




Islamic History
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Nuzhat al-Muqlatayn fi Akhb^ar al-Dawlatayn. Nuzhat al-Muqlatayn fi Akhb^ar al-Dawlatayn. Ibn al-Tuwayr, Abu Muhd. al-Qaysarani (525-617/1130-1220) 303p. Dar al-Kutub wa al-Watha'iq al-Qawmiyah 2015 repr. 4,554円 Islamic history -- Fatimites نزهة المقلتين في أخبار الدولتين لابن الطوير أبو محمد المرتضى عبد السلام بن الحسن القيسراني Nuzhat al-muqlatayn fī akhbār al-dawlatayn li-Ibn al-Ṭuwayr Abū Muḥammad al-Murtaḍá ʻAbd al-Salām ibn al-Ḥasan al-Qaysarānī ; azʻāda bināʼuhu wa-ḥaqqaqahu wa-qaddama lahu Ayman Fuʼād Sayyid
Muqaddimah fi al-Tarikh al-Akhar: Muqaddimah fi al-Tarikh al-Akhar: Bashir, Sulayman 480p. Manshurat al-Jamal 2012 3,157円 Islamic Empire -- History -- 622-661 مقدمة في التاريخ الآخر : نحو قراءة جديدة للرواية الإسلامية سليمان بشير Muqaddimah fī al-tārīkh al-ākhar : naḥwa qirāʼah jadīdah lil-riwāyah al-Islāmīyah Sulaymān Bashīr
Bashir bayn al-Sultan wa al-'Aziz, 1804-1841. Bashir bayn al-Sultan wa al-'Aziz, 1804-1841. Rustam, Asad 2 vols. Lib. Orientale 1966 repr. 3,036円 Bashir II, Emir of Lebanon, 1767-1850 ١٨٣١ -بشير بين السلطان والعزيز : ١٨٠٤ لأسد رستم Bashīr bayna al-Sulṭān wa-al-ʻAzīz : 1804-1841 li-Asad Rustum [Béchir II entre le Sultan et le Khédive / par Asad Rustum]
Les Tresors de la Posterite ou les fastes des proches parents du prophete/Dhakha'ir al-'uqba fi manaqib dhawi al-qurba. Les Tresors de la Posterite ou les fastes des proches parents du prophete/Dhakha'ir al-'uqba fi manaqib dhawi al-qurba. Al-Tabari al-Makki, Muhibb al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah (1218-1295) x,75p+579p, +CD-ROM IFAO 2004 13,233円 Muḥammad, Prophet, -632 -- Family -- Hadith -- Early works to 1800 Les Trésors de la postérité ou Les fastes des proches parents du Prophète = D̲ah̲āʻir al-ʻuqbā fī manāqib d̲awī al-qurbā/ Muḥibb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī ; édition critique et traduction annotée de Frédéric Bauden CD-ROM contains Arabic text and indexes
Les Relations entre Musulmans et Chretiens dans le Bilad al-Cham: a l'epoque ottomane aux XVIIe-XIXe siecles, apport des archives des tribunaux religieux des villes: Les Relations entre Musulmans et Chretiens dans le Bilad al-Cham: a l'epoque ottomane aux XVIIe-XIXe siecles, apport des archives des tribunaux religieux des villes: (Institut Français du Proche-Orient PIFD804) 330p+219p(ar.) IFPO 2005 4,735円 Christianism -- Islam -- Social relations -- Bilād al-Shām -- 17th-19th centuries -- History Les relations entre musulmans et chrétiens dans le Bilad al-Cham : à l'époque ottomane aux XVII-XIXe siècles : apport des archives des tribunaux religieux des villes : Alep, Beyrouth, Damas, Tripoli : actes du colloque de mars 2004/ Coordinateurs: Louis Boisset, Floreal Sanagustin et Souad Slim العلاقات بين المسلمين والمسيحيين في بلاد الشام : خلال المرحلة العثمانية (من القرن السابع عشر الى القرن التاسع عشر ميلادي) : معطيات وثائق المحاكم الشرعية في مدن: حلب، بيروت، دمشق وطرابلس : أعمال مؤتمر آذار 2004 al- ʻAlāqāt baina 'l- muslimīn wa-'l-masīḥīyīn fī bilād ash-Shām : khilāl al-marḥala al-ʻuthmānīya (min al-qarn as-sābiʻ ʻashar ʻila 'l-qarn at-tāsiʻ ʻashar mīlādī), muʻṭayāt wathā·iq al-maḥākim ash-sharʻīya fī mudun: Ḥalab, Bairūt, Dimashq wa-Ṭarābulus aʻmāl mu'tamar Ād̲ār 2004 330p (in French) + 219p (in Arabic)
