




Indian Religion & Thought
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Advaitasiddhipatram: a critical review of the second definition of falsity, two fresh arguments. Advaitasiddhipatram: a critical review of the second definition of falsity, two fresh arguments. Dravid, R. Mani (ed.) xviii,147p The Adyar Library & Research Centre 2018 1,628円 Madhusūdana Sarasvatī. -- Advaitabrahmasiddhi -- Advaita -- Truthfulness and falsehood Critical discussion on definition of the work "Mithya" in the Advaitabrahamasiddhi of Madhusudanasarasvati Section I The Second Definition of Falsity: a synopsis Section 2 Sanskrit Text: Advaitasiddhipatram Section 3 English Translation
Yogasutras of Patanjali, with the Bhasya of Vyasa commented on by Vacaspati-misra, and with the commentary of Nagoji-bhatta. Yogasutras of Patanjali, with the Bhasya of Vyasa commented on by Vacaspati-misra, and with the commentary of Nagoji-bhatta. Patanjali 50p+xxvii,436p Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. 2006 2,200円 Basic text of Yogasutra, treatise on Yoga philosophy with commentaries Yogasūtras of Patañjali / with the Bhāṣya of Vyāsa commented on by Vacaspati-Misra and with the commentary of Nagoji-Bhatta ; prefixed with a new introduction to Yoga" a fresh study of the literature in English by K.S. Arjunwadkar. Sanskrit texts orig. publ. in 1917 as "Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 46" Introduction to Yoga (Krishna S. Arjunwadkar) Part I: The Rational School Part II: The Non-Rational Schools
Jainism before 650 BCE. Jainism before 650 BCE. Jain, Shugan C. & Shrinetra Pandey (ed.) vi,275p photos. DK Printworld 2022(20) 3,564円 International seminar on "Trace of Sramana tradition (with special reference to Jainism: prior to 650 BCE" (2019: Pune, India) Ancient history of India reveals that there were two parallel traditions in India, viz. Vedic and Sramanic. The Sramana Tradition includes Jainism, Buddhism and others such as the Ajivikas and Ajtianas. Jain religious tradition is one of the oldest living religions of India. Historicity of 24th Tirthalikara Mahavira in sixth century BCE is well established. The Jain records mention the name of 23 tirthankaras before Mahavira. among them Parsvanatha was the 23rd and Neminatha was the 22nd.
Karma Doctrine and Rebirth in Jainism: a logical perspective. Karma Doctrine and Rebirth in Jainism: a logical perspective. Jain, Subhash C. xiii,235p Motilal 2022 2,772円 Jaina logic -- Jainism Doctrines -- Karma --Reincaranation The twin doctrines of karma and rebirth are the most misunderstood topics in the field of metaphysics, but it does not have to be that way. This book not only describes the twin doctrines methodically and logically, but it also solves the four new-found issues and the three age-old issues related to the twin doctrines. This book is the result of an attempt to develop a model of the karma doctrine that is free from inconsistencies. The issues of free will, good and evil actions, and bhavyatava and abhavyatava are resolved using the answers to the new-found issues.
Structuring Advaita dialectic: a study of Sriharsa's Khandanakhandakhadyam and Naisadhiyacaritam. Structuring Advaita dialectic: a study of Sriharsa's Khandanakhandakhadyam and Naisadhiyacaritam. Francis A.P. xxiii,374p Indian Institute of Advanced Study 2019 2,901円 Śrīharṣa, active 12th century -- Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya -- Vedanta -- Theory of knowledge Structuring Advaita dialectic : a study of Śrīharṣa's Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādyam and Naiṣadhīyacaritam / Francis, A. P. Structuring Advaita Dialectic: A Study based on Sriharsa's Khandanakhandakhadyam (KKK) and Naisadhiyacaritam (NC) is a scholarly attempt in the field of studies to restructure the Advaita dialectics against the background of the ideal set forth by the triumvirate of Advaita dialectics viz. Sriharsa, Citsukha and MadhusadanaSarasvati. It is a study of Sriharsa's two texts: Khandanakhandakhadyam and Naisadhiyacaritam. The first is a philosophical text and the second is a mahakavya, a piece of literary art. Both these texts are known, in the tradition, as highly intellectual compositions. Starting from the identity and philosophical lineage of Sriharsa, the study proceeds through the structuring of Advaita at the hands of Sriharsa, taking into account the philosophical, methodological and aesthetic dimensions intertwined very well. The trajectory of the constructive advaitic agenda of Sriharsa is visualized both in Khandanakhandakhadyam and Naisadhiyacaritam. It reaches the acme with the brief sketch of the post Sriharsa developments in Advaita Dialectic. This book will be of great interest to researchers and scholars of Sanskrit, Advaita , and Buddhists. and Indologists and Eastern philosophical and religious traditions in general.
