




The Avacchedakatanirukti (of the Didhiti and Gadadhari) with the Subodha commentary by N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya ; associate editor, S. Lakshminarasimham (Regards sur l'Asie du Sud, 8.; Vyakhyanamala, 2)

The Avacchedakatanirukti (of the Didhiti and Gadadhari)
  • Gadadhara Bhattacarya (c. 1604-1709)
  • Institut Francais de Pondichery
  • 290p.
  • 2017
  • Navya Nyāya -- Logic -- Early works to 1800 Avacchedakatāniruktiḥ : Dīdhitigādādharībhyāṃ sahitā / En. Es. Rāmānujatātācāryakr̥tayā Subodhākhyayā vyākhyyā ca samalaṅkr̥tā ; sahāyasampādakaḥ, Es. Lakṣmīnarasiṃham. The Avacchedakatānirukti, a supplement by Gadādhara Bhaṭṭācārya (circa 1604–1709) to the commentary Dīdhiti on the Tattva Cintāmaṇi written by the great philosopher Raghunātha Śiromaṇi (circa 1477–1547), deals with the interpretation of avacchedakatva, the individuality of invariable concomitance in inference (vyāpti), elaborating upon Raghunātha Śiromaṇi’s treatment of the topic. In his own commentary, the Subodhā, Prof. N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya clarifies the most difficult portion of this śāstric text, and renders it accessible by presenting it in simple and lucid language.



The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part IV, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (from Saktinirnaya to Sphotavada). (Collection Indologie, 151)

The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part IV,
  • Kaundabhatta
  • Institut Francais de Pondichery
  • xxxv,829p.
  • 2022
  • Sanskrit -- Grammar -- Paninian semantics commentary Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, Part IV : with the Nirañjanī commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakāśa explanatory notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu, (from Śaktinirnaya to Sphotavāda). This fourth and last part of the work discusses specific issues of semantics: the expressive power (śakti) of words, the meaning of negation, particles, abstract suffixes, etc. It also contains an extensive discussion of the philosophical concept of sphoṭa, one of the most fundamental notions introduced by the Pāṇinian tradition to account for the understanding of expressive units as undivided wholes.



The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part III, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (Samasasaktinirnaya). (Collection Indologie, 149)

The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part III,
  • Kaundabhatta
  • Institut Francais de Pondichery
  • lv,547p.
  • 2021
  • Sanskrit -- Grammar -- Paninian semantics commentary Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, Part III : with the Nirañjanī commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakāśa explanatory notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu, (Samāsaśaktinirnaya). The present work contains the Vaiyakaranabhusana along with a commentary called Niranjani by Pandit Ramyana Shukla and explanatory notes (Prakasa) by the editor. The edition was prepared by taking a 17th-century manuscript as a basis, and by comparing it with forty manuscripts from different parts of India, as well as with all four published versions, none of which can be regarded as a truly critical edition. The present volume contains the third part of the work, discussing the meaning of Sanskrit compounds (samasas).



The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part II, with the Niranjani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Praka,sa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. (Lakarartha-, Karakartha- and Namartha-chapters). (Collection Indologie no 139)

The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part II,
  • Kaundabhatta
  • Institut Francais de Pondichery
  • xxviii,598p.
  • 2019
  • Sanskrit -- Grammar -- Paninian semantics commentary Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, Part II : with the Nirañjanī commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakāśa explanatory notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu, (Lakārārtha-, Kārakārtha- and Nāmāartha-chapters). The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa, also known as the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, is a commentary on the great 17th-century grammarian Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita’s Vaiyākaraṇamatonmajjana, written by Bhaṭṭọji’s nephew Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa. It is one of the most important texts of the late Pāṇinian grammatical tradition on questions of semantics. The main intention of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa’s commentary is to refute objections raised by proponents of the two rival systems of Logic (Nyāya) and Exegesis (Mīmāṃsā) on various aspects of semantics, and to establish the Grammarians’ views on these subjects.



The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part I. with the Niranani commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakasa explanatory notes by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu (South Asian Perspectives no 6)

The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta, Part I.
  • Kaundabhatta
  • Institut Francais de Pondichery
  • xl,592p.
  • 2015
  • Sanskrit language -- Philosophy Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, Part I, with the Nirañjanī commentary by Ramyatna Shukla and Prakāśa explanatory notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa, also known as Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, is an authentic text in Pāṇinian semantics. It is a commentary on the Vaiyākaraṇamatonmajjana compiled by the great grammarian Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita (17 th c.), and is written by Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, the nephew of Bhaṭṭoji. The main intention is to refute the objections raised by Naiyāyikas and Mīmāṃsakas on various aspects of Pāṇinian semantics and to establish the grammarians’ views on the subject. Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇasāra, an abridged version of the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, also written by Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, is the more famous text with more than ten commentaries written on it.



Islamism and Democracy in India: The Transformation of Jamaat-e-Islami. (The Indian Century)

Islamism and Democracy in India: The Transformation of Jamaat-e-Islami.
  • Ahmad, Irfan
  • Orient Blackswan
  • xx,306p.
  • 2010
  • India -- Islam and politics -- Jamaat-e Islami -- Secularism This book argues that when secular democracy is responsible to the traditions and aspirations of its Muslim citizens, Muslims in turn embrace pluralism and democracy. But when democracy becomes majoritarian and exclusionary, Muslims turn radical.



Islam, Caste and Dalit-Muslim Relations in India.

Islam, Caste and Dalit-Muslim Relations in India.
  • Sikand, Yoginder
  • Global Media Publications
  • 127p.
  • 2004
  • Caste -- Religious aspects Islam -- Dalits -- Hinduism and politics The author tries to explore various dimensions of the caste question among Muslims in India. He also offers reasons as to why Dalits and Muslims need to come together to fight discrimination against them.



'We are Lovers of the Qalandar': piety, pilgrimage, and ritual in Pakistani Sufi Islam.

