
The Indian Oceans in the Making of Early Modern India.

Malekandathil, Pius (ed.)
480p. pap.

Merchant marine -- Indian Ocean Region -- History

This volume looks into the ways as to how the Indian Ocean circuits shaped the culture and contours of early modern India.

This volume looks into the ways Indian Ocean routes shaped the culture and contours of early modern India. IT shows how these and other historical processes saw India rebuilt and reshaped during late medieval times after a long age of relative ‘stagnation’, ‘isolation’ and ‘backwardness’.
The various papers deal with such themes including interconnectedness between Africa and India, trade and urbanity in Golconda, the changing meanings of urbanization in Bengal, commercial and cultural contact between Aceh and India, changing techniques of warfare, representation of early modern rulers of India in contemporary European paintings, the impact of the Indian Ocean on the foreign policies of the Mughals, the meanings of piracy, labour process in the textile sector, Indo-Ottoman trade, Maratha-French relations, Bible translations and religious polemics, weapon making and the uses of elephants.

Introduction / Pius Malekandathil
1 Africa and Africans in the Making of Early Modern India / Edward A. Alpers
2 Trade in the Shaping of Early Modern India : Notes on the Deccan / Archisman Chaudhuri
3 The Story of Bengal's Urbanization : Role of Trade in the Early Modern Period / Byapti Sur
4 Aceh-India Commercial and Literary Relations in the Seventeenth Century / Sher Banu A.L. Khan
5 Warfare in Early Modern South Asia, c.1520-c.1740 / Pratyay Nath
6 What Does the Emperor of India Look Like? : European Representations of Indian Rulers (1650-1740) / Corinna Forberg
7 'Floating Political Rhetoric' in the Indian Ocean : Situating the Portuguese in the Mughal Foreign Politics / Manya Rathore
8 Scourge of the Seas : Malabar Pirates and the European Expansion in the Indian Ocean (c.1600-1800) / Binu John Mailaparambil
9 Weavers in Early Modern South Asia (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries) / Murari Jha
10 Indian Textiles in the Ottoman Empire : The Example of Damascus around 1700 / Colette Establet-Vernin
11 The Maratha Court and the Embassies of Saint-Lubin and M. Montigny : A Truce towards Cordial Relations / Umesh Ashok Kadam
12 The Unquiet Religious Backdrop to European East Indies Trade : Christian Polemical Literature and the First Portuguese Translation of the Bible, 1642-1694 / Luis Henrique Menezes Fernandes and Stefan Halikowski Smith
13 The Techniques of Sword Making and Trade Practices : Taiid-e-Bisarat, a Treatise from Eighteenth Century Mughal Court / Chander Shekhar
14 Elephants and the Making of Early Modern India / Martha Chaiklin


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