
A Road Less Traveled: felicitation volume in honor of John Taber.

(Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 100)

Eltschinger, V., B. Kellner, E. Mills & I. Ratie (ed.)
Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien

Buddhism -- Mahāyāna -- Buddhist literature

Introduction --
Publications of John A. Taber --
Location, Location, Location! Thoughts on the Significance of a Grammatical Point for Some Mādhyamika Arguments / Dan Arnold --
Action Theory and Scriptural Exegesis in Early Advaita-Vedānta (3) : Maṇḍana Miśra on Ontology, Time and Commandment / Hugo David --
Dharmakīrti on the Origin of Suffering : An Anno-tated Translation of PV 2.179-189 / Vincent Eltschinger --
Pleasure, Desire, and Welfare in Buddhist and Hindu Texts / Christopher Framarin and Stephen Harris --
The Bhāvikāraṇavāda of Jitari : A Tenth-Century Buddhist Treatise on Backward Causation / Eli Franco --
Mīmāṃsā between Epistemology and Hermeneutics : The History of Arthāpatti / Elisa Freschi --
Epistemology Meets Poetry : Jayanta on Dhvani / Alessandro Graheli --
Kumārila on Sādhuśabda / Kunio Harikai --
The *Madhyamakaprajñāvatāra of a Late Candrakīrti / Matthew T. Kapstein --
Bhāviveka and Kumārila on Omniscience and Scripture : Reconsidering the New Chronology / Kei Kataoka --
"Prapañca" in Gauḍapāda and Nāgārjuna / Ethan Mills --
Moral Motivation and Hindu Ethics / Roy W. Perrett --
A History of Time in the Sāṃkhya Tradition / Isabelle Ratié --
Analyse einer Sammelhandschrift von Werken Dharmakīrtis / Ernst Steinkellner --
Reversing Śāntarakṣita's Argument : Or Do Mādhyamikas Derive Part-Whole Contradictions in All Things? / Tom J. F Tillemans --
Jayanta on the Question of God's Existence / Alex Watson --
Jaimini, Bādari, and Bādarāyaṇa in the Mīmāṃsāsūtra and the Brahmasūtra / Kiyotaka Yoshimizu


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