1 (vaksaskar 1 to 3), part 2 (vaksaskar 4 to 7).   2 vols. Omkarsuri Gnan Mandir 2017 5,940円 Jainism -- Jaina Āgama Jambuddhīva-paṇṇattī Canonical text of the Śvetāmbara Jainism Text in Prakrit
Tantric Revisionings: new understandings of Tibetan Buddhism and Indian religion. Tantric Revisionings: new understandings of Tibetan Buddhism and Indian religion. Samuel, Geoffrey x,384p Motilal 2005 2,970円 Tantric Buddhism -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region -- Asia, Buddhism -- Relations -- Hinduism "Tantric Revisionings" presents stimulating new perspectives on Hindu and Buddhist religion, particularly their Tantric versions, in India, Tibet or in modern Western societies. Geoffrey Samuel adopts an historically and textually informed anthropological approach, seeking to locate and understand religion in its social and cultural context. The question of the relation between 'popular' (folk, domestic, village, 'shamanic') religion and elite (literary, textual, monastic) religion forms a recurring theme through these studies. Six chapters have not been previously published; the previously published studies included are in publications which are difficult to locate outside major specialist libraries. Indian repr.
Sri Tantralokah of Mahamahesvara Acarya Abhinavagupta with Viveka Samskrta commentary by Rajanaka Jayaratha: Sri Tantralokah of Mahamahesvara Acarya Abhinavagupta with Viveka Samskrta commentary by Rajanaka Jayaratha: Abhinavagupta 4 vols. Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan 2018 21,305円 Kashmir Śaivism -- Tantrism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Śrī Tantrālokaḥ of Mahāmaheśvara Ācārya Abhinavagupta with Viveka Saṃskrta commentary by Rājānaka Jayaratha : Sanskrit text, transliteration, Sarveshwari English commentry with glossary and central idea of each śloka commentator and editor: Giriratna Miśra Magnum Opus of Mahāmaheśvara Ācārya Abhinavagupta on Kāśmīra Śaivism which includes Trika, Pratyabhijñā, Spanda Kula, Anuttara and Krama Śaiva philosophies Vol 1. 1 to 3 Āhnika -- vol 2. Āhnika 4-5 -- vol 3. Āhnika 6-7 -- vol 4. Āhnika 8 --
Tattvachintamani-Didhiti-Prakasa-Sarvopakarini (part 1), Tattvachintamani-Didhiti-Prakasa-Sarvopakarini (part 1), Mahadeva lxvii,735p National Mission for Manuscripts/ Dev Publishers 2019 3,168円 Bhaṭṭācāryya, Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa. -- Tattvacintāmaṇidīdhitiprakāśa -- Gaṅgeśa, active 13th century. -- Tattvacintāmaṇi -- Nyaya Tattvacintāmaṇidīdhitiprakāśasarvopakāriṇī : Gaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracitā Tattvacintāmaṇisahitā, Raghunāthaśiromaṇiviracitā Dīdhitiṭīkāsahitā, Bhavānandaviracitā Prakāśaṭīkāsahitā, Ācāryamahādevapaṇḍitaviracitā Sarvopakāriṇīvyākhyā Mahādevaviracitā ; critically ed. & introduction by Harerāma Tripāṭhī (Prakāśikā, 40)
The Essence of Politics. The Essence of Politics. Kamandaki xxxi,328p Harvard U.P. 2021 7,157円 Political science -- India -- History Kamandaki's Nītisāra, or The Essence of Politics, redefined the field of political thought in early medieval India and became one of the most influential works in the genre across South and Southeast Asia. It was likely written during or shortly after the Gupta Empire (c. 325-550 C.E.) and enjoyed wide popularity for nearly a millennium. An elegant introduction to the intricacies of statecraft, The Essence of Politics encompasses virtually all aspects of elite social life, making it indispensable for generals, spies, ministers, and other members of the royal court, especially poets writing about war and conquest. Addressed directly to the king, its lessons range from the finer points of military strategy and economic policy to the moral qualities of effective rulers. Kamandaki anchors political practice in intellectual and spiritual discipline. His model of leadership, based on self-control and personal cultivation, is as relevant today as it was in its own time. The Sanskrit text, presented here in the Devanagari script, accompanies a new English prose translation"
A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy. Sharma, Chandradhar 415p pap. Motilal 2016(1960) 1,089円 Indian philosophy The present treatise is a critical study of different systems of Indian Philosophy based on original sources and its principal value lies in their interpretation. On almost all fundamental points the author has quoted from the original texts to enable the reader to compare the interpretations with the text. The book opens with the survey of Indian philosophical thought as found in the Vedas, the Upanisads and Bhagavadgita. It proceeds to the study of Materialism, Jainism and Early Buddhism, Sunyavada, Vijnanavada and Svatantra Vijnanavada. It expounds the tenets of the six systems of Indian Philosophy with special reference to Sankara, the pre-Sankara and the post-Sankara Vedanta, and the essentials of Buddhism and Vedanta in comparison and contrast.
Against Dharma: dissent in the ancient Indian sciences of sex and politics. Against Dharma: dissent in the ancient Indian sciences of sex and politics. Doniger, Wendy xvi,226p Yale U.P. 2018 4,277円 Dharma -- Kamasutra -- Arthaśāstra An esteemed scholar of Hinduism presents a groundbreaking interpretation of ancient Indian texts and their historic influence on subversive resistance. Ancient Hindu texts speak of the three aims of human life: dharma, artha, and kama. Translated, these might be called religion, politics, and pleasure, and each is held to be an essential requirement of a full life. Balance among the three is a goal not always met, however, and dharma has historically taken precedence over the other two qualities in Hindu life. Here, historian of religions Wendy Doniger offers a spirited and close reading of ancient Indian writings, unpacking a long but unrecognized history of opposition against dharma. A groundbreaking book! Wendy Doniger subverts accepted notions of dharma using the prism of the Arthasastra and Kamasutra. This is not simply 'original'; nothing like this has been done before."-Patrick Olivelle
Nanvadatippani of Ramachandra Tarkavagisa: a commentary on Raghunatha's Nansamasa. Nanvadatippani of Ramachandra Tarkavagisa: a commentary on Raghunatha's Nansamasa. Banerjee, Sujata (ed. & tr.) xxxii,105p National Mission for Manuscripts/ Dev Publishers 2020 1,320円 Nyaya -- Sanskrit language -- Semantics -- Raghunātha Śiromaṇi -- Nañvāda Nañvādaṭippanī of Rāmachandra Tarkavāgīśa : a commentary on Raghunātha's Nañsamāsa : critically edited text and explanation in English Rāmacandratarkavāgīsakr̥ta-Nañvādaṭippaṇyā samalaṅkr̥taḥ Raghunāthasya Nañsamāsaḥ Āṅgalavyākhyāsahitaṃ mūlam On Nyaya philosophy and Sanskrit language semantics; Sanskrit text with commentary in English and Sanskrit

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