



In Asian Waters: Oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama.

Tagliacozzo, Eric
Princeton U.P.
xix,489p. photos. maps

Ocean and civilization -- Asia -- Trade -- Navigation -- History

Paying special attention to migration, trade, the environment, and cities, In Asian Waters examines the long history of contact between China and East Africa, the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism across the Bay of Bengal, and the intertwined histories of Islam and Christianity in the Philippines. The book illustrates how India became central to the spice trade, how the Indian Ocean became a “British lake” between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and how lighthouses and sea mapping played important roles in imperialism. The volume ends by asking what may happen if China comes to rule the waves of Asia, as Britain once did.

1. South from Nagasaki, West from Hormuz
Part I. Maritime Connections
Preface: In Asian Waters
2. From China to Africa: Prolegomenon
3. Vietnam's Maritime Trade Orbit
Part II. Bodies of Water
Preface: The Imbricated Histories of Two Seas
4. Smuggling in the South China Sea: Illicit Histories
5. The Center and Its Margins: How the Indian Ocean Became "British
Part III. Religion on the Tides
Preface: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity in Asian Waters 6. Passage of Amulets: Hindu-Buddhist Transmissions in the Bay of Bengal
7. Zamboanga, Mindanao: Islam and Christianity at the End of the World
Part IV. Cities and the Sea
Preface: Urbanism Connects: The Life of Asian Cities
8. The Morphogenesis of Port Cities in "Greater Southeast Asia
9. From Aden to Bombay, from Singapore to Pusan: Colonial Circuits
Part V. The Bounty of the Oceans
Preface: The Environmental History of Asian Seas
10. Fins, Slugs, Pearls: Marine Products and Sino-Southeast Asia
11. On the Docks: How India's Southern Coasts Became "Spice Central Part VI. Technologies of the Sea
Preface: The Technological Imperative in the Maritime History of Asia
12. Foucault's Other Panopticon, or Lighting Colonial Southeast Asia
13. Of Maps and Men: Hydrography and Empire
14. If China Rules the Waves
Appendix A: Base Chronologies for Asia's Seas
Appendix B: Written-Down Oral Histories of the Swahili Coasts
Appendix C: Fieldwork Excerpt from Sana'a: An Arab Herbalist
Appendix D: Indian Spice Traders in India and Malaysia
Appendix E: Dutch East Indies Regulations with Local Maritime States Appendix F: Chinese Marine Goods Traders in East and Southeast Asia
Appendix G: Chinese Marine Products Newspaper Clipping, Taipei, Taiwan


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