'We are Lovers of the Qalandar': piety, pilgrimage, and ritual in Pakistani Sufi Islam.
  • Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim
  • Oxford U.P. (Pakistan)
  • xix,170p. photos.
  • 2021
  • Sufism -- Rituals -- Pakistan This book is about Pakistan's most popular Sufi saint Lal Shahbaz Qalandar whose shrine in Sehwan Sharif is one of the most fascinating sancturies in the Muslim world. The present ethnographic study is organized around three themes: piety, pilgrimage, and ritual. Thus, its focus is first on visual culture and 'material religion' as well as various aspects of religious aesthetics which highlight how sacred spaces are constructed and shaped. Secondly, it deals with the year-round pilgrimage, mainly investigating pilgrims from Punjab (including a unique life history of a female 'Sufi lineage' from Lahore), but also discussing remarkable ritual agents in the cult. The third theme is the spectacular trance dance known as dhamāl. On February 16, 2017, a suicide bomber executed a horrible massacre among the dancing devotees. This work, which is the fruit of the author's field-research between 2003 and 2015 in Sindh and Punjab, aims to contribute to a 'Sufism observed' which often seems to be neglected in mainly text-based Sufi studies.



The Politics of Ethnicity and Federalism in Pakistan: local, national, and comparative perspectives.

The Politics of Ethnicity and Federalism in Pakistan: local, national, and comparative perspectives.
  • Brasher, Ryan (ed.)
  • Oxford U.P.(India)
  • vi,222p. pap.
  • 2020
  • Ethnicity -- Ethnic relations -- Political aspects -- Pakistan This volume seeks to address two distinct yet interconnected issues: centre-periphery relations and ethnic identity in Pakistan.



The Class Structure of Pakistan. ed. by Maion Molteno

The Class Structure of Pakistan.
  • Rahman, Taimur
  • Oxford U.P.(Pakistan)
  • xxiv,302p.
  • 2012
  • Pakistan -- Capitalism -- Asiatic mode of production -- Economic history -- Social classes This work examines Pakistan's class structure through historical materialism, tracing from Mughal Empire to contemporary times. It argues for a unique form of capitalism termed Asiatic capitalism, highlighting dominance of petty commodity production. Implications for politics, society, and culture are discussed.



A Life in Urdu: personal encounters and selected essays on Urdu literature. ed. by Maion Molteno

A Life in Urdu: personal encounters and selected essays on Urdu literature.
  • Russell, Ralph
  • Oxford U.P.(Pakistan)
  • x,229p.
  • 2023
  • Russell, Ralph, 1918-2008 -- Urdu literature This book brings together writing by Ralph Russell, the eminent 20th century scholar of Urdu, which illuminates his life-long engagement with Urdu speakers and their literature. Part 1 - autobiographical. It describes how he first came in contact with Urdu speakers during World War 2, his studies at SOAS, and later encounters which reflect his interest in everyone he met. Part 2 - essays on key figures in Urdu literature. Poets in the 18th and 19th Centuries, early novelists and short story writers, popular literature, memoirs by remarkable women, all set against social and political contexts; plus an essay describing his approach to translating Ghalibs ghazals. Part 3 - essays on language and literary history. The Progressive Writer's Movement; Aziz Ahmad; the relationship between Hindi and Urdu; and his well-known article 'How Not to Write the History of Urdu Literature'.



Crisis and Religious Renwal in the Brahmo Samaj (1860-1884): a documentary study of the emergence of the "new dispensation" under Keshab Chandra Sen. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 9)

Crisis and Religious Renwal in the Brahmo Samaj (1860-1884):
  • Damen, Frans L.
  • Dept. Oriëntalistiek, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • 368p.
  • 1983
  • Brahma-samaj -- History -- Nababidhāna Brāhmasamāja (India) -- Sen, Keshab Chandra



Caste, Society and Politics in India: From the Eighteenth Century to the Modern Age. (The New Cambridge History of India, IV.3)

Caste, Society and Politics in India: From the Eighteenth Century to the Modern Age.
  • Bayly, Susan
  • Cambridge U.P.
  • ix,421p. maps, photos. pap.
  • 2002(1999)
  • Caste -- India -- social classes -- History, 18th - 20th centuries The phenomenon of caste has probably aroused more controversy than any other aspect of Indian life and thought. Some scholars see India's caste system as the defining feature of Indian culture, although it is dismissed by others as a colonial artefact. Susan Bayly's cogent and sophisticated analysis explores the emergence of the ideas, experiences and practices which gave rise to so-called 'caste society' over a period of 350 years, from the pre-colonial period to the end of the twentieth century. Combining historical and anthropological approaches, Bayly frames her analysis within the context of India's dynamic economic and social order. She thereby interprets caste not as the essence of Indian culture and civilisation, but rather as a contingent and variable response to the enormous changes that occurred in the subcontinent's political landscape both before and after colonial conquest.



Shankara and Indian Philosophy. (SUNY Series in Religion)

Shankara and Indian Philosophy.
  • Isayeva, Natalia
  • SUNY
  • 285p.
  • 1993
  • Śaṅkarācārya -- Indian philosophy According to Advaita-Vedanta, God or Brahman is identical with the inner self (the Atman) of each person, while the rest of the world is nothing but objective illusion (maya). Shankara maintains that there are two primary levels of existence and knowledge: the higher knowledge that is Brahman itself, and the relative, limited knowledge, regarded as the very texture of the universe. Consequently, the task of a human being is to reach the absolute unity and the reality of Brahman-in other words, to reach the innermost self within his or her own being, discarding on the way all temporary characteristics and attributes.



Advaita-Brahma-Siddhi of Sadananda Yati. (Parimal Sanskrit Series, No. 5)

Advaita-Brahma-Siddhi of Sadananda Yati.
  • Shastri, Vamamn (ed.)
  • Parimal Publications
  • xx,310p. 古書 
  • 1993
  • Advaita -- Hindu philosophy Advaita-Brahma-Siddhi of Sadānanda / edited by Vaman Shastri ; an introduction in English by Haramohan Mishra



Yuktidipika: the most significant commentary on the Samkhyakarika, Vol. I. (Alt- und neu-indische Studien ; 44)

Yuktidipika: the most significant commentary on the Samkhyakarika, Vol. I.
  • Wezler, Albrecht & Shujun Motegi (ed.)
  • Franz Steiner
  • xxxvii,347p. 古書
  • 1998
  • Sankhya -- Sāṅkhyakārikā (Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa) -- Early works to 1800 Yuktidīpikā : the most significant commentary on the Sāṃkhyakārikā critically edited by Albrecht Wezler and Shujun Motegi Sanskrit text (roman) with English introduction



The Concept of Liberation While Still Alive in the Philosophy of Madhva.

