



Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde:

Baba Tükles and conversion to Islam in historical and epic tradition. (Hermeneutics, Studies in the History of Religions)

DeWeese, Devin
Pennsylvania State U. P.

Islam -- Mongols -- Central Asia -- History

This text is a study of conversion to Islam in Inner Asia, among peoples until recently part of the Soviet Union, and its role in the shaping of communal self-understanding from the 14th to the 20th centuries. It includes translations and analyses of a range of passages from various sources.

1. The Religious Environment: Worldview, Ritual, and Communal Status.
   Islam and Conversion.
   Indigenous Religion in Traditional Inner Asia.
   Islamization in Inner Asia --
2. The Historical Setting: Baba Tukles and the Conversion of Ozbek Khan.
   Islamic Antecedents in Western Inner Asia.
   The Conversion of Ozbek Khan.
   The Conversion of Ozbek Khan in the Account of Otemish Hajji --
3. Conversion Narrative and Religious Meaning, I: The Setting.
   Story, History, and Religious Meaning in Conversion Narrative.
   Debate and Contest.
   Ritual Intrusion and Displacement --
4. Conversion Narrative and Religious Meaning, II: The Drama.
   Baba Tukles and Shamanic Narrative.
   The Oven-Pit: Ordeal, Sacrifice, and Sacred Enclosure in Forging a Community.
   Displacement and Assimilation --
5. Baba Tükles in History and Genealogy.
   The Hero of the Conversion Narrative: Baba Tükles.
   Edigu and the Noghay Horde.
   Reworking the Account of Otemish Hajji: Abd al-Ghaffar Qirimi in the Eighteenth Century --
   Making Sense of Diverse Traditions
   Baba Tükles and the Full Genealogy of Edigu
6. Baba Tükles in Epic Tradition and Folklore
7. Baba Tükles and the Uses of Sacred Origins
Appendix, 1, 2, 3


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