



South Asian Texts in History: critical engagements with Sheldon Pollock.

(Asia Past & Present)

Bronner, Yigal, Whitney Cox & Lawrence McCrea (ed.)
Association for Asian Studies (Columbia U.P.)

Pollock, Sheldon I. -- Influence -- Sanskrit literature -- History and criticism

This volume charts the contours of a reenvisioned and revitalized field of Indology in the light of the groundbreaking research of Sheldon Pollock. One of the many exciting aspects of Pollock s work is its unprecedented combination of classical textual study with cutting edge theoretical and social scientific inquiry -- a combination which this book sets out to emulate. The essays are organized into five groups that reflect the major domains of Pollock s immense contributions to the field: the epic Ramayana, Sanskrit literature and literary theory, systematic thought in premodern South Asia, the birth of a new vernacular cultural order in the subcontinent during the second millennium CE, and India s early modernity.

A new perspective on the royal Rama cult at Vijayanagara / Ajay K. Rao
A text with a thesis : the Ramayana from Appayya Diksita's receptive end / Yigal Bronner
Expert nation : an epic of antiquity in the world of modernity / Robert Goldman
The prose Varnaka in the Lalitavistara / Xi He
The second Mahabharata / Sudipta Kaviraj
The vernacular cosmopolitan : Jayadeva's Gitagovinda / Jesse Ross Knutson
Insiders, outsiders, and the Tamil tongue / Blake Wentworth
Saffron in the Rasam / Whitney Cox
Hindi literary beginnings / Allison Busch
Standards and practices : following, making, and breaking the rules of Sastra / Lawrence McCrea
For whom is the "naturalness" of language a problem? : thoughts on reframing a Buddhist-Mimamsaka debate / Dan Arnold
The social in Kashmiri aesthetics : suggesting and speciously savoring Rasa in Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta / Guy Leavitt
The end of the ends of man? / Parimal G. Patil
The triumph of reason : seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Sanskrit discourse and the application of logic to law / Ethan Kroll
The Sudra in history : from scripture to segregation / Ananya Vajpeyi
Mirrors for poets, mirrors of places : Indo-Persian comparative philology, ca. 1000-1800 ce / Rajeev Kinra


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