The Legends of the Upanisadas with Special Reference to Chandogya and Brhadaranyaka: The Legends of the Upanisadas with Special Reference to Chandogya and Brhadaranyaka: Sandilya, Bagmita 200p Punthi Pustak 2022 3,366円 Upanishads -- Criticism, interpretations, wetc. -- Hindu legends The present book attempts a philosophical study of the different legends of the Upanisads, specially of the Chandogya and Brhadaranyaka Upanisads. as the legends are attached with historical backgrounds, so this work also highlights the great personalities who were associated with them. In the present write-up, a detailed study of these legends is being carried out in order to show their significance in the field of philosophical speculations.
The Mahartha-Manjari. English translation with Sanskrit texts. The Mahartha-Manjari. English translation with Sanskrit texts. Maheshvarananda 238p Indian Mind 2016 3,317円 Śaivism -- Doctrines -- Maheśhvarānanda, active 12th century Maheśhvarānanda = Mahārthamañjarī / Śrīmanmaheśvarānandanāthaviracitā ; English translation with Sanskrit texts by Professor Satya Prakash Singh, Swami Maheshvarananda. Revised and enlarged edition
Sphotasiddhi of Mandana Misra (a critical study). Sphotasiddhi of Mandana Misra (a critical study). Rathore, Usha xx,258p 古書 Vidyanidhi Prakashan 2000 1,320円 Sanskrit language -- Philosophy -- Sphota -- Maṇḍanamiśra Sphoṭasiddhi of Maṇḍana Miśra : a critical study/ Usha Rathore Study on philosophy of Sanskrit language grammar and Hindu philosoph
Somadeva's Yasastilaka: aspects of Jainism, Indian thought and culture. Somadeva's Yasastilaka: aspects of Jainism, Indian thought and culture. Handiqui, Krishna Kanta xxxvi,539p Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan/ D.K. PrintworldRashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan/ D.K. Printworld 2011(1949) 4,752円 Somadeva Sūri, active 10th century Yaśastilaka -- Jainism -- Indian philosophy -- India Yaśastilaka by Somadeva, composed in CE 959, is a Jaina religious romance written in Sanskrit prose and verse. It is notable as an encyclopaedic record of literary, socio-political, religious and philosophical data that throws light on the cultural history of the Deccan in early medieval India. This volume presents a critical study of the work, providing a comprehensive picture of the life and thought of the time of Somadeva. Includes verses in Sanskrit
First Words, Last words: new theories for reading old texts in sixteenth-century India. First Words, Last words: new theories for reading old texts in sixteenth-century India. Bronner, Yigal & Lawrence McCrea xi,191p Oxford U.P. 2021 11,243円 Vedas -- Mimamsa -- Hermeneutics -- History First Words, Last Words charts an intense "pamphlet war" that took place in sixteenth-century South India. Yigal Bronner and Lawrence McCrea explore this controversy as a case study in the dynamics of innovation in early modern India, a time of great intellectual innovation. This debate took place within the traditional discourses of Vedic Hermeneutics, or Mīmāṃsā, and its increasingly influential sibling discipline of Vedānta, and its proponents among the leading intellectuals and public figures of the period.
Routledge Handbook of South Asian Religions. Routledge Handbook of South Asian Religions. Jacobsen, Knut A. (ed.) xxi,447p Pap. Routledge 2021 9,369円 The Routledge Handbook of South Asian Religions presents critical research, overviews, and case studies on religion in historical South Asia, in the seven nation states of contemporary South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives, and in the South Asian diaspora.
