
Radiant Emptiness: three seminal works by the golden Pandita Shaykya Chokden.

Komarovski, Yaroslav
Oxford U.P.

Śākya-mchog-ldan, Gser-mdog Paṇ-chen, 1428-1507 -- Yogācāra -- Mādhyamika -- Buddhism

Radiant emptiness : three seminal works by the Golden Paṇḍita Shakya Chokden/ Śākya-mchog-ldan, Gser-mdog PanÌ£-chen, Yaroslav Komarovski (tr.)

Yaroslav Komarovski offers an annotated translation of three seminal works on the nature and relationship of the Yogacara and Madhyamaka schools of Buddhist thought, by Serdok Penchen Shakya Chokden (1428-1507). There has never been consensus on the meaning of Madhyamaka and Yogacara, and for more than fifteen centuries the question of correct identification and interpretation of these systems has remained unsolved. Chokden proposes to accept Yogacara and Madhyamaka on their own terms as compatible systems, despite their considerable divergences and reciprocal critiques. His major objective is to bring Yogacara back from obscurity, present it in a positive light, and correct its misrepresentation by earlier thinkers. He thus serves as a major resource for scholarly research on the historical and philosophical development of Yogacara and Madhyamaka. Until recently, Shakya Chokden's works have been largely unavailable. Only in 1975 were his collected writings published in twenty-four volumes in Bhutan.

Introduction --
Profound thunder amidst the clouds of the ocean of definitive meaning: Differentiation of the two systems of the great Madhyamaka deriving from the two great chariot ways --
Rain of ambrosia: Extensive auto-commentary on the treatise that, explaining differentiation of the two ways of great chariots, establishes the definitive meaning approved by them as one --
Great path of the ambrosia of emptiness: Explanation of profound pacification free from proliferations --
English-Tibetan glossary --
Glossary of Tibetan names --
Chapter outlines


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