The Concept of Liberation While Still Alive in the Philosophy of Madhva.
  • Mesquita, Roque
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 48p.
  • 2007
  • Dvaita (Vedānta) -- Madhva, active 13th century Translated from German: Die idee der erlösung bei lebzeiten im system Madhvas.



Adi Sankaracarya's Aparoksanubhuti: the essence of self realization. (Adventure of consciousness ; 4)

Adi Sankaracarya's Aparoksanubhuti: the essence of self realization.
  • tr. by Mukta Walvekar
  • Motilal
  • 182p.
  • 2019
  • Advaita -- elf-realization -- Early works to 1800 Ādi Śaṅkarācārya's Aparokṣānubhūti : the essence of self realization / [translator] Mukta Walvekar ; commentary by Dr. Shrikrishna Deshmukh English and Sanskrit (Sanskrit in Devanagari and Latin) This work serves as an introductory guide to Advaita Vedānta, offering practical insights and methods for attaining liberation (moksha). It explores the unity of the individual self (jīvātman) with the universal self (paramātman), advocating for a realization that transcends intellectual understanding and becomes a lived experience.



Epic in India.

Epic in India.
  • Mukherjee, Tutun & Bharathi Harishankar
  • Orient BlackSwan
  • xxxviii,375p.
  • 2024
  • Epic literature, Indic--History and criticism -- Civilization collected articles



The 'Early Medieval' Origins of India.

The 'Early Medieval' Origins of India.
  • Devadevan, Manu V.
  • Cambridge U.P.
  • xi,516p.
  • 2020
  • India -- Civilization -- History -- To 1200 India is generally regarded as a civilization with a set of intrinsic attributes that emerged in the age of the Vedas or, better still, in the Harappan times. In recent decades, historical studies have moved away from rigid perspectives of singularity in origin and expansion; the emphasis now is on pluralities and long-term processes spanning centuries and millennia. There is also an influential school of thought which rejects antiquity claims such as these and holds that India is a construct of the colonial and nationalist imagination. In his radical reinterpretation of India's past, Manu V. Devadevan moves away from these reifying assessments to examine the evolution of institutions, ideas and identities that are characterized, typically, as Indian. In lieu of endorsing their Indianness, he traces their emergence to specific conditions that developed in India between 600 and 1200 CE, a period which historians now call the 'early medieval'.



Caste in India. (Key Issues in Asian Studies)

Caste in India.
  • Mines, Diana P.
  • Association for Asian Studies
  • xiii,93p. photos.
  • 2009
  • Caste -- India -- Social Classes Mines has produced a clear and compelling introduction to one of the world's most complex and misunderstood social systems. This booklet offers an exhaustive overview of the anthropology and history of caste based on extensive reading and over two decades of ethnographic research in rural South India. It also speaks to the wider political and economic dimensions of caste as it is lived and debated in India today.



Perspectives of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.

Perspectives of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.
  • Kumar, Bimalendra
  • Eastern Book Linkers
  • xvii,350p.
  • 2005
  • Buddhism -- Tibet -- Pali literature -- Civilization The present book contains thirty-six research papers pertain-ing to a variety of themes ranging from different aspects of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. It also includes some selected topics of early Buddhism related with social, historical and cultural aspects. The title given to the volume virtually reflects the diver-city of its contents related with social, historical and cultural aspects. The title given to the volume virtually reflects with Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. All the articles are substantially based on canonical Buddhist texts, available in Tibetan, Pali and Sanskrit sources.



The Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion, with special reference to Jainism.

The Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion, with special reference to Jainism.
  • Kumar, Muni Shiv
  • Munshiram Manoharlal
  • xiii,227p.
  • 2000(1984)
  • Jaina -- Doctrines -- Moksa -- Nirvana Muni Shivkumar has drawn on the philosophies of four important religions -- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, in his endeavour to understand and elucidate the various theories and philosophies of liberation. Chapter 1. The Jaina Tradition: an historical review 2. The Doctrine of the Self 3. The Doctrine of Karma and Transmigration 4. The Jaina Doctrine of Liberation 5. The Brahmanical Doctrine of Liberation 6. The Buddhist Doctrine of Liberation 7. The Sikh Doctrine of Liberation 8. Conclusion



Tibetan Painting: a study of Tibetan Thankas, 11th to 19th centuries.

Tibetan Painting: a study of Tibetan Thankas, 11th to 19th centuries.
  • Pal, Pratapaditya
  • Ravi Kumar/Art Media
  • 223p. 115 illus. photos. 古書
  • 2000
  • Tankas (Tibetan scrolls) -- Bhuddist painting -- Painting, Tibetan 1. Introduction 2. Visions and visualizations 3. The Kadampa style 4. The Sakyapa style 5. Thankas from western Tibet 6. Landscape tradition 7. The age of the Dalai Lama Notes, List of Illustrations



Tibet, past and present: Tibetan Studies I: PIATS 2000 : Tibetan studies : proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/1)

Tibet, past and present: Tibetan Studies I: PIATS 2000 : Tibetan studies :
  • Blezer, Henk (ed.)
  • Brill
  • xvii,495p. 古書
  • 2002
  • Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- History -- Tibetan language Congresses The proceedings of the seminars of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) have developed into the most representative world-wide cross-section of Tibetan Studies. They are an indispensable reference-work for anyone interested in Tibet and capture the cutting edge of Tibet-related research.



A Historical Atlas of Tibet.

