



A Cultural History of Hinduism.

6 volumes set

Pechilis, Karen (gen. ed.)
6 vols.

India -- Hindu civilization -- hinduism and culture

How has Hinduism been shaped over time? What are continuities and changes in its cultural history of textual, social, ritual, visual, political, philosophical, and theological perspectives and practices?
Spanning over 4,000 years, A Cultural History of Hinduism provides an authoritative survey of one of the world's oldest religious traditions in its social and cultural contexts, from ancient times to the present. With 55 experts from academic disciplines such as history, religion studies, art history, anthropology and philosophy, the work represents inclusive narratives and aims to generate new cultural history questions.
Capter titles are identical across each of the volumes. This gives the choice of reading about a specific period in one of the volumes, or following a theme across history by reading the relevant chapter in each of the six.

The six volumes cover:
1 – Antiquity (2000 – 200 BCE); ed. by J.L. Whitaker
2 – Classical Age (200 BCE – 800 CE); ed. by Adheesh Sathaye
3 – Post-Classical Age (800 – 1500); ed. by Karen Pechilis
4 – Age of Empires (1500 – 1857); ed. by Valeries Stoker
5 –Age of Late Colonialism (1857 – 1947); ed. by Gwilym Beckerlegge
6 – Age of Independence (1947 – 2017), ed. by Amanda Lucia & Maya Warrier

Volume 1: A Cultural History of Hinduism in Antiquity / Edited by Jarrod L. Whitaker, Wake Forest University, USA
Introduction: A Cultural History of Hinduism in Antiquity / Jarrod Whitaker (Wake Forest University, USA)
1. The Invention of Vedic / Authority Caley C. Smith, (University of Washington, USA)
2. Defining Body and Mind in Ancient India / Amy Hyne-Sutherland (Independent Scholar, USA)
3. Social Organization and Everyday Norms in Ancient India Marko Geslani (University of South Carolina, USA)
4. Identity, Difference and Dialogue in Ancient India / Signe Cohen (University of Missouri, USA)
5. Politics and Power in Ancient India / Marianna Ferrara (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
6. Visual Culture in Ancient India / Joanna Jurewicz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
7. Lineages and Emerging Exemplars and Movements in Ancient India / James M. Hegarty (Cardiff University, UK)
8. Teaching the Antiquity of Hinduism: Challenges and Directions Madhav M. Deshpande (University of Michigan)
Volume 2: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Classical Age / Edited by Adheesh Sathaye, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Introduction: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Classical Age /Adheesh A. Sathaye (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
1. Sources of Authority in the Formation of Classical Hinduism / Timothy Lubin (Lee University, USA)
2. Defining Body and Mind: Asceticism, Yoga, and Meditation / Karen O'Brien-Kop (SOAS University of London, UK)
3. Social Organization and Everyday Norms: Epic Perspectives / Aditya Adarkar, (Montclair State University, USA)
4. Identity, Difference, and Dialoguein the Philosophical Schools of the Classical Period / Kengo Harimoto (Mahidol University, Thailand)
5. Politics and Power: Governance and the Eye of Sastra / Mark McClish (Northwestern University, USA)
6. Visual Culture: The Formation of Hindu Iconography / Natasja Bosma
7. Lineages and Movements: The Worship of Siva, Vishnu, and the Goddess / Nina Mirnig and Marion Rastelli (University of Vienna, Austria)
8. Global Contexts: Travel and the Exchange of Ideas in the Classical Age / Vasudha Narayanan (University of Florida, USA)
Volume 3: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Post-Classical Age / Edited by Karen Pechilis, Drew University, USA
Introduction: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Post-Classical Age / Karen Pechilis (Drew University, USA)
1. Sources of Authority / Deven M. Patel (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
2. Body and Mind in Medieval Hinduism / Loriliai Biernacki (University of Colorado-Boulder, USA)
3. Social Organization and Everyday Norms / Bharati Jagannathan (Miranda House, University of Delhi, India), Sushmita Banerjee (Miranda House, University of Delhi, India) and Kanad Sinha (The Sanskrit College and University, Kolkata, India)
4. Identity, Difference, and Dialogue / Leah Elizabeth Comeau (Saint Joseph's University, USA)
5. Politics and Power / Leslie C. Orr (Concordia University, Canada)
6 Visual Culture. Mediations of the Dravida and Nagara Temple / Amy-Ruth Holt (Independent Scholar, USA)
7. Lineages and Emerging Exemplars of Movements / Thomas Forsthoefel (Mercyhurst University, USA)
8. Global Context: Interactions, Exchanges and Engagements / Ranabir Chakravarti (Ret'd, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
Volume 4: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Age of Empires / Edited by Valerie Stoker, Wright State University, USA
Introduction: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Age of Empires / Valerie Stoker (Wright State University, USA)
1. Sources of Authority / Srilata Raman (University of Toronto, Canada)
2. Defining Body and Mind / Harshita Mruthinti Kamath (Emory University, USA)
3. Social Organization and Everyday Norms, Brian A. Hatcher (Tufts University, USA)
4. Identity, Difference, and Dialogue in the Age of Empires: The Age of Sectarianism
/ Elaine M. Fisher (Stanford University, USA)
5. Politics and Power in the Age of Empires / Joel Bordeaux (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
6. Hindu Art and Visual Culture in the Age of Empires and Encounter / Crispin Branfoot (SOAS, University of London, UK)
7. Lineages, Emerging Exemplars, and Movements: Navigating Empires / Establishing Legacies,Neelima Shukla-Bhatt (Wellesley College, USA)
8. Hinduism in Global Context: Imag(in)ing Hinduism / Caleb Simmons (University of Arizona, USA)
Volume 5: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Age of Late Colonialism / Edited by Gwilym Beckerlegge, The Open University, UK
Introduction: The Hindu World in the Age of Late Colonialism / Gwilym Beckerlegge (The Open University, UK)
1. Sources of Authority, Dermot Killingley (Newcastle University, UK)
2. Defining Body and Mind: Reconfiguring the Hindu Body / David Arnold (University of Warwick, UK)
3. Social Organization and Everyday Norms: Religious Ideas and Values, Lidia Guzy (University College Cork, Ireland)
4. Identity, Difference, and Dialogue / Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (University of Konstanz, Germany)
5. Politics and Power / Peter Heehs (Independent Scholar, India)
6. Visual Cultures in Hinduism / Vineeta Sinha (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
7. Lineages, Emerging Exemplars, and Movements: Monasticism in the Public Domain in Late Colonial India / Malavika Kasturi (University of Toronto, Canada)
8. Hinduism in Global Context: Transnational Gurus / Migrants and Orientalists in the Dissemination of Hindu Beliefs and Practices, Philippe Bornet (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)


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