



The Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan.

(Program of Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution, Dept. of Int'l Relations, U. of Karachi & Hanns Seidel Foundation)

Ahmar, Moonis (ed.)
U. of Karachi, Bureau of Composition, Compilation & Translation Press

Postwar reconstruction -- Afghanistan -- 2001-

Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan, held at Islamabad during 2-3 March 2005.

[1]. Dynamics of internal power politics in Afghanistan --
[2]. The impact of 9/11 on Afghanistan --
[3]. Warlordism, the disarmament program and the rebuilding of the Afghan National Army --
[4]. The resurgence of poppy growing and the impact of drug money on Afghan economy and politics --
[5]. Taliban remnants and other armed resistance groups : a diminishing security challenge? --
[6]. Security challenges faced by the Afghan regime in the post-Taliban period --
[7]. The 2004 Afghan presidential elections and challenges for forthcoming parliamentary elections --
[8]. Ethnic fault lines in Afghanistan and the challenge of national unity --
[9]. Rebuilding of government and law enforcement institutions in Afghanistan --
[10]. The role of women in rebuilding Afghanistan --
[11]. Repatriation of Afghan refugees: achievements and obstacles --
[12]. The challenge of environmental degradation in Afghanistan --
[13]. The U.S. involvement in Afghanistan since 9/11 : strategic objectives, security and reconstruction --
[14]. The role of Russia and Central Asian states in Afghanistan --
[15]. Peace building support by the United Nations --
[16]. Pakistan's relations with post-Taliban Afghanistan --
[17]. Rebuilding Afghanistan : the resurgent role of India and Iran --
[18]. Afghan civil society : an emerging new political culture.


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