A Historical Atlas of Tibet.
  • Ryavec, Karl E.
  • U. of Chicago Press
  • vii,202p. illus. color maps
  • 2015
  • Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- Historical geography -- Maps The product of twelve years of research and eight more of mapmaking, A Historical Atlas of Tibet documents cultural and religious sites across the Tibetan Plateau and its bordering regions from the Paleolithic and Neolithic times all the way up to today. It ranges through the five main periods in Tibetan history, offering introductory maps of each followed by details of western, central, and eastern regions. It visualizes the history of Tibetan Buddhism, tracing its spread throughout Asia, with thousands of temples mapped, both within Tibet and across North China and Mongolia, all the way to Beijing. There are maps of major polities and their territorial administrations, as well as of the kingdoms of Guge and Purang in western Tibet, and of Derge and Nangchen in Kham. There are town plans of Lhasa and maps that focus on history and language, on population, natural resources, and contemporary politics.



Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas.

Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas.
  • Schwieger, Peter
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvi,331p.
  • 2022(21)
  • Social conflict -- Buddhism and state -- China -- Tibet The book presents a new way of looking at Tibet under the rule of the Dalai Lamas (1642–1959). Although this era can be clearly delineated as a distinct period in the history of Tibet, many questions remain concerning the specific form of rule established.



The Other Emptiness: rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist discourse in Tibet.

The Other Emptiness: rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist discourse in Tibet.
  • Sheehy, Michael R. & Klaus-Dieter Mathes (ed.)
  • SUNY
  • vii,391p.
  • 2019
  • Śūnyatā -- Buddhism -- Tibet -- Doctrines The Other Emptiness presents a new vision of the Buddhist history and philosophy of emptiness in Tibet. The Other Emptiness brings together for the first time a collection of seminal essays by leading international Tibetan studies scholars on the subject of zhentong or "other-emptiness." This book addresses important topics in the history, literature, and philosophy of emptiness that have contributed to zhentong thinking in Tibet from the thirteenth century until today.



Esoteric Pure Land Buddhism. (Pure Land Buddhist Studies)

Esoteric Pure Land Buddhism.
  • Proffitt, Aaron, P.
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvii,445p.
  • 2024(23)
  • Dōhan, 1179-1252 -- Pure Land Buddhism -- Tantric Buddhism -- Japan -- History Although scholars often study Esoteric Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism as if they were mutually exclusive, diametrically opposed, schools of Buddhism, Aaron Proffitt examines the context of the eastward flow of Mahayana Buddhism from India to Japan and uncovers Mahayana Buddhists employing so-called esoteric approaches along the path to awakening.



Classical Theism and Buddhism: connecting metaphysical and ethical systems.

Classical Theism and Buddhism: connecting metaphysical and ethical systems.
  • McNabb, Tyler D. & Erik Baldwin
  • Bloomsbury
  • viii,161p.
  • 2023(22)
  • Buddhism -- Relations Theism -- Comparative studies As an atheistic religious tradition, Buddhism conventionally stands in opposition to Christianity, and any bridge between them is considered to be riddled with contradictory beliefs on God the creator, salvific power and the afterlife. But what if a Buddhist could also be a Classical Theist? Showing how the various contradictions are not as fundamental as commonly thought, Tyler Dalton McNabb and Erik Baldwin challenge existing assumptions and argue that Classical Theism is, in fact, compatible with Buddhism. Introduction: Context, Outline, & Motivation 1. Can a Buddhist be a Classical Theist? 2. Buddhist Objections to Classical Theism 3. Contemporary Objections to Classical Theism 4. Buddhist Ethics and Theistic Ethics: A Synthesis 5. Buddhist Soteriology and the God of Abraham 6. Pluralism Part 1 7. Pluralism Part 2



Buddhist-Inflected Sovereignties Across the Indian Ocean : the Pali arena, 1200-1550 (New Southeast Asia: politics, meaning, and memory)

Buddhist-Inflected Sovereignties Across the Indian Ocean : the Pali arena, 1200-1550
  • Blackburn, Anne M.
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvii,215p. maps
  • 2024
  • Buddhism and state -- Indian Ocean Region -- Theravāda Buddhism -- History Drawing on extensive scholarship and a wide range of multilingual source materials from premodern Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia, Anne M. Blackburn develops innovative conclusions about the relationships between textuality, sovereignty, maritime connectivity, and material culture in each of these areas. The book contributes simultaneously to several fields of study: the intellectual history of Southern Asia, literary and historical scholarship on Buddhism, and historical studies of the Indian Ocean. By offering accessible yet in-depth analysis, Buddhist-inflected Sovereignties across the Indian Ocean connects research fields and introduces new interpretive possibilities for the study of sovereignty, politics, premodern textual cultures, and Buddhism. Introduction -- 1. Argumentative Sovereignty at Dambadeṇiya -- 2. Emergent Tai Polities and the Pali Arena -- 3. Engaging the Pali Arena from Chiang Mai and Haṃsavatī



Scripture:Canon::Text:Context : essays honoring Lewis Lancaster (Contemporary Issues in Buddhism Studies)

Scripture:Canon::Text:Context : essays honoring Lewis Lancaster
  • Payne, Richard K. (ed.)
  • BDK America
  • ix,282p.
  • 2014
  • Buddhism -- Sacred books -- Tripiṭaka -- Study and teaching Foreword / Richard K. Payne -- The mountain spirit : Dōgen, Gary Snyder, and critical Buddhism / Carl Bielefeldt -- Sectarian rationalization : shūgaku in Tokugawa Japan : Ninchō, Gizan, and Monnō of the Jōdo-shū / Mark L. Blum -- Sugi's Collation notes to the Koryŏ Buddhist canon and their significance for Buddhist textual criticism / Robert E. Buswell, Jr. -- Studies in Dhāraṇī literature III : seeking the parameters of a Dhāraṇi-piṭaka, the formation of the Dhāraṇīsaṃgrahas, and the place of the seven Buddhas / Ronald M. Davidson -- Affliction and infestation in an Indian Buddhist embryological sutra / Robert Kritzer -- Alternative configurations : toward an historiography of practice / Richard K. Payne -- Assessing Shinran's Shinjin from an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist perspective : with a focus on Tathāgatagarbha thought / Kenneth K. Tanaka -- On justifying the choice of Mahāyana among multiple paths in Buddhist teachings : based on the Prajnāpāramitā-sūtras / Yao-ming Tsai



