



Innovations and Turning Points: towards a history of Kavya literature.

(South Asia Research)

Tubb, Gary, Yigal Bronner & David Shulman (ed.)
Oxford U.P. (India)

Sanskrit literature -- Sanskrit poetry -- History and criticism

With a panoramic overview of South Asian classical literature, this book identifies critical moments of breakthrough and innovation in Sanskrit literature—moments when the basic rules of composition and the aesthetic and poetic goals underwent dramatic change.

Introduction / Yigal Bronner, David Shulman, Gary Tubb
Kalidasa and Early Classicism. Waking Aja / David Shulman
Baking Uma / Gary Tubb
On Beginnings: Introductions and Prefaces in Kavya / Herman Tieken
Developing Mahakavya. Pace and Pattern in the Kiratarjuniya / Peter Khoroche
The Conquest of Cool: Theology and Aesthetics in Magha's Sisupalavadha / Lawrence McCrea
Kavya with Bells On: Yamaka in the Sisupalavadha / Gary Tubb
A Constant Flow of Pilgrims: Kavya and the Early History of the Kakawin / Thomas M. Hunter
The Masters of Prose. The Nail-Mark That Lit the Bedroom: Biography of a Compound / Yigal Bronner
Bana's Death in the Kadambari / Herman Tieken
Persons Compunded and Confounded: A Reading of Bana's Kadambari / David Shulman
On the Boldness of Bana / Gary Tubb
The Sons of Bana. Something New in the Air: Abhinanda's Ramacarita and Its Ancestry / Gary Tubb
The Plays of Bhavabhuti / Gary Tubb
The Poetics of Perspective in Rajasekhara's Young Ramayana / Lawrence McCrea
Murari's Depths / David Shulman
Poets of the New Millennium. The Poetics of Ambivalence: Imagining and Unimagining the Political in Bilhana's Vikramankadevacarita / Yigal Bronner
Putting the Polish on the Poet's Efforts: Reading the Karnasundari as a Reflection on Poetic Creativity / Phyllis Granoff
Shadows / Charles Malamoud
Indian Kavya Poetry on the Far Side of the Himalayas: Translation, Transmission, Adaption, Originality / Dan Martin
Regional Kavyas. Sakalya Malla's Telangana Ramayana: The Udararaghava / David Shulmam
The Classical Past in the Mughal Present: The Brajbhasha Riti Tradition / Allison Busch
Poetry and Play in Kavikarnapura's Play Within the Play / Gary Tubb
Modernity in Sanskrit? Viswanatha Satyanarayana's Amrta-sarmistham / Velcheru Narayana Rao
A Distand Mirror: Innovation and Change in the East Javanese Katawin / Thomas M. Hunter


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