



Tibet, past and present: Tibetan Studies I: PIATS 2000 : Tibetan studies :

proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/1)

Blezer, Henk (ed.)
xvii,495p. 古書

Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- History -- Tibetan language Congresses

The proceedings of the seminars of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) have developed into the most representative world-wide cross-section of Tibetan Studies. They are an indispensable reference-work for anyone interested in Tibet and capture the cutting edge of Tibet-related research.

* Bon dang 'brel bar bod kyi lo rgyus kyi dus tshigs dang don dngos 'gar zhib mor dpyad pa / Bon brgya Dge legs lhun grub rgya mtsho ;
* The royal residence Pho brang byams pa mi 'gyur gling and the story of Srong btsan sgam po's birth in Rgya ma / Guntram Hazod ;
* A re-evaluation of the Tibetan conquest of eighth-century Shazhou/Dunhuang / Bianca Horlemann ;
* Sources on the life and works of the eleventh-century Tibetan scholar Rong zom chos kyi bzang po : a brief survey / Orna Almogi ;
* The history of lineages of Gnas rnying, summarised as its "ten greatnesses" / Roberto Vitali ;
* The Mongol states and their struggle for dominance over Tibet in the 13th century / Karl-Heinz Everding ;
* Activities of Indian panditas in Tibet from the 14th to the 17th century / Lobsang Shastri ;
* The great Western-Himalayan earthquake of 1505 : a rupture of the Central Himalayan gap? / David Jackson ;
* The "Records of teachings received" in the collected works of A mes zhabs : an untapped source for the study of * Sa skya pa biographies / Jan-Ulrich Sobisch ;
* Der Jonang-Orden : Gründe für seinen Niedergang, Voraussetzungen für das Überdauern und aktuelle Lage / Andreas Gruschke ;
* The previous incarnations of the Qianlong Emperor according to the Panchen Lama Blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes / Vladimir L. Upensky ;
* The closing of the gates : Tibetan-European relations at the end of the eighteenth century / Isrun Engelhardt ;
* A propos de notations geographiques dans l'A mdo chos 'byung / Anne Chayet ;
* The drowning of Lama Sengchen Kyabying : a preliminary enquiry from British sources / Alex McKay ;
* A report on William Woodville Rockhill 1854-1914 / Braham Norwick ;
* Princes esper and Dii Ukhtomsky and their contribution to the study of Buddhist culture / Elena A. Khamaganova ;
* Historiography and the narration of cultural identity in Zanskar / Eva K. Neumaier ;
* Bod mi'i mi tshe'i brgyud rim ltar gyi dmangs srol skor zhig la rtogs zhib byas pa : Gtso bo a mdo'i 'brog khul gyi gnas tshul bzhir bzung pa yin / Lha mchog rgyal ;
* Issues of Tibetan nationalism and national identity / Yeshi Choedon ;
* The Ladakh Budh Vihar of Dehli : the fate of a Ladakhi outpost in the Indian capital / Thierry Dodin ;
* Tibetan legal documents of South-Western Tibet : structure and style / Hanna Schneider --
* Concise analysis of Zhang Zhung terms in the documents of Dunhuang / Namgyal Nyima Dagkar ;
* The development of temporal coding in Tibetan : suggestions for a functional internal reconstruction (1) / Bettina Zeisler ;
* Reflexes of the suffix *-S in Classical Tibetan and Old Chinese / Olga M. Mazo ;
* Bod kyi ldog tshig gi skor rags tsam gleng ba / Go shul Grags pa 'byung gnas.


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