
On British Islam: religion, law, and everyday practice in Shari'a councils.

(Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics)

On British Islam: religion, law, and everyday practice in Shari'a councils.
Bowen, John R.
Princeton U.P.

Islam and politics -- Muslims -- Great Britain -- Political activity -- Islamic law -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Islamic sects

On British Islam examines the history and everyday workings of Islamic institutions in Britain, with a focus on shari'a councils. These councils concern themselves with religious matters, especially divorce. They have a higher profile in Britain than in other Western nations. Why? Taking a historical and ethnographic look at British Islam, John Bowen examines how Muslims have created distinctive religious institutions in Britain and how shari'a councils interpret and apply Islamic law in a secular British context. Bowen focuses on three specific shari'a councils: the oldest and most developed, in London; a Midlands community led by a Sufi saint and barrister; and a Birmingham-based council in which women play a leading role.

Part 1: Pathways
1 Why Shari'a in Britain?
2 Transplanting ties
3 Islamic topographies
Part 2: Practices
4 Background to the Shari'a councils
5 Improvising an institution
6 Unstable performativity
7 Competing justifications
Part 3: Variants
8 When women rule in Birmingham
9 Sufi encompassments
Part 4: Boundaries
10 Shari'a in English law
11 When can Shari'a be British?
12 Internal debates and practical convergences
13 Conclusions


2025年 02月 20日 32724819 リクエスト (2015年 06月 19日 より)

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