
Perspectives of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.

Kumar, Bimalendra
Eastern Book Linkers

Buddhism -- Tibet -- Pali literature -- Civilization

The present book contains thirty-six research papers pertain-ing to a variety of themes ranging from different aspects of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. It also includes some selected topics of early Buddhism related with social, historical and cultural aspects. The title given to the volume virtually reflects the diver-city of its contents related with social, historical and cultural aspects. The title given to the volume virtually reflects with Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. All the articles are substantially based on canonical Buddhist texts, available in Tibetan, Pali and Sanskrit sources.

1. An Analysis of Recollection of Buddha: Buddhānusm.rti
2. Abhidharma Texts in Tibetan
3. A Study of Pāli Suttas in the Tibetan Buddhisy Literature
4. An Analytical Study of the Tibetan and Chinese Version of Mahāyānaśatadharmavidyādvāra-śāstra
5. A Study of Rital of Tibetan Bonpos vat Solan, Himachal Pradesh
6. The Yuktisastika-Kārikā of Nāgārjuna
7. Lo-Che Rin-Chen Bzan-po as a Great Translator
8. Bilateral Cultural Contacts between India and China
9. A Study of Buddhism in Sikkim
10. Relevance of Tibetan Buddhism in Modern Society
11. Tibetan Buddhist Monastic Education and Humanism
12. A Study of Socio-Cultural Systems of Immigrant Bonpost of Himachal Pradesh
13. Contribution of Rahul Sankrityayan in Indo-Tibetan Studies
14. Theory of Action (Kamma) and Causual Relation (Paccaya) in Early Buddhist Philosophy
15. Concept and Practice of Satya (Truth) in Buddhism
16. Buddhism and Humanism
17. Ethical Value in the Theory of Relation
18. Theory of Rerlation and Meditation in Buddhism
19. A Study of the Patthāna-pakarana
20. Mahapandita Rāhul Sankrityāyan and His Contribution in thev Development of Pāli Literature
21. A Study of Ayodhyā in Pāli Literature
22. Casual Relation in Mādhyamika Thought
23. The Law of Developmenjt Origination and Relations
24. A Study of the Terms Bodhicaryāvatāra
25. Non-Violence (Ahimsā): Buddha's and Gandhi's Views
26. Contribution of Professor Giuseppe Tucci in Yogācāra Philosophy
27. Tabo Monastery as a World Heritage
28. Symbolical Significance of Svāstīka in Tibetan Buddhism
29. Contribution of Ācārya Buddhaghosa in Sinhalese Buddhism Tradition
30. A Study of Pātliputra (based on Pali and Tibetan sources)
31. Abhidharma and Ecology
32. Social Work and Buddhism
33. Relevance of Buddhism in Present Context
34. A Study of Material World in Buddhism
35. Buddhism and Environmental Pollution
36. The Origin and Growth of Schism in the Buddhist Order


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