




South Asian History, Society, Culture, Literature
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
History of Unani Medicine in India. History of Unani Medicine in India. Azmi, Altaf Ahmad viii,273p ills. pap. Ctr. for History of Medicine & Science, Jamia Hamdad 2004 1,386円 Medicine -- India -- Mughal period -- History [The development of Unani (Graeco-Arab medicine) in India during the Mughal period] Unani medicine was introduced into India in the 7th century A.D. Its progress was not so significant during the reigns of Khiljis, Tughlaqs and Lodhis. Its real development took place during the Mughal period. Apart from the literary works done on the Unani medicine during this period, several hospitals were also established by Mughal emperors and nobles in various parts of the country. Development of Unani medicine in India during the Mughal period was superior both in quantity and quality as compared to the development made during the pre-Mughal period.
The Mahabharata, for the first time critically edited The Mahabharata, for the first time critically edited   19 vols. in 22 pts. 古書 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. 1933-1966 93,327円 The Mahābhārata/ for the first time critically edited by Vishnu S. Sukthankar, S.K. Belvalkar, P.L. Vaidya, with the co-operation of Balasaheb Pant Pratinidhi [and others] ; and illustrated from ancient models by Balasaheb Pant Pratinidhi. Text in Sanskrit, introductory matter and notes in English Vols. 1 ( 2 pts.), 2-15, 16 (with Introduction), 17 (2 pts.), 18-19 in 22 pts.
The Harivamsa, being the Khila or supplement to the Mahabharata, The Harivamsa, being the Khila or supplement to the Mahabharata,   2 vols. 古書 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. 1969-71 8,455円 The Harivaṁśa ; vol. 1 : (critical text), vol. 2 : (appendices) Text in Sanskrit, introductory matter and notes in English
Ashoka in Ancient India. Ashoka in Ancient India. Lahiri, Nayanjot xix,385p Harvard U.P. 2015 5,304円 Aśoka,King of Magadha, active 259 B.C. -- India -- Kings and rulers -- Biography -- History In the third century BCE, Ashoka ruled an empire encompassing much of modern-day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. During his reign, Buddhism proliferated across the South Asian subcontinent, and future generations of Asians came to see him as the ideal Buddhist king. Disentangling the threads of Ashoka's life from the knot of legend that surrounds it, Nayanjot Lahiri presents a vivid biography of this extraordinary Indian emperor and deepens our understanding of a legacy that extends beyond the bounds of his lifetime and dominion.
Le Paon dans les Religions, de l'Asie a la Medieterranee: Sacralise, Diabolise. Le Paon dans les Religions, de l'Asie a la Medieterranee: Sacralise, Diabolise. Tortel, Christiane 494p ills. photos. Geuthner 2019 14,259円 Peafowl -- Religious aspects -- Symbolic aspects -- Mythology -- Peafowl in art -- Hinduism -- Buddhism -- Asia -- Middle East Le paon dans les religions : de l'Asie à la Méditerranée : sacralisé, diabolisé/ Christiane Tortel À cause de sa beauté bien sur, mais aussi parce qu'il déploie sa queue ocellée d'Est en Ouest, s'habille de neuf au printemps, annonce la pluie par ses cris et resiste au venin des serpents qu'il tue, le paon a ete porte au plus haut de l'echelle des symboles dans les religions de l'Asie à la Mediterranée. Gardien des Portes de l'Au-dela en Chine archaique, Monture du dieu de la guerre en Inde, Avatar du Bouddha Gautama dans les contes didactiques, Substitut du Dionysos Sauveur dans les cultes a Mysteres apres les conquetes d'Alexandre, l'oiseau conserve intacte sa valeur d'eclaireur sur les Voies du Salut jusqu’en christianisme byzantin et post-byzantin dans les terres de culture greco-romaine. Mais tout a coup en Occident medieval, juge trop fier de sa beaute, il tombe de toute sa hauteur et devient une incarnation du Diable. Le processus de diabolisation s'avère d’autant plus enigmatique dans ses causes que les clercs lui font endosser certains – et seulement certains – des vices qui n'appartiennent qu'a l'homme, dont des pratiques sexuelles qui le rendent encore plus monstrueux. La question que pose cette incroyable campagne de destruction est donc une question de représentation, mais de representation de qui ? L'identification par les Textes du personnage le plus execre en cette periode troublee par l'expansion de l'islam permettra-t-elle de neutraliser le reflexe de repulsion eprouve envers le plus beau des oiseaux depuis des siecles, et cela meme à la seule vue de ses plumes ?