Madares-e Nezamiyeh va Ta'thirat-e 'Elmi va Ejtema'i-ye An. Madares-e Nezamiyeh va Ta'thirat-e 'Elmi va Ejtema'i-ye An. Kassa'i, Nur Allah 347p 古書 Amir Kabir 1374(1995) 1,092円 Islamic empire -- Education مدارس نظاميه و تأثيرات علمى و اجتماعى آن تأليف نور الله كسائى Madāris-i Niẓāmīyah va taʼs̲īrāt-i ʻilmī va ijtimāʻī-i ān taʼlīf-i Nūr Allāh Kasāʼī [Nizamyyah schools and their scientific and social effects] Historical and socio-cultural study of the beginning of religious schools in Baghdad, Iraq during 11th century
The Long Divergence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East. The Long Divergence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East. Kuran, Timur xvi,405p Princeton U.P. 2013(11) 3,326円 Islamic law -- Economic aspects -- Economic development -- Religious aspects -- History In the year 1000, the economy of the Middle East was at least as advanced as that of Europe. But by 1800, the region had fallen dramatically behind--in living standards, technology, and economic institutions. In short, the Middle East had failed to modernize economically as the West surged ahead. What caused this long divergence? And why does the Middle East remain drastically underdeveloped compared to the West? In The Long Divergence, one of the world's leading experts on Islamic economic institutions and the economy of the Middle East provides a new answer to these long-debated questions.
Nuzhat al-Anam fi Mahasin al-Sham. Nuzhat al-Anam fi Mahasin al-Sham. Al-Badri, Abi al-Baqa' 'Abd Allah 232p 古書 Dar al-Ra'id al-'Arabi 1980 1,544円 Syria -- Description and travel -- History نزهة الأنام في محاسن الشام البدري عبد الله تأليف Nuzhat al-anām fī maḥāsin al-Shām Abī al-Baqā' 'Abd Allah al-Badarī
Qudat Qurtubah Qudat Qurtubah Al-Khushani, Muhd. ibn Harith ibn Asad al-Qayrawani (m. 361 h.) 123p al-Dar al-Misriyah 1966 1,663円 Judges (Islamic law) -- Spain -- Córdoba (Province) -- Biography قضاة قرطبة تأليف الخشني أبي عبد الله محمد بن الحارث Quḍāt Qurṭubah taʼlīf al-Khushanī al-Qarawī Abī ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥārith
Al-Mu'jam fi ashab al-qadi al-imam abi 'ali al-sadafi. Al-Mu'jam fi ashab al-qadi al-imam abi 'ali al-sadafi. Ibn al-Abbar, Muhd. ibn 'Abd Allah (1199-1260 m.) 336p. Dar Kitab al-'Arabi 1967 2,185円 Arabs -- Spain -- Biography المعجم في أصحاب القاضي الإمام أبي علي الصدفي تأليف محمد بن عبد الله بن أبي بكر القضائي المعروف بابن الأبار al-Muʻjam fī aṣḥāb al-Qāḍī al-Imām Abī ʻAlī al-Ṣadafī taʼlīf Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Abī Bakr al-Qaḍāʻī al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-Abbār
