
Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: text and context.

(Samiksika, 1)

Basu, Ratna (ed.)
National Mission for Manuscripts/ Munshiram

Buddhist literature -- India -- History and criticism -- Congresses

Contributed articles presented at the Seminar on Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: Text and Context held in July 2005 in Kolkata under the coordination of Calcutta University Manuscript Resource Centre in collaboration with The Asiatic Society

Chapter 1: Buddhist Literary Texts/ MICHAEL HAHN
2: Glimpses of Buddhist Canons and their Divisions/ SATKARI MUKHOPADHYAYA
3: Buddhist Cultural Heritage in Pali and Sanskrit/ BAIDYANATH LABH
4: Tibetan Tradition as Complementary to Indian Tradition/ MRINA- KANTI GANGOPADHYAY
5: Buddhism and Indo-Tibetan Literature: A Survey of Xylographs and Manuscripts in India/ S.K. PATHAK
6: Pali Literature of Pagan (Pagan Period)/ DEVAPRASAD GUHA
7: Aspects of Buddhist Tantric Texts: The Sadhana Literature/ KARUNESH SHUKIA
8: Tantras: Transcendence and Tumescence/ LOKESH CHANDRA
9: Suttas Expounding Vipassana/ ANGRAJ CHOUDHARY
10: A Brief Analysis of the Content, Literary Style and Language of the Bhadrakalpavadana/ KAKAL GHOSH
11: The Text of the Vasundhardvratotpattyavadana: A Sanskrit Buddhist Narrative/ RATNA BASU
12: The Implication of the Word abhranta (non-illusory) in Dharmakirti's Definition of Perception/ SANJIT KUMAR SADHUKHAN
13: Buddhism as Revealed in the Image Inscriptions of Early India/ JAGATPXTI SARKAR
14: A Brief survey of the Buddhist Literary Heritage Contained in the Kurram Copper Casket Inscription/ DEBARCHANA SARKAR


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