Rasa Reader: classical Indian aesthetics. Rasa Reader: classical Indian aesthetics. Pollock, Sheldon (ed. & tr.) xxiv,442p pap. Permanent Black 2017(16) 4,732円 Rasas -- Aesthetics, Indic -- Sanskrit literature -- Early works to 1800 From the early years of the Common Era to 1700, Indian intellectuals explored with unparalleled subtlety the place of emotion in art. Their investigations led to the deconstruction of art's formal structures and broader inquiries into the pleasure of tragic tales. Rasa, or taste, was the word they chose to describe art's aesthetics, and their passionate effort to pin down these phenomena became its own remarkable act of creation. This book is the first in any language to follow the evolution of rasa from its origins in dramaturgical thought'a concept for the stage'to its flourishing in literary thought'a concept for the page.
Classical Sanskrit Tragedy: the concept of suffering and pathos in medieval India. Classical Sanskrit Tragedy: the concept of suffering and pathos in medieval India. Sarkar, Bihani 224p I.B. Tauris 2021 18,275円 Sanskrit literature -- Poetry and Drama -- To 1500 -- History and criticism Looking at Kalidasa, the most celebrated writer of Sanskrit poetry and drama (kavya), this book argues that constructions of absence and grief are central to Kalidasa's compositions and that these 'tragic middles' are much more sophisticated than previously understood.
The History of the Arthasastra: sovereignty and sacred law in ancient India. The History of the Arthasastra: sovereignty and sacred law in ancient India. McClish, Mark xvi,274p Cambridge U.P. 2019 16,126円 Kauṭalya. -- Arthaśāstra -- Political science -- India -- History The Arthasastra is the foundational text of Indic political thought. By analyzing its early history, Mark McClish overturns prevailing beliefs that ancient India was governed by religion and shows that this text originally espoused a political philosophy characterized by empiricism and pragmatism, ignoring the sacred mandate of dharma altogether.
The Sangitakrtis of Svati Sri Rama Varma Maharaja. The Sangitakrtis of Svati Sri Rama Varma Maharaja. Sambasiva Sastri, K. (ed.) 178p Oriental Research Inst. & MSS. Library, U. of Kerala 2013(1932) 1,287円 Songs, Sanskrit -- Texts -- music -- India Compositions of Svātitirunāḷ, 1813-1846, of a poet-composer and former ruler of Travancore The saṅgītakr̥tis of Svāti Sri Rāma Varma Mahārāja = Saṅgītakr̥tayaḥ
Literature, Culture and History in Mughal North India, 1550-1800. Literature, Culture and History in Mughal North India, 1550-1800. Sharma, Sandhya x,241p ills. pap. Primus Bookss x,241p ills. 2,871円 Braj poetry -- Culture in literature -- India -- History -- 1526-1765 This book is a pioneering attempt to study Mughal Indian polity and the dynamics of family, kinship and caste through Riti Kal literature. The literature, in the form of drama and Braja bhasha poetry, provides evidence of regional diversities and varied patterns of historical developments in medieval north India.
Sikh History from Persian Sources: translations of major texts. Sikh History from Persian Sources: translations of major texts. Grewal, J.S. & Irfan Habib (ed.) xii,228p Tulika 2011(01) 1,430円 Sikhs -- History -- Sources -- Congresses This volume is a part of the research and publication programme of the Indian History congress to commemorate the tercentenary of the Kghalsa. It presents translations of all major Persian sources of Sikh history up to 1765, when Sikh power was established over the Punjab.
Religion in Indian History. Religion in Indian History. Habib, Irfan (ed. & intro.) xli,290p Tulika 2017(07) 2,178円 The results may surprise those who are more familiar with chauvinistic or apologetic interpretations. The editor's introduction and the fifteen chapters range over an extensive period, from prehistory to the present day, and take up specific problems of crucial significance in exploring the inter- relationship between religion and social change.
The Culture of the Book in Tibet. The Culture of the Book in Tibet. Schaeffer, Kurtis R. xiii,244p Columbia U.P. 2014 5,551円 Tibetan Buddhist literature -- History and criticism a fabulous introduction to the religious significance of books in the Tibetan cultural world. The history of the book in Tibet involves more than literary trends and trade routes. Functioning as material, intellectual, and symbolic object, the book has been an instrumental tool in the construction of Tibetan power and authority, and its history opens a crucial window onto the cultural, intellectual, and economic life of an immensely influential Buddhist society.
Tibet in Dialogue with its Neighbours: history, culture and art of Central and Western Tibet, 8th to 15th century. Tibet in Dialogue with its Neighbours: history, culture and art of Central and Western Tibet, 8th to 15th century. Forte, Erika, Liang Junyan, D. Klimburg-Salter, Zhang Yun & H. Tauscher (ed.) ii,520p ills. (+CD) Arbeitskreis f:ur Tibetische und Buddhistischen Studien, U. of wien/ China Tibetology Research Center 2015 9,474円 Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- History -- Civilization -- Art 8-15世纪中西部西藏的历史, 文化与艺术 This volume collects the papers presented on the occasion of two combined events that took place in Vienna in April 2011: the symposium 'The art and cultural history of central and western Tibet' and the workshop 'Cultural Heritage Preservation Pref., table of contents and colophon also in Chinese; parallel text in English and Chinese, except one contribution in Chinese and Tibetan with English summary.