The Succession to Muhammad: a study of the early Caliphate. The Succession to Muhammad: a study of the early Caliphate. Madelung, Wilferd xvii,413p Cambridge U.P. 2001(1997) 1,747円 Islamic Empire -- History -- 622-661 In a convincing reinterpretation of early Islamic history, Wilferd Madelung examines the conflict which developed after the death of Muhammad for control of the Muslim community. Introduction; 1. Abu Bakr: the successor of the Messenger of God and the caliphate of Quraysh; 2. 'Umar: Commander of the Faithful, Islamic meritocracy, consultation and Arab empire; 3. 'Uthman: the Viceregent of God and the reign of 'Abd Shams; 4. 'Ali: the counter-caliphate of Hashim; Conclusion: Restoration of the community and despotic kingship
Al-Inba' fi Tarikh al-Khulafa'. Al-Inba' fi Tarikh al-Khulafa'. Ibn al-'Imrani (m. 580 h.) 15p+366p(ar) E.J. Brill 1973 2,673円 Caliphs -- Abbasids -- Biography -- Early works to 1800 الإنباء في تاريخ الخلفاء محمد بن علي. محمد بن علي بن محمد المعروف بابن العمراني al-Inbāʼ fī tārīkh al-khulafāʼ Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-ʻImrānī ; taḥqīq wa-taqdīm Qāsim al-Sāmarrāʼī
Mushajjarat al-Sharif 'Ali ibn Mansur al-Karimi: dirasah tarikhiyah nasabiyah. Mushajjarat al-Sharif 'Ali ibn Mansur al-Karimi: dirasah tarikhiyah nasabiyah. Al-Karimi Barakati, 'Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Mansur 384p. Dar al-Basha'ir al-Islamiyah 2016 3,561円 Arabs -- Islamic empire -- Genealogy -- History مشجرة الشريف علي بن منصور الكريمي لعلي بن احمد بن منصور الكريمي البركاتي ؛ تحقيق ودراسة وتعليق حشيم بن غازي البركاتي Mushajjarat al-sharīf ʻAlī ibn Manṣūr al-Karīmī : dirāsah tārīkhīyah nasabīyah li-ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Manṣūr al-Karīmī al-Barakātī ; taḥqīq wa-dirāsah wa-taʻlīq Ḥashīm ibn Ghāzī al-Barakātī
Tarikh al-Duwal al-Islamiyah al-Mustaqillah fi al-Mashriq Tarikh al-Duwal al-Islamiyah al-Mustaqillah fi al-Mashriq Hammudah, 'Abd al-Hamid Husayn 400p. Al-Dar al-Thaqafiyah lil-Nashr 2010 3,258円 Ṭāhirids -- Ziyarid dynasty -- Samanid dynasty, -- Buwayhids -- Ghaznevids -- active 9th century-10th centuries -- History تاريخ الدول الاسلامية المستقلة في المشرق : منذ قيام الدولة الطاهرية، وحتى قيام الدولة الغزنوية عبد الحميد حسين حمودة Tārīkh al-duwal al-Islāmīyah al-mustaqillah fī al-Mashriq : mundhu qiyām al-dawlah al-Ṭāhirīyah, wa-ḥattá qiyām al-dawlah al-Ghaznawīyah ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Ḥusayn Ḥammūdah
The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem: The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem: Al-Bakhit, Muhammad Adnan & Noufan Raja al-Sawariyyah (ed. & tr.) 6 vols. Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage 2005-11 34,338円 Jerusalem -- Palestine -- Waqf -- History -- Ottoman empire -- 16th century -- Sources The series of “The Detailed Defter of the Liwāʾ of Noble Jerusalem” , made up of six volumes, is the main and foremost cornerstone in documenting the most important period in the history of the city and its conditions during the Ottoman times. It does so by shedding light on the most important relics and dwellings. The collection methodically surveys the characteristics of the city of Jerusalem describing its streets, neighbourhoods, markets, shops, mosques, schools and walls. This encyclopaedic work also contains a comprehensive and analytical study and a census of the inhabitants, the names of villages and their locations, farm lands, the names of trusts and land owners. The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem, Tapu Defter: No. 427, T.D.131, T.D.1015,
Ibn Sa'd's Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir Ibn Sa'd's Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir Haq, S, Moinul (tr.) 2 vols. 古書 Kitab Bhavan n.d. repr. 2,200円 Muslims -- Biography English translation by S. Moinul Haq, assisted by H.K. Ghazanfar The first two volumes of the Tabaqat contains narrations dealing with the life of Prophet Muhammad
Wasaya al-Khulafa' wa al-Umara' al-Siyasiyah wa al-Idariyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal: Wasaya al-Khulafa' wa al-Umara' al-Siyasiyah wa al-Idariyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal: Al-Hadithi, Muhd. Jasim 314p. Matba'at al-Majma' al-'Ilmi 2002 4,280円 Abbasids -- Caliphs -- Politics and government -- History -- Sources وصايا الخلفاء والأمراء السياسية والادارية في العصر العباسي الأول : دراسة تحليلية تأليف محمد جاسم الحديثي Waṣāyā al-khulafāʼ wa-al-umarāʼ al-siyāsīyah wa-al-idārīyah fī al-ʻAṣr al-ʻAbbāsī al-awwal : dirāsah taḥlīlīyah taʼlīf Muḥammad Jāsim al-Ḥadīthī Baghdād : Maṭbaʻat al-Majmaʻ al-ʻIlmī, 2002
Al-Asnaf wa al-Mihan fi 'Asr al-'Abbasi, nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha: Al-Asnaf wa al-Mihan fi 'Asr al-'Abbasi, nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha: Al-Shaykhli, Sabah 271p. Al-Warraq/ al-Furat 2010 repr. 2,974円 Guilds -- Handicraft -- Abbasids -- Islamic Empire الأصناف والمهن في العصر العباسي : نشأتها وتطورها : بحث في التنظيمات الحرفية في المجتمع العربي الإسلامي صباح إبراهيم سعيد الشيخلي al-Aṣnāf wa-al-mihan fī al-ʻaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī : nashʼatuhā wa-taṭawwuruhā : baḥth fī al-tanẓīmāt al-ḥirafīyah fī al-mujtamaʻ al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī Ṣabāḥ Ibrāhīm Saʻīd al-Shaykhlī Summary also in English
Al-Fitnah al-Thaniyah fi 'ahd al-khalifah Yazid bn Mu'awiyah (60-64/680-684). Al-Fitnah al-Thaniyah fi 'ahd al-khalifah Yazid bn Mu'awiyah (60-64/680-684). Buthaynah Bin Husayn 701p. Manshurat al-Jamal 2013 5,706円 Yazīd I, Caliph, approximately 642-683 -- Umayyad dynasty -- Kings and rulers -- History هـ/ 680-684 م 64-60 / الفتنة الثانية في عهد الخليفة يزيد بن معاوية، بثينة بن حسين ؛ تقديم هشام جعيط al-Fitnah al-thānīyah fī ʻahd al-Khalīfah Yazīd ibn Muʻāwīyah, 60-64 H/680-684 M Buthaynah Bin Ḥusayn ; taqdīm Hishām Juʻayṭ
Hayat al-'Ammah fi Misr fi al-'Asr al-Fatimi (358-527/969-1171) Hayat al-'Ammah fi Misr fi al-'Asr al-Fatimi (358-527/969-1171) Kirah, Najwa Kamal 602p Zahra' al-Sharq 2004 5,706円 Egypt -- Social life and customs -- History -- Fatimites -- 640-1250 حياة العامة في مصر في العصر الفاطمي، ٣٥٨-٥٦٧ ھ/٩٦٩-١١٧١ م نجوى كمال كيرة Ḥayāt al-ʻāmmah fī Miṣr fī al-ʻAṣr al-Fāṭimī, 358-567 H/969-1171 M Najwá Kamāl Kīrah

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