Sīmās : foundations of Buddhist religion. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)

Sīmās : foundations of Buddhist religion.
  • Carbine, Jason A. & Erik W. Davis (ed.)
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xii,387p.
  • 2022
  • Boundaries -- Religious aspects -- Therav^ada Buddhism -- Monastic and religious life -- Southeast Asia Sīmās were established early on as places where core legal acts (kamma), including ordination, of the monastic community (sangha) took place according to their disciplinary codes. Sīmās continue to be deployed in the creation of monastic lineages and to function in diverse ways for monastics and non-monastics alike. As foundations of Buddhist religion, sīmās are used to sustain, revitalize, or reform Buddhist practices, notions of identity, and conceptualizations of time and history. In the last few decades, scholarly awareness of and expertise on sīmās has developed to a point where a volume like this one, which examines sīmās across numerous cultural contexts and scholarly fields of inquiry, is both possible and needed. Sīmā traditions expressed in the Theravāda cultures of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka constitute the dominant focus of the work; a chapter on East Asia raises questions of historical transmission beyond these areas.



Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahāyāna : a study and translation of the Rāṣṭrapālapariprc̥chā-sūtra. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)

Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahāyāna : a study and translation of the Rāṣṭrapālapariprc̥chā-sūtra.
  • Boucher, Daniel
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xxiii,287p.
  • 2008
  • Mahayana Buddhism -- Bodhisattava -- India -- History This volume delves into the socio religious milieu of the authors, editors, and propagators of the 'Rāṣṭrapālapariprc̥chā-sūtra' ('Questions of Rastrapala'), a Buddhist text circulating in India during the first half of the first millennium CE. Part I Asceticism and the Glorification of the Buddha’s Body: The Indian Text of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-sūtra Part II Indian Buddhism Through a Chinese Lens: Dharmarakṛa’s Translation of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-sūtra Part III An Annotated Translation of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-sūtra



A Few Good Men : The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā) (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)

A Few Good Men : The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā)
  • Nattier, Jan
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvi,383p.
  • 2003
  • Tripiṭaka Sūtrapiṭaka Ugrapariprcchā -- Commentaries -- Mahayana Buddhism A Few Good Men is a study and translation of The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchâ), one of the most influential Mahâyâna sutras on the bodhisattva path, but also one of the most neglected texts in Western treatments of Buddhism. To achieve a better understanding of the universe of ideas, activities, and institutional structures within which early self-proclaimed bodhisattvas lived, the author first considers the Ugra as a literary document, employing new methodological tools to examine the genre to which it belongs, the age of its extant versions, and their relationships to one another. She goes on to challenge the dominant notions that the Mahâyâna emerged as a "reform" of earlier Buddhism and offered lay people an "easier option."A Few Good Men will be compelling reading for scholars and practitioners alike and others interested in the history of Indian Buddhism and the formation of Mahâyâna. Part One: Analysis Part Two: Translation Appendices



Buddhist Monks and Business Matters : Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India. (Studies in the Buddhist Traditions)

Buddhist Monks and Business Matters : Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India.
  • Schopen, Gregory
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvii,422p.
  • 2004
  • Buddhism -- Buddhist monasticism and religious orders -- Economic aspects -- India I The good monk and his money in a Buddhist monasticism of "the period" II Art, beauty, and the business of running a Buddhist monastery in early northwest India III Doing business for the Lord : lending on interest and written loan contracts in the IV Deaths, funerals, and the division of property in a monastic code V Dead monks and bad debts : some provisions of a Buddhist monastic inheritance law VI Monastic law meets the real world : a monk's continuing right to inherit family property in classical India VII The monastic ownership of servants or slaves : local and legal factors in the redactional histories of two vinayas VIII The lay ownership of monasteries and the role of the monk in monasticism IX Marking time in Buddhist monasteries : on calendars, clocks, and some liturgical practices X Ritual rights and bones of contention : more on monastic funerals and relics in the Mulasarvastivada-vinaya XI The suppression of nuns and the ritual murder of their special dead in two Buddhist monastic codes XII Immigrant monks and the proto-historical dead : the Buddhist occupation of early burial sites in India XIII What's in a name : the religious functions of the early donative inscriptions XIV If you can't remember, how to make it up : some monastic rules for redacting canonical texts



Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks : Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India. (Studies in the Buddhist traditions)

Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks : Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India.
  • Schopen, Gregory
  • U. of Hawaii Press
  • xvii,298p.
  • 1997
  • Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) -- India -- History The present volume provides an essential foundation for a social history of Indian Buddhist monasticism. Challenging the popular stereotype that represented the accumulation of merit as the domain of the layperson while monks concerned themselves with more sophisticated realms of doctrine and meditation, Professor Schopen problematizes many assumptions about the lay-monastic distinction by demonstrating that monks and nuns, both the scholastic elites and the less learned, participated actively in a wide range of ritual practices and institutions that have heretofore been judged 'popular,' from the accumulation and transfer of merit; to the care of deceased relatives; to serving as sponsors and donors, rather than always the recipients, of gifts; to (possibly) the coining of counterfeit currency.



Siksasamuccaya of Santideva. (Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 11)

Siksasamuccaya of Santideva.
  • Vaidya, P.L. (ed.)
  • The Mithila Institute
  • xvi,206p.
  • 1999(60)
  • Buddhism -- Mahayana doctrines Śikshāsamuccaya : a compendium of Buddhistic teaching, chiefly from earlier Mahāyāna-sūtras



Mitrayogin's 108 Mandalas: an image database.

