
Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks : Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India.

(Studies in the Buddhist traditions)

Schopen, Gregory
U. of Hawaii Press

Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) -- India -- History

The present volume provides an essential foundation for a social history of Indian Buddhist monasticism. Challenging the popular stereotype that represented the accumulation of merit as the domain of the layperson while monks concerned themselves with more sophisticated realms of doctrine and meditation, Professor Schopen problematizes many assumptions about the lay-monastic distinction by demonstrating that monks and nuns, both the scholastic elites and the less learned, participated actively in a wide range of ritual practices and institutions that have heretofore been judged 'popular,' from the accumulation and transfer of merit; to the care of deceased relatives; to serving as sponsors and donors, rather than always the recipients, of gifts; to (possibly) the coining of counterfeit currency.

I Archaeology and Protestant Presuppositions in the study of Indian Buddhism --
II Two problems in the history of Indian Buddhism: The layman / Monk Distinction and the Doctrines of the Transference of Merit --
III Filial Piety and the Monk in the practice of Indian Buddhism: A question of "Sinicization" viewed from the other side --
IV The ritual obligations and donor roles of monks in the Pali Vinaya --
V The Stupa cult and the extant Pali Vinaya --
VI Monks and the Relic Cult in the Mahaparinibbana-sutta: An old misunderstanding in regard to Monastic Buddhism --
VII Burial Ad Sanctos and the physical presence of the Buddha in Early Indian Buddhism: A study in the Archaeology of religion --
VIII On the Budda and his bones: The conception of a Relic in the inscriptions from Nagarjunikonda --
IX An old inscription from Amaravari and the cult of the local monastic dead in indian Buddhist Monasteries --
X On avoiding ghosts and social censure: Monastic funerals in the Mulasarvastivada-vinaya --
XI On Monks, Nuns, and "Vulgar" Practices: The introduction of the image cult into Indian Buddhism --
XII The Buddha as an owner of property and permanent resident in Medieval Indian Monasteries


2025年 03月 18日 12191418 リクエスト (2021年 04月 09日 より)

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