South Asia: Modern History, Politics, Society
書名 | 著者名 | 冊数 | 出版元 | 刊行年 | 価格 | 解説 | |
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Women, Wealth and the State in Early Colonial India : the begams of Awadh. | Abbott, Nicholas J. | xvii,292p. maps | Edinburgh U.P. | 2024 | 22,770円 | India -- Oudh -- Women political activity -- British occupation -- History -- 18th century Few polities were more instrumental to the rise of the East India Company and the advent of British colonial rule in South Asia than the Mughal successor state of Awadh (c. 1722–1856). And few individuals influenced the making of the Awadh regime and its pivotal relationship with the Company more than the chief consorts (begams) of its ruling dynasty. Drawing on previously unexamined Persian sources, this book centres the begams of Awadh within a revised history of state-formation and conceptual change in pre- and early colonial India. |
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Emperor of the Five Rivers: the life and times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. | Sheikh, Mohamed | xx,226p.+pages of plates, pap. | Bloomsbury | 2023(21) | 4,193円 | Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Punjab, 1780-1839 -- India Punjab -- Biographies -- History Aside from building his own nation, Ranjit built solid strategic relations with his most challenging aggressor- the British. Through stamina and political will, he managed to establish a formal treaty between the two and secured from 1809 Britain's protection against third party attempts to conquer the Punjab. Following Ranjit Singh's death in 1839, the Empire fell into decline. Just six years later, the Punjabis attacked the British and in 1845 they were beaten and forced to sign the Treaty of Lahore, essentially conceding control to the British. |
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Muslim under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and religious tolerance. | Yasmin, Robina | vi,192p. pap. | Bloomsbury | 2023(22) | 6,765円 | Mulim --Sikhism -- India -- Punjab -- Religious tolerance -- Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Punjab, 1780-1839 Though the history of Sikh-Muslim relations is fraught with conflict, this book examines how the policies of Sikh rulers attempted to avoid religious bigotry and prejudice at a time when Muslims were treated as third-class citizens. Focusing on the socio-economic, political and religious condition of Muslims under Sikh rule in the Punjab during the 19th century, this book demonstrates that Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors took a secular approach towards their subjects. Using various archival sources, including the Fakir Khana Family archives and the Punjab Archives, the author argues citizens had freedom to practice their religion, with equal access to employment, education and justice. |
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A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries. | Aitchison, C.U. (comp.) | 14 vols. 古書 | Mittal Publications | 1983(1929) | 6,600円 | India -- Diplomatic relations -- India Foreign relations Treaties -- 1765-1947 Table of contents: v. 1. Punjab, Punjab states, and Delhi.--v. 2. United provinces of Agra & Oudh, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa & the Central Provinces.-- v. 3. Rajputana.-- v. 4. Central India Agency, Bhopal Agency & southern states of Central & Malwa Agency.-- v. 5. Central India (Bhundelkhand & Baghelkhand & Gwalior).-- v. 6. Western India states & Baroda.--v. 7-8. Bombay.--v. 9. Hyderabad, Mysore & Coorg.--v. 10. Madras & the Madras States.-- v. 11. Aden & the south western coast of Arabia, the Arab principalities in the Persian Gulf, Muscat (Oman), Baluchistan & the North West Frontier Province -- v. 12. Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Assam & Burma -- v. 13. Persia & Afghanistan -- v. 14. Eastern Turkistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan & Siam. |
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Caste in India. | Mines, Diana P. | xiii,93p. photos. | Association for Asian Studies | 2009 | 3,001円 | Caste -- India -- Social Classes Mines has produced a clear and compelling introduction to one of the world's most complex and misunderstood social systems. This booklet offers an exhaustive overview of the anthropology and history of caste based on extensive reading and over two decades of ethnographic research in rural South India. It also speaks to the wider political and economic dimensions of caste as it is lived and debated in India today. |
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Caste, Society and Politics in India: From the Eighteenth Century to the Modern Age. | Bayly, Susan | ix,421p. maps, photos. pap. | Cambridge U.P. | 2002(1999) | 1,650円 | Caste -- India -- social classes -- History, 18th - 20th centuries The phenomenon of caste has probably aroused more controversy than any other aspect of Indian life and thought. Some scholars see India's caste system as the defining feature of Indian culture, although it is dismissed by others as a colonial artefact. Susan Bayly's cogent and sophisticated analysis explores the emergence of the ideas, experiences and practices which gave rise to so-called 'caste society' over a period of 350 years, from the pre-colonial period to the end of the twentieth century. Combining historical and anthropological approaches, Bayly frames her analysis within the context of India's dynamic economic and social order. She thereby interprets caste not as the essence of Indian culture and civilisation, but rather as a contingent and variable response to the enormous changes that occurred in the subcontinent's political landscape both before and after colonial conquest. |
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Crisis and Religious Renwal in the Brahmo Samaj (1860-1884): | Damen, Frans L. | 368p. | Dept. Oriëntalistiek, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 1983 | 5,330円 | Brahma-samaj -- History -- Nababidhāna Brāhmasamāja (India) -- Sen, Keshab Chandra |
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Islam, Caste and Dalit-Muslim Relations in India. | Sikand, Yoginder | 127p. | Global Media Publications | 2004 | 660円 | Caste -- Religious aspects Islam -- Dalits -- Hinduism and politics The author tries to explore various dimensions of the caste question among Muslims in India. He also offers reasons as to why Dalits and Muslims need to come together to fight discrimination against them. |
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Islamism and Democracy in India: The Transformation of Jamaat-e-Islami. | Ahmad, Irfan | xx,306p. | Orient Blackswan | 2010 | 3,300円 | India -- Islam and politics -- Jamaat-e Islami -- Secularism This book argues that when secular democracy is responsible to the traditions and aspirations of its Muslim citizens, Muslims in turn embrace pluralism and democracy. But when democracy becomes majoritarian and exclusionary, Muslims turn radical. |