Mitrayogin's 108 Mandalas: an image database.
  • Tanaka Kimiaki
  • Vajra Publications
  • 136p. illus.
  • 2013
  • Abhayākaragupta, Mahāpaṇḍita, active 11th century-12th century -- Illustrated works -- Mandala (Buddhism) This book is an English versian of Mandala Graphics, which was published in Japanese in April 2007. ;Each page contains one CG mandala based on the Hahn Foundation handscrolls, and each mandala is accompained by explanatory remarks. The inscription in Tibeten script (bottom left) is a transcription of the inscription in the original handscroll.



Toward a New Image of Paramartha: Yogacara and Tathagatagarbha Buddhims revisited. (Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies)

Toward a New Image of Paramartha: Yogacara and Tathagatagarbha Buddhims revisited.
  • Ching Keng
  • Bloomsbury
  • viii,288p. pap.
  • 2024(23)
  • Paramārtha, 499-569 -- Tathāgatagarbha -- Yogācāra Toward a new image of Paramārtha : Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha Buddhism revisited / Ching Keng Engaging with the digitalized Chinese Buddhist canon, Ching Keng draws on clues from a long-lost Dunhuang fragment and considers its striking similarities with Paramartha's corpus with respect to terminology, style of phrasing, and doctrines. In this cutting-edge interpretation of the concept of jiexing, Keng demystifies the image of Paramartha and makes the case that the fragment holds the key to recover his original teachings.



From Stone to Flesh: a short history of the Buddha.

From Stone to Flesh: a short history of the Buddha.
  • Lopez Jr., Donald S.
  • U. of Chicago Press
  • ix,289p. pap.
  • 2013
  • Buddhism -- Gautama Buddha -- Cult -- Europe -- History Lopez provides an engaging history of depictions of the Buddha from classical accounts and medieval stories to the testimonies of European travelers, diplomats, soldiers, and missionaries. He shows that centuries of hostility toward the Buddha changed dramatically in the nineteenth century, when the teachings of the Buddha, having disappeared from India by the fourteenth century, were read by European scholars newly proficient in Asian languages. At the same time, the traditional view of the Buddha persisted in Asia, where he was revered as much for his supernatural powers as for his philosophical insights. From Stone to Flesh follows the twists and turns of these Eastern and Western notions of the Buddha, leading finally to his triumph as the founder of a world religion.



The Philosophy of Religion: a Buddhist perspective. (Oxford India Paperbacks)

The Philosophy of Religion: a Buddhist perspective.
  • Sharma, Arvind
  • Oxford U.P. (India)
  • 213p. pap.
  • 1998(95)
  • Buddhism -- Buddhist philosophy The traditionally accepted canon of philosophy of religion is dominated by Western thinking. Within this text, the author looks at the subject through a Buddhist perspective. Topics such as the shared religious language of Buddhism and Hinduism and theories of immortality are included. Introduction 1. The Concept of God 2. Grounds for Belief in God 3. Grounds for Disbelief in God 4. The Problem of Evil 5. Revelation and Faith 6. Problems of Religiopus Language 7. The Problem of Verification 8. The Conflicting Truth Claims of Different Religions 9. Human Destiny: Immortality and Resurrection 10. Human Destiny: Karma and Reincarnation



Discovering Indian Philosophy: an introduction to Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thought.

Discovering Indian Philosophy: an introduction to Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thought.
  • Long, Jeffery D.
  • Bloomsbury
  • xi,236p. pap.
  • 2024
  • Philosophy, Indic -- Hindu -- Jain -- Buddhist Indian Philosophy: An Introduction helps readers discover how the many and varied schools of Indian thought can answer some of the great questions of life: Who are we? How can we live well? How do we tell truth from lies? Accessibly written for readers new to Indian philosophy, the book takes you through the main traditions of thought, including Buddhist, Hindu and Jain perspectives on major philosophical topics from ancient times to the present day. Bringing insights from the latest research to bear on the key primary sources from these traditions and setting them in their full spiritual, historical and philosophical contexts, Indian Philosophy: An Introduction covers such topics as: · Philosophies of action and knowledge · Materialism and scepticism · Consciousness and duality · Religious and cultural expressions



Science and Society in the Sanskrit World. (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, v. 21)

Science and Society in the Sanskrit World.
  • Fleming, C.T., T.L. Knudsen, Anuj Misra & Vishal Sharma (ed.)
  • Brill
  • xix,480p.
  • 2023
  • India -- Civilization -- Sanskrit philology Science and Society in the Sanskrit World lauds the remarkable career of Christopher Z. Minkowski, the erstwhile Boden Professor of Sanskrit at Balliol College, University of Oxford. The volume contains seventeen essays, written by Professor Minkowski's colleagues and students, that explore a kaleidoscopic array of classical Sanskrit scientific disciplines, such as grammar, jurisprudence, theology, and hermeneutics. Individually, these essays offer substantive contributions to the many fields of Sanskritic inquiry that piqued Professor Minkowski's professional interest.



A Cultural History of Hinduism. 6 volumes set

A Cultural History of Hinduism.
  • Pechilis, Karen (gen. ed.)
  • Bloomsbury
  • 6 vols.
  • 2024
  • India -- Hindu civilization -- hinduism and culture How has Hinduism been shaped over time? What are continuities and changes in its cultural history of textual, social, ritual, visual, political, philosophical, and theological perspectives and practices? Spanning over 4,000 years, A Cultural History of Hinduism provides an authoritative survey of one of the world's oldest religious traditions in its social and cultural contexts, from ancient times to the present. With 55 experts from academic disciplines such as history, religion studies, art history, anthropology and philosophy, the work represents inclusive narratives and aims to generate new cultural history questions. Capter titles are identical across each of the volumes. This gives the choice of reading about a specific period in one of the volumes, or following a theme across history by reading the relevant chapter in each of the six. The six volumes cover: 1 – Antiquity (2000 – 200 BCE); ed. by J.L. Whitaker 2 – Classical Age (200 BCE – 800 CE); ed. by Adheesh Sathaye 3 – Post-Classical Age (800 – 1500); ed. by Karen Pechilis 4 – Age of Empires (1500 – 1857); ed. by Valeries Stoker 5 –Age of Late Colonialism (1857 – 1947); ed. by Gwilym Beckerlegge 6 – Age of Independence (1947 – 2017), ed. by Amanda Lucia & Maya Warrier



Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies. (Routledge Handbooks)

Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies.
  • Newcombe, Suzanne & Karen O'Brien-Kop (ed.)
  • Routledge
  • xx,544p ills. pap.
  • 2021(20)
  • Yoga -- Meditation -- Indian philosophy The Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary resource, which frames and contextualises the rapidly expanding fields that explore yoga and meditative techniques. The book analyses yoga and meditation studies in a variety of religious, historical and geographical settings.