The Hathayogapradipika of Svatmarama, The Hathayogapradipika of Svatmarama, Svatmarama xviii,175p(Skt)+106p The Adyar Library and Research Centre 2012 1,980円 Hatha yoga -- Svātmārāma, Swami. -- Haṭhayogapradīpikā The Haṭhayogapradīpikā of Svātmārāma : with the commentary Jyotsnā of Brahmānanda, and English translation/ Svātmārāma, Swami, author., Srinivasa Aiyangar, M. (Muttusvami), translator. Verse treatise, with commentary, on haṭha yoga English and Sanskrit; introductory matter in English, Originally texts published in 1893
The Original Yoga, as expounded in Sivasamhita, Gherandasamhita, and Patanjala Yogasutra. The Original Yoga, as expounded in Sivasamhita, Gherandasamhita, and Patanjala Yogasutra. Ghosh, Shyam xxiii,262p Munshiram 2017(1980) 3,148円 Yoga -- Patañjali The Original yoga : as expounded in Śiva-samhitā, Gheraṇḍa-samhitā, and Pt̄añjala Yoga-sūtra translated, edited, and annotated with an introd. by Shyam Ghosh English and Sanskrit
Yajnavalkya, with the commentary of Vijnanesvara called the Mitaksara and notes from the gloss of Balambhatta. Yajnavalkya, with the commentary of Vijnanesvara called the Mitaksara and notes from the gloss of Balambhatta. Yajnavalkya xix,440p+112p(skt) Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 2003 repr. 2,673円 Dharma -- Hindu law -- Early works to 1800 Yājñavalkya smr̥ti : with the commentary of Vijñāneśvara called the Mitākṣarā and notes from the gloss of Bālambhaṭṭa/ translated into English by Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vidyarnava ; along with text and Mitākṣarā Sanskrit commentary edited by Wasudev Laxman Shastri Panshikar Sasnkrit text of the Yājñavalkyasmr̥tiḥ with the Mitākṣarā commentary has a separate title page in Sanskrit with the title: Yājñavalkyasmr̥tiḥ
The Law code of Visnu: a critical edition and annotated translation of the Vaisnava-Dharmasastra. The Law code of Visnu: a critical edition and annotated translation of the Vaisnava-Dharmasastra. Olivelle, Patrick 593p Primus Books 2018(09) 7,871円 Hindu law -- Viṣṇu-Smṛti -- Sources The law code of Viṣṇu : a critical edition and annotated translation of the Vaiṣṇava-Dharmaśāstra/ Patrick Olivelle Visnu (Visnu Smrti), Olivelle locates the text geographically in Kashmir and dates it to around the seventh century ce based, among other factors, on the iconographic description of Visnu. Te text was composed by a scholar who belonged to the Kathaka Branch of the Yajur eda and who was also an adherent of the Vaisnava Pancaratra tradition. This is the only legal text that shows a deep influence of the bhakti tradition.
A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit. A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit. Oberlies, Thomas lvi,647p Motilal 2021(03) 8,410円 Sanskrit language Grammar -- Epic poetry -- Mahābhārata -- Sanskrit History and criticism Comprehensive and systematically organized description of the peculiarities of the epic language and the features that distinguish it from Vedic and Panini's grammar. Indian reprint (Walter de Gruyter, 2003)
The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy. The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy. Ganeri, Jonardon (ed.) xix,807p Pap. Oxford U.P. 2021(17) 6,545円 * Revitalizes the field of Indian philosophy, bringing to bear exciting new analytic approaches to key texts
Outlines of Muhammadan Law. Outlines of Muhammadan Law. Fyzee, Asaf A.A. xix,520p 古書 Oxford U.P. (India) 1987(49) 726円 Islamic law -- Freedom of religion -- India
Human Being, Bodily Being: phenomenology from classical India. Human Being, Bodily Being: phenomenology from classical India. Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi viii,204p pap. Oxford U.P. 2021(18) 4,425円 Human body -- Philosophy -- Indian literature -- India Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad offers illuminating new perspectives on contemporary phenomenological theories of body and subjectivity, based on studies of classical Indian texts that deal with bodily subjectivity. Examining four texts from different genres - a medical handbook, epic dialogue, a manual of Buddhist practice, and erotic poetry - he argues for a 'phenomenological ecology' of bodily subjectivity in health, gender, contemplation, and lovemaking.
Yogatantragamadrstya Mudratattvavimarsah. Yogatantragamadrstya Mudratattvavimarsah. Śastri, Laksama Rava 2p, 44p, 431p illus. Sampurnanand Sanskrit Univ. 2008 2,343円 Mudrās (Hinduism) -- Tantrism -- Doctine -- Yoga Yogatantrāgamadr̥ṣṭyā mudrātattvavimarṣaḥ/ Śāstrī, E. Lakṣmaṇa Rāva Analytical study of mudras in Yoga and Tantrism in Sanskrit

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