
Proceedings of the International Conference on Egypt During the Ottoman Era,

26-30 November 2007, Cairo. (Sources and studies on the history of Islamic civilisation ; no. 19)

Eren, Halit (pref.)
324p(en. & tr.)+180p(ar)

Egypt -- Central-local government relations -- History -- Ottoman period -- Congresses

[Egypt during the Ottoman era]
Miṣr fī al-ʻAṣr al-ʻUthmānī : aʻmāl al-muʼtamar al-dawlī al-munʻaqid fī al-Qāhirah, 26-30 Nūfambir 2007 M

مصر في العصر العثماني : أعمال المؤتمر الدولي المنعقد في القاهرة، 26-30 نوفمبر 2007 م

In English, French, Turkish and Arabic

7 articles in Arabic

The Military Development in the Middle-East: The Question of Firearms in the Ottoman-Mamluk Rivalry -- Feridun M. EMECEN
XVII. Yüzyılda Mısır'ın İdari Durumu -- Özen TOK
The Inftuence of the Meta Narrative of History on the Study oh8th Century Egyptian Political Thought -- Peter GRAN
An Ottoman Base in Eastern Mediterranean: Alexandria of Egypt in the 18th Century -- İdris BOSTAN
The Egypt Policy of Abdulhamid II -- Cevdet Küçük
Suez Canal in the Ottoman Sources -- Mustafa BiLGE
Mısır'da Osmanlı Adliye Teşkilatının Kuruluşu ve ilk Mısır Kadıları Hakında Bir Araştırma -- Mehmet Mahfuz SÖYLEMEZ
Osmanlı Devleti'nde Hac Emirliği Müessesesi: Mısır Örneği -- Orhan KILIÇ
Classes pauvres etclasses dangereuses au Caire auXVIIIeme siecle -- Andre RAYMOND
Osmanlı Dönemi'nde Mısır'da Hukuki Modernleş~me (XIX. Yüzyıl) -- Ayhan CEYIAN
The Egyptian Contribution to the Reforms in Ottoman Vakf Libraries (Foundation libraries) in the Late Tanzimat Period -- Prof. Dr. ismail E. ERUNSAL
Impact of Ottoman Libraries on Education Systems in Egypt and Turkey: Ideals and Realities -- H. İnci ÖNAL
Cultural Interrelationships Between Turkish Minstrel Tradition and
Egyptian Folk Culture in the Socio-Cultural Context of Coffeehouses in
Alexandria and Cairo -- Özkul ÇOBANOĞLU
Mısır'in Tarihi Kaynakları Bakımından Başbakanlik Osmanlı Arşivi'nin
Önemi -- Halilullah ÖzCAN
Mlslr ile ilgili Osmanlı Evrakı: Sofya Milli Kütüphanesi "Kahire" Fonu -- Prof. Dr. Slavka DRAGANOVA
The East and the West in the Writings of Ali Pasha Mubarak of Egypt and
Ahmed Midhat Efendi -- Ahmet UYSAL
New Sources for the History ofthe Dakhla Oasis in the Ottoman Period -- Rudolph PETERS


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