Padarthatattvanirupanam: tikatrayopetam. ed. by Anita Rajpal

Padarthatattvanirupanam: tikatrayopetam.
  • Raghunatha ,Siromani
  • Eastern Book Linkers
  • 2 vols.
  • 2020
  • Nyāya -- Vaiśeṣika -- Early works to 1800 Padārthatattvanirūpaṇam : ṭīkātrayopetam / Raghunātha Śiromaṇi, Raghudeva Nyāyālaṅkāra, Rāmabhadra Sārvabhauma, Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya On the fundamentals of Nyaya and Vaiśeṣika philosophy with three commentaries In Sanskrit; includes interpretation in Hindi Volume 2 has title: Śrīraghunāthaśiromaṇi kr̥ta Padārthatattvanirūpaṇa samīkṣātmaka adhyayana



Yogadarsanam of Maharsi Patanjali, along with Vyasa Bhasya. edited with Yogadipika Hindi commentary by Devi Sahai Pandey (The Vrajajivan Prachyabharati Granthamala 163)

Yogadarsanam of Maharsi Patanjali, along with Vyasa Bhasya.
  • Patanjali
  • Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan
  • 314p.
  • 2013
  • Indian thought -- Yoga -- Early works to 1800 Yogadarśanam : Vyāsabhāṣyasamanvitam, 'Yogadīpikā'-Hindīvyākhyopetaṃ chandobaddhasūtrasārañca / Patañjali Treatise on Yoga philosophy with commentaries In Sanskrit; translation, word meaning, commentary and introductory matter in Hindi



Nyaya-Vaisesika. (A History of Indian Litrerature, Vol. VI, fasc. 2)

  • Matilal, Bimal Krishn
  • Maniohar
  • xiv,53-126p.
  • 2022(1977)
  • Indian philosophy -- Nyāya -- Vaisheshika CHAPTER I: Vaisesika 1. Vaisesika-Sutras 2. The 'Dark Period' 3. Prasastapada, Candramati 4. Commentaries on Prasastapada 5. Srivallabha and Vadi-vagisvara 6. Commentaries on the Vaisesika-sutras CHAPTER II The Early Nydya School 7. Nyaya-Sutras 8. Vatsyayana 9. Uddyotakara 10. Some Lost Nyaya Works in the Post-Uddyotakara Period 11. Jayanta Bhatta .. 12. Bhasarvajna 13. Vacaspati Misra I 14. Udayana CHAPTER III Navya-Nyaya 15. The Beginning of Navya-nyaya 16. Manikantha and Sasadhara 17. Gangesa 18. Vardhamana and the Mithila School 19. The Bengal School of Navya-nyaya Biographical References



Sanskrit: an easy introduction to an enchanting language. Volumes 1 & 2: Tools: Grammatical and lexical, Volume 3: Tests and transition.

Sanskrit: an easy introduction to an enchanting language.
  • Aklujkar, Ashok
  • Bhandarkar Oriental Research
  • 3 vols. in 2
  • 2021(1992)
  • Sanskrit language -- Grammar -- Sanskrit language Textbooks for foreign Volume 1: Tools: Grammatical, two subvolumes: 1A: A manual of pronunciation, script and grammar, 1B: A reference grammar in the form of appendices to Volume 1 A and other study-aids; Volume 2: Tools: Lexical, 2A: Vocabulary explanations in sequence of occurrence; 2B: Sanskrit-English Glossary; 2C: English-Sanskrit Glossary; Volume 3: Tests and transition, 3A: exercises in reading and grammar; 3B: .Vocabulary reviews....



Sanskrit Syntax: selected papers presented at the seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures, 13-15 June 2013, Université Paris Diderot, with an updated and revised bibliography by Hans Henrich Hock

Sanskrit Syntax: selected papers presented at the seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures, 13-15 June 2013, Université Paris Diderot,
  • Scharf, Pweter (ed.)
  • The Sanskrit Library
  • 552p.
  • 20156
  • Sanskrit language -- Syntax The book includes twelve papers by seventeen contributors from divergent backgrounds in European and American linguistics, Pāṇinian grammar, and computer science that converge in dealing with contemporary issues in Sanskrit syntax.



Yuktidipika, with the Hindi commentary 'Kala'. (Ganganathajha-Granthamala, v. 15)

Yuktidipika, with the Hindi commentary 'Kala'.
  • Kendaranatha Tripathi (ed.)
  • Sampurnanand Sanskrit Univ.
  • 571p.
  • 1996
  • Sankhya -- Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa -- Early works to 1800 Yuktidīpikā / Kedāranāthatripāṭhikr̥tayā "Kalā"-Hindīvyākhyayā ; Kulapateḥ Ḍô. Maṇḍanamiśrasya "Śivasaṅkalpa"-purovācā ca puraskr̥tā ; sampādakaḥ Kedāranāthatripāṭhī. Supercommentary on Sāṅkhyakārikā of Iśvarakr̥ṣṇa, with Kalā Hindi commentary by Kedāranātha Tripāṭhī, on Sankhya philosophy



Seeking History through Her Source: South of the Vindhyas.

Seeking History through Her Source: South of the Vindhyas.
  • Sen, Aloka Parasher
  • Oriental BlackSwan
  • 268p.
  • 2022
  • Deccan (India) -- Historiography -- Sanskrit literature In the late twentieth century, the scope of history writing has expanded beyond textual sources to include additional sources such as literature, coins, art, and architecture. Meanwhile, history writing on ancient India continues to be burdened by an Indological discourse, which takes ‘India’ as a monolithic whole and interprets sources in ways that contribute to a pan-Indian meta-narrative. Sources which are fragmentary in nature, or located far from the so-called centres of civilisation, are relegated to the footnotes and margins, merely as tools of corroboration.



