



Jami in Regional Contexts: the reception of 'Abd al-Rahman Jami's works in the Islamicate world, ca. 9th/15th-13th/20th century.

(Handbook of Oriental Studies, Sec. 1: The Near and Middle East, 128)

d'Hubert, Thibault & Alexandre Papas (ed.)
xvii,847p. Pap.

Jāmī -- Criticism and interpretation -- History

Jāmī in Regional Contexts is the first attempt to present in a comprehensive manner how 'Abd al-Rahman Jami (d. 898/1492), a most influential figure in the Persian-speaking world, reshaped the canons of Islamic mysticism, literature and poetry and how, in turn, this new canon prompted the formation of regional traditions. As a result, a renewed geography of intellectual practices emerges as well as questions surrounding authorship and authority in the making of vernacular cultures. Specialists of Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Georgian, Malay, Pashto, Sanskrit, Urdu, Turkish, and Bengali thus provide a unique connected account of the conception and reception of Jami's works throughout the Eurasian continent and maritime Southeast Asia.

Introduction / Thibaut d'Hubert and Alexandre Papas --
A case of literary success : the spread of Jāmī's poetical works throughout the Near East / Francis Richard --
Approaching Jāmī through visual culture : the popularization of Yūsuf-Zulaykhā in Persianate societies / Sunil Sharma --
Jāmī and the Ottomans / Hamid Algar --
Scholar, saint, and poet : Jāmī in the Indo-Muslim world / Muzaffar Alam --
The Arab reception of Jāmī in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : al-Fawāʼid al-ḍiyāʼiyya and al-Durra al-fākhira / Florian Schwarz --
Nūr al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Jāmī in Sufi Writings in Malay / Mohamad Nasrin Nasir --
Before the Safavid-Ottoman conflict : Jāmī and sectarianism in Timurid Iran and Iraq / Sajjad H. Rizvi --
Trading pearls for beads : Jāmī's qaṣīdas in praise of Sulṭān Yaʿqūb and their significance to Āq Quyūnlū history / Chad G. Lingwood --
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī and the Ottoman linguistic tradition : philosophy of language and ʿIlm al-waḍʿ / Ertuğrul Ökten --
Jāmī's statement on the authorship of the Anīs al-ṭālibīn / Alexey Khismatulin --
Jāmī's Sharḥ-i rubāʿiyyāt dar vaḥdat-i vujūd : merging Akbarian doctrine, Naqshbandī practice, and Persian mystical quatrain / Ève Feuillebois-Pierunek --
The recreation of Jāmī's Lavāʼiḥ by Ḥamza Fanṣūrī / Paul Wormser --
Individual sanctity and Islamization in the ṭabaqāt books of Jāmī, Navāʼī, Lāmiʿī, and some others / Alexandre Papas --
Jāmī and his texts in China proper / Yiming Shen --
To round and rondeau the canon : Jāmī and Fānī's reception of the Persian lyrical tradition / Franklin Lewis --
"Utterly fluent, but seldom fresh" : Jāmī's reception among the Safavids / Paul Losensky --
Evaluating Jāmī's influence on Navāʼī : the case studies of the Khiradnāma-yi iskandarī and the Sadd-i iskandarī / Marc Toutant --
Foundational Maḥabbat-nāmas : Jāmī's Yūsuf u Zulaykhā in Bengal (ca. 16th-19th AD) / Thibaut d'Hubert --
Love's new pavilions : Śāhā Mohāmmad Chagīr's retelling of Yūsuf va Zulaykhā in early modern Bengal / Ayesha A. Irani --
Śrīvara's Kathākautuka : cosmology, translation, and the life of a text in sultanate Kashmir / Luther Obrock --
A bounty of gems : Yūsuf u Zulaykhā in Pashto / C. Ryan Perkins --
Sweetening the heavy Georgian tongue : Jāmī in the Georgian-Persianate world / Rebecca Ruth Gould


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