
From Stone to Flesh: a short history of the Buddha.

Lopez Jr., Donald S.
U. of Chicago Press
ix,289p. pap.

Buddhism -- Gautama Buddha -- Cult -- Europe -- History

Lopez provides an engaging history of depictions of the Buddha from classical accounts and medieval stories to the testimonies of European travelers, diplomats, soldiers, and missionaries. He shows that centuries of hostility toward the Buddha changed dramatically in the nineteenth century, when the teachings of the Buddha, having disappeared from India by the fourteenth century, were read by European scholars newly proficient in Asian languages. At the same time, the traditional view of the Buddha persisted in Asia, where he was revered as much for his supernatural powers as for his philosophical insights. From Stone to Flesh follows the twists and turns of these Eastern and Western notions of the Buddha, leading finally to his triumph as the founder of a world religion.

The idol
The myth
The man
The text
Appendices. Names for the Buddha occurring in European sources before 1800
The Buddha in Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie
Table of contents of transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay, 1819


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