
The World of Islam: faith, people, culture.

Lewis, Bernard (ed.)
Thames and Hudson
360p ills. photos. 古書

Islamic civilization -- Islamic art -- Islamic empire -- History

490 illustrations, 160 in color, 330 photographs, drawings and maps

Ch. 1. The faith and the faithful: the lands and peoples of Islam / Bernard Lewis --
ch. 2. The man-made setting: Islamic art and architecture / Richard Ettinghausen --
ch. 3. Cities and citizens: the growth and culture of urban Islam / Oleg Grabar --
ch. 4. The mystic path: the Sufi tradition / Fritz Meier --
ch. 5. Jewellers without words: the heritage of Islamic literature / Charles Pellat --
ch. 6. The dimension of sound: Islamic music -philosophy, theory and practice / A. Shiloah --
ch. 7. The scientific enterprise: Islamic contributions to the development of science / A.I. Sabra --
ch. 8. Armies of the prophet: strategy, tactics and weapons in Islamic warfare / Edmund Bosworth --
ch. 9. Moorish Spain: the golden age of