
Bringing a Laugh to a Scowling Face:

a study and critical edition of the Nuzhat al-Nufus wa Mudhik al-'Abus' by 'Ali ibn Sudun al-Basbugawi (Cairo 810/1407-Damascus 868/1464) (CNWS Publications, 70)

Vrolijk, Arnoud
Res. School CNWS
xiv,203p,178p(ar) 古書

Arabic poetry -- Folk poetry -- 1258-1800 -- History and criticism

كتاب نزهة النفوس ومضحك العبوس
لعلي ابن سودون
Kitāb Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-muḍḥik al-ʻabūs
ʻAlī Ibn Sūdūn, Arnoud Vrolijk
[Bringing a laugh to a scowling face : a study and critical edition of the Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-muḍḥik al-ʻabūs by ʻAlī Ibn Sūdūn al-Bašbuġāwī (Cairo 810/1407-Damascus 868/1464)]

The text it contained was written in the mid-fifteenth century by a Cairene low life character called 'Ali Ibn Sudun al-Bashbughawi (known as Ibn Sudun, born 810/1407, died 868/1464), a second-generation Mamluk and a trained theologian who won for fimself the doutful reputation of a buffoon and a hashish addict. He was thrown out of Cairo by the authorities at the end of the Mamluk realm. The book he wrote is called "Nuzhat al-nufus wa mudhik al-'abus" ("The Diversion of the Souls, Bringing a Laugh to a Scowling Face"). It was a typical adab work, consisting of mixed prose and rhyme and written for the purpose of entertainment.


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