A History of Indian Medical Literature, A History of Indian Medical Literature, Jan Meulenbeld, G. 5 vols. Egbert Forsten 1999-2002 119,031円 Medical literature -- Ayurvedic medicine -- History The present work comprises the entire corpus of Sanskrit medical texts, from the earliest times to the present.
Hindu Medicine. Hindu Medicine. Zimmer, Henry R. xliii,126p Good Companoons 2000 repr. 古書 1,386円
Meaning and Beauty: Shastric foundation of Indian aesthetics. Meaning and Beauty: Shastric foundation of Indian aesthetics. Tripathi, Kamalesh Datta & Pranati Ghosal (ed.) xxxiv,215p ills. Indira Gandhi National Ctr. for the Arts/ Aryan Books Int'l 2019 3,366円 Aesthetics, Indic. -- Sanskrit literature -- History and criticism India not only has a very rich and uninterrupted tradition of poetry, but it also developed different forms of literature, including drama, and an equally ancient tradition of performing as well as plastic art forms. The Nafya:scistra of Bharata remains the source of the entire speculation on poetics and the theory of art and aesthetics. Abhinavabharati, the only available commentary on the Natyashastra is a monumental work on not only the theory of rasa but also on the concept of beauty in nature as well as art. At the same time, there are numerous texts available on music, dance, sculpture, architecture and so on, besides the huge material available in the Agamas and the Puranas. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), Regional Centre, Varanasi cherished an idea of exploring the possibilities of the pervasive theory of Indian aesthetics, which may embrace literature, theatre and all other art forms. With a desire to explore to what extent these theories may encompass the vast area of literature and arts, a special lecture series was planned and organized. The present volume is an outcome of the lecture series. It is hoped that volume will be of immense interest to the connoisseurs of Indian art and aesthetics across the country and abroad. It should help them to relish the taste of various dimensions of Indian aesthetics.
Biruni. Biruni. Malagaris, George x,166p Oxford U.P. (India) 2020 pap. 1,782円 Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 973?-1048 -- Muslim scientists -- Biography -- Central Asia -- India This book places Biruni in his historical and cultural context within the long-term history of medieval Eurasia. It outlines the course of Biruni’s life, clarifying key questions about his associations, travels, and patrons. Following an overview of Biruni’s chief interests, it details his major works to illustrate the breadth of Biruni’s output and his intellectual approach, especially his attention to language, esteem for knowledge, and commitment to objective truth. An account of his institutional context and relationships elucidates his friendships and rivalries, notably with Avicenna. The book also shows how varied paths of transmission affected the legacy of Biruni and its reception in global scientific and literary traditions. Finally, a timeline, list of key works, and detailed bibliographic essay will guide readers into further study of Biruni and his thought. This comprehensive overview of Biruni is based on the Arabic and Persian primary sources in the original languages using the best editions.
Understanding Itihasa. Understanding Itihasa. Bhattacharya, Sibesh Chandra xi,183p Indian Institute of Advanced Study 2010 1,564円 Philosophy of history -- India -- Historiography On the philosophy of historical writings to 324 B.C. Understanding Itihasa in fact stoutly and cogently contests the stereotypical view that early India lacked a sense of history. With patience, care and sympathy the monograph studies and analyzes a host of terms and concepts that developed in early India relating to human past, the methods of its preservation and the concerned expertise in those fields. The material studies spans from the Rgvedic period to the Early Medieval and includes literary, epigraphical and numismatic. The monograph gently and firmly asserts that the currently dominate view of history may not be the only valid way of looking at past. pt. 1. The path that great men walked -- pt. 2. In the shadow of the absolute --
Greater Magadha: studies in the cultures of early India. Greater Magadha: studies in the cultures of early India. Bronkhorst, Johannes xix,414p Motilal 2013(07) 3,149円 Magadha (Kingdom) -- Civilization -- Hinduism -- History of doctrines Greater Magadha, roughly the eastern part of the Gangetic plain of northern India, has so far been looked upon as deeply indebted to Brahmanical culture. Religions such as Buddhism and Jainism are thought of as derived, in one way or another, from Vedic religion. This belief is defective in various respects. This book argues for the importance and independence of Greater Magadha as a cultural area until a date close to the beginning of the Common Era. In order to correct the incorrect notions, two types of questions are dealt with: questions pertaining to cultural and religious dependencies, and questions relating to chronology. As a result a modified picture arises that also has a bearing on the further development of Indian culture.

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