South Asian Texts in History: critical engagements with Sheldon Pollock. (Asia Past & Present)

South Asian Texts in History: critical engagements with Sheldon Pollock.
  • Bronner, Yigal, Whitney Cox & Lawrence McCrea (ed.)
  • Association for Asian Studies (Columbia U.P.)
  • xix,403p.
  • 2011
  • Pollock, Sheldon I. -- Influence -- Sanskrit literature -- History and criticism This volume charts the contours of a reenvisioned and revitalized field of Indology in the light of the groundbreaking research of Sheldon Pollock. One of the many exciting aspects of Pollock s work is its unprecedented combination of classical textual study with cutting edge theoretical and social scientific inquiry -- a combination which this book sets out to emulate. The essays are organized into five groups that reflect the major domains of Pollock s immense contributions to the field: the epic Ramayana, Sanskrit literature and literary theory, systematic thought in premodern South Asia, the birth of a new vernacular cultural order in the subcontinent during the second millennium CE, and India s early modernity.



Indian kāvya literature / Vol. 7, The wheel of time

Indian kāvya literature / Vol. 7, The wheel of time
  • Warder, A.K.
  • Motilal
  • 2 vols.
  • 2004(1992)
  • Sanskrit literature -- History and criticism This volume on the twelfth and thirteenth centuries starts with Vidyakara`s retrospect over anonymous poets (named ones having mostly found their places in earlier volumes). After some smaller anthologies a few novels and Mankhaka`s mythological epic we come to a historical epic. History is the most substantial source of matter for literature in the volume. Ch. L: Lyric and Fiction at the Beginning of the +12 LI: The Epic Tradition LII: The NJaina Theatre LIII: Harsa (II) and his robable Contemporaries LIV: Vatsaraja: Drama at the Beginningh of the +13 pt. 2 LV: Epic and Drama in the Time of Vastupala LVI: Ceylon and Krnataka in the +13 LVII: Late +134 Drama; Haricandra (ii(, the Simhaśanadvatrimsika



Innovations and Turning Points: towards a history of Kavya literature. (South Asia Research)

Innovations and Turning Points: towards a history of Kavya literature.
  • Tubb, Gary, Yigal Bronner & David Shulman (ed.)
  • Oxford U.P. (India)
  • xv,805p.
  • 2014
  • Sanskrit literature -- Sanskrit poetry -- History and criticism With a panoramic overview of South Asian classical literature, this book identifies critical moments of breakthrough and innovation in Sanskrit literature—moments when the basic rules of composition and the aesthetic and poetic goals underwent dramatic change.



Saraswatikanthabharanam: a work on rhetorics, with Ratneshwara's Ratnadarpanam' Sanskrit commentary & Hindi introduction, translation, 'Swarupananda Bhasya' commentary and appendices, by Kemershwar Nath Mishra (Chaukhambha Prachyavidya Granthamala, 4)

Saraswatikanthabharanam: a work on rhetorics,
  • Bhoja, Maharajadhiraja
  • Chaukhambha Orientalia
  • 2 vols.
  • 2021-22
  • Sanskrit poetry -- History and criticism Sarasvatī kaṇṭhābharaṇamu 11th century verse treatise on Sanskrit poetics, by Bhojarāja, King of Dhara



Sayyid Muhammad al-Husayni-i Gisudiraz (721/1321-825/1422) on Sufism (IAD Religio-Philosophy (Original) Ser., 5)

Sayyid Muhammad al-Husayni-i Gisudiraz (721/1321-825/1422) on Sufism
  • Hussaini, Syed Shah Khusro
  • Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli
  • xvii,235p. 古書
  • 1983
  • Sufism -- Bandah Navāz, 1321-1422 -- Biographies -- Chishtīyah Sayyid Muḥammad al-Ḥusaynī-i Gīsūdirāz (721/1321-825/1422) on Sufism / Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini



A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries.

A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries.
  • Aitchison, C.U. (comp.)
  • Mittal Publications
  • 14 vols. 古書
  • 1983(1929)
  • India -- Diplomatic relations -- India Foreign relations Treaties -- 1765-1947 Table of contents: v. 1. Punjab, Punjab states, and Delhi.--v. 2. United provinces of Agra & Oudh, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa & the Central Provinces.-- v. 3. Rajputana.-- v. 4. Central India Agency, Bhopal Agency & southern states of Central & Malwa Agency.-- v. 5. Central India (Bhundelkhand & Baghelkhand & Gwalior).-- v. 6. Western India states & Baroda.--v. 7-8. Bombay.--v. 9. Hyderabad, Mysore & Coorg.--v. 10. Madras & the Madras States.-- v. 11. Aden & the south western coast of Arabia, the Arab principalities in the Persian Gulf, Muscat (Oman), Baluchistan & the North West Frontier Province -- v. 12. Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Assam & Burma -- v. 13. Persia & Afghanistan -- v. 14. Eastern Turkistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan & Siam.



Muslim under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and religious tolerance. (Islamic South Asia Series)

Muslim under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and religious tolerance.
  • Yasmin, Robina
  • Bloomsbury
  • vi,192p. pap.
  • 2023(22)
  • Mulim --Sikhism -- India -- Punjab -- Religious tolerance -- Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Punjab, 1780-1839 Though the history of Sikh-Muslim relations is fraught with conflict, this book examines how the policies of Sikh rulers attempted to avoid religious bigotry and prejudice at a time when Muslims were treated as third-class citizens. Focusing on the socio-economic, political and religious condition of Muslims under Sikh rule in the Punjab during the 19th century, this book demonstrates that Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors took a secular approach towards their subjects. Using various archival sources, including the Fakir Khana Family archives and the Punjab Archives, the author argues citizens had freedom to practice their religion, with equal access to employment, education and justice.



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