




Iranian Studies
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Manabe'-e Maktub-e Din-e Zarzoshti. Manabe'-e Maktub-e Din-e Zarzoshti. Boycer, Mary (ed.) 244p. Markaz-e Da'erat al-Ma'aref-e Bozorg-e Eslami 1393(2014) 3,086円 [Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism]
Tr. by Shima Jaafari-Dehaghi
Holy War and Rapprochement: studies in the relations between the mamluk Sultanate and the Mongol Ilkhanate (1260-1335). Holy War and Rapprochement: studies in the relations between the mamluk Sultanate and the Mongol Ilkhanate (1260-1335). Amitai, Reuven 148p. Brepols 2013 6,538円 Mamelukes -- Ilkhanid dynasty -- History -- To 1500
This book argues that the relations between the Mamluk Sultanate of Syria and Egypt and the Ilkhanate, the Mongol state in Iran and the surrounding countries, were of a military, political-diplomatic, social and cultural nature.
Dar Emtedad-e 'Ashura. Dar Emtedad-e 'Ashura. Babayi, Ahsan 238p. Kalameh al-Haqq 1386 961円 Ashura -- Shiites -- Persian literature
... در امتداد عاشورا: تاملی بر درس های عاشورا با نگاهی به آثار و اندیشه های امام خمینی، آیت الله سید علی خامنه ای، بابائی، احسان Dar imtidād-i 'Āshūrā Bābāyī, Ahsan
Tarikh-e Asatiri-ye Iran Tarikh-e Asatiri-ye Iran Amuzegar, Zhaleh 104p. Sazman-e Motale'eh va Tadvin-e Ketab-e 'Olum-e Ensani-ye Daneshgah-ha 1380(74) 1,003円 [Mythological History of Iran]
تاريخ اساطيرى إيران ژاله آموزگار Tārīkh-i asāṭīrī-i Īran Zhālah Āmūzgār
Masa'el-e Parisiyeh: yaddasht-haye 'allameh Mohammad Qazvini. Masa'el-e Parisiyeh: yaddasht-haye 'allameh Mohammad Qazvini. Qazvini, Mohammad 4 vols. Bonyad-e Mawqufat-e Doktor Mahmud Afshar Yazdi 1385-91 7,575円 [Opera Minora] Qazvīnī, Muḥammad, 1877-1949 -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc.
مسائل پاريسية يادداشتهاي علامه محمد قزوينى Masāʼil-i Pārīsīyah yāddāshtʹhā-yi ʻAllāmah Muḥammad Qazvīnī ; bih kūshish-i Īraj Afshār va ʻAlī Muḥammad Hunar
Bagh-e Irani/ Persian Garden. Bagh-e Irani/ Persian Garden. Haydar Netaj, Vahid 117p. Daftar-e Pazhuhesh-ha-ye Farhangi 1389 606円 [Persian Garden] (What Do I Know About ? /97)
باغ ايرانى Bāgh-i Īrānī (Az Īrān chih mīdānam?, 97)
Bisotun. Bisotun. Jalileyan, Shahram 117p. Daftar-e Pazhuhesh-ha-ye Farhangi 1391 1,054円 [Bisotun (Behistun)] (What Do I Know About ? /105)
بيستون Bīsutūn (Behistun) (Az Īrān chih mīdānam?, 105)
Taraneh-ha-ye Mahalli-ye Iran/ Iranian Folk Songs. Taraneh-ha-ye Mahalli-ye Iran/ Iranian Folk Songs. Homayuni, Sadeq 122p. Daftar-e Pazhuhesh-ha-ye Farhangi 1391 1,180円 [Iranian Folk Songs] (What Do I Know About ? /109)
ترانه هاى محلى ايران (small/>Tarānahʹhā-yi maḥallī-i Īrān (Az Īrān chih mīdānam?, 109)
Tarikh-e Sahebqerani, havadeth-e tarikhi-ye selseleh-ye qajar (1190-1248 h.q.). Tarikh-e Sahebqerani, havadeth-e tarikhi-ye selseleh-ye qajar (1190-1248 h.q.). Mirza Qajar, Mahmud (1214-1271 h.q.) 5p(eng)+362p. Ketabkhaneh-ye Muzeh va Markaz-e Asnad-e Majles-e Shora-ye Eslami 1389(2011) 2,420円 [Historical Events of Qajar Dynasty (1190-1248 A.H.)] The book is one of those sources which have been written during the kingship of Fath 'Alī Shāh on the subject of the history of Qajar family. Iran -- History -- Qajar dynasty, 1794-1925
(تاريخ صاحبقرانى : حوادث تاريخى سلسلۀ قاجار (١١٩٠-١٢٤٨ ق محمود ميرزا قاجار Tārīkh-i Ṣāḥibqirānī : ḥavādis̲-i tārīkhī-i silsilah-ʼi Qājār (1190-1248 Q) taʼlīf-i, Maḥmūd Mīrzā Qājār ; taṣḥīḥ-i, Nādirah Jalālī (Kitābkhānah, Mūzih va Markaz-i Asnād, Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Islāmī (Series), 235)
Tarikh-e Iran, az voruz-e mosalmanan ta payan-e Taheriyan. Tarikh-e Iran, az voruz-e mosalmanan ta payan-e Taheriyan. Moftakhari, Hosayn & Hosayn Zamani 172p. Sazman-e Motale'eh va Tadvin-e Ketab-e 'Olum-e Ensani-ye Daneshgah-ha 1389(81) 1,191円 [History of Iran from Islam to the end of Tāhirids] Iran -- History -- 640-1256
تاريخ ايران از ورود مسلمانان تا پايان طاهريان حسين مفتخرى، حسين زمانى Tārīkh-i Īrān : az vurūd-i Musalmānān tā pāyān-i Ṭāhiriyān Ḥusayn Muftakharī ; Ḥusayn Zamānī
Bist va Panj Jostar az Mohammad Taqi Daneshpazhuh. Bist va Panj Jostar az Mohammad Taqi Daneshpazhuh. Daneshpazhuh, Mohammad Taqi 629p. Bonyad-e Mauqufat-e Doktor Mahmud Afshar 1391 4,598円 Collected articles, addresses, essays, lectures of Muḥammad Taqī Dānishʹpazhūh, 1911-1996, an Iranian scholar and author on Persian and Islamic studies, served for decades as deputy librarian at Tehran University; History of Iran. Iran -- History -- Civilization
بيست و پنج جستاراز محمد تقى دانشپژوه Bīst va panj justār az Muḥammad Taqī Dānishʹpazhūh ; bih kūshish-i Qudrat Allāh Pīshnamāzʹzādah (Ganjīnah-ʼi kullīyāt va maqālāt, 57)
The Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah and the Iranian monarchy, 1831-1896. The Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah and the Iranian monarchy, 1831-1896. Amanat, Abbas xxv,536p ills. pap. I.B. Tauris 2008(05) 4,389円 New Revised and Updated in Pap. When he was assassinated in 1896, Nasir al-Din Shah had sat on the Peacock throne for nearly half a century. A colourful, complex figure, he is frequently portrayed as indolent and self-indulgent. Yet he was in many ways an effective ruler who displayed exceptional resilience in the face of dilemmas and vulnerabilities shared by most monarchs of the Islamic world in the nineteenth century. In this book--the first English [book] about Nasir al-Din Shah--Abbas Amanat gives us both a biography of the man and an analysis of the institution of monarchy in modern Iran. Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh, -- Shah of Iran, 1831-1896 -- Monarchy -- Iran -- History -- 19th century
Theology of Discontent: the ideological foundation of the Islamic revolution in Iran. Theology of Discontent: the ideological foundation of the Islamic revolution in Iran. Dabashi, Hamid 706p. pap. Transaction Publishers 2005 2,550円 In the last decade, scores of books and articles have been published, addressing one or another aspect of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Missing from this body of scholarship, however, has been a comprehensive analysis of the intellectual and ideological cornerstones of one of the most dramatic revolutions in our time. In this remarkable volume, Hamid Dabashi for the first time brings together, in a sustained and engagingly written narrative, the leading revolutionaries who shaped the ideological disposition of this cataclysmic event. Dabashi has spent over ten years studying the writings, in their original Persian and Arabic, of the most influential Iranian clerics and thinkers and here presents his findings in accessible and eminently readable prose. Examining the revolutionary sentiments and ideas of such figures as Jalal Al-e Ahmad, Ali Shariati, Morteza Motahhari, Sayyad Mahmud Taleqani, Allamah Tabatabai, Mehdi Bazargan, Sayyad Abolhasan Bani-Sadr, and finally Ayatollah Khomeini, the work also analyzes the larger historical and theoretical implications of any construction of "the Islamic Ideology." Carefully located in the social and intellectual context of the four decades preceding the 1979 revolution, Theology of Discontent is the definitive treatment of the ideological foundations of the Islamic Revolution, with particular attention to the larger, more enduring ramifications of this revolution for radical Islamic revivalism in the entire Muslim world. Likely to establish Dabashi as one of the leading authorities on Islamic thought and ideology, this volume will be of interest to Islamicists, Middle East historians and specialists, as well as scholars and students of "liberation theologies," comparative religious revolutions, and mass collective behavior. Shīʻah -- Iran -- History -- 1979-1997 古書
Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: revolution, ideology, war, coups and geopolitics. Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: revolution, ideology, war, coups and geopolitics. Olson, Robert xix,284p maps pap. Mazda Publishers 2004 5,667円 Iran -- Foreign relations -- Turkey
Olson has written the first book detailing the tumultuous history and politics of Iran and Turkey during the past quarter of a century. This study discusses the impact of Iran's Islamic revolution, its militant ideology, the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) and the affect of these developments on its relations with Turkey and the two countries' geopolitical rivalry in the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Caspian countries and the Central Asian region. Turkey's military coups in 1980 and 1997, the waning of the ideology of Kemalism and Ankara's war with the PKK, (Kurdistan Workers' Party) are among issues discussed that affected Turkey's relations with the Islamic Republic.
Iranica Selecta: Studies in Honour of Prof. Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Iranica Selecta: Studies in Honour of Prof. Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his 70th birthday. van Tongerloo, Alois (ed.) xxi,282p ills. Brepols 2003 11,627円 Iran -- Civilization -- Iranian languages -- History
Iran: zwischen den fronten der weltpolitik : der kampf der groshm:achte um die globale vormacht an der schnittstelle von nahem osten und zentralasien; Iran: zwischen den fronten der weltpolitik : der kampf der groshm:achte um die globale vormacht an der schnittstelle von nahem osten und zentralasien; Niedermeier, Alexander viii,283s. Tectum Verlag 2009 4,330円 Iran -- Forein relations -- Russia -- History -- 1801-
Ashuradah va Herat, du kamingah-e este'mar: 1253-1339 hejri qamari, Ashuradah va Herat, du kamingah-e este'mar: 1253-1339 hejri qamari, Vothuq Zamani, Abu al-Fath 148p maps Nashr-e Guya 1363 991円 Iran -- History -- Qajar dynasty -- Foreign relations -- Caspian Sea -- Herat Āshūrādah va Hirāt, du kamīngāh-i istiʻmār : 1253-1339 hijrī qamarī, 1217-1300 hijrī khūrshīdī Abū al-Fatḥ Vus̲ūq Zamānī
The Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan. The Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan. Ahmar, Moonis (ed.) xvi,240p. U. of Karachi, Bureau of Composition, Compilation & Translation Press 2005 2,631円 Postwar reconstruction -- Afghanistan -- 2001- Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan, held at Islamabad during 2-3 March 2005.
Faraz va Forud-e Safaviyan. Faraz va Forud-e Safaviyan. Sefatgol, Mansur 215p ills. Kanun-e Andisheh-ye Javan 1388 1,035円 Safavid dynasty -- Iran -- History صفويان فراز و فرود منصور صفتگل Farāz-i va furūd Ṣafavīyān Manṣūr Ṣifatʹgul
Farhang-e Nahad-ha-ye Amuzeshi-ye Iran: az ruzgar-e bastan ta ta'sis-e daulat-e Safavi. Farhang-e Nahad-ha-ye Amuzeshi-ye Iran: az ruzgar-e bastan ta ta'sis-e daulat-e Safavi. Kasa'i, Nur Allah 673p. Daneshgah-e Tehran 1383 1,149円 Education -- Schools -- Iran -- History [The Culture of Iran Educational Organization, from ancient to Safavid] فرهنگ نهادهای آموزشی ایرانی از روزگار باستان تا تاسیس دولت صفوی نورالله کسائی Farhang-i nahādʹhā-yi āmūzishī-i Īrān : az rūzgār-i bāstān tā taʼsīs-i dawlat-i Ṣafavī/ Nūr Allāh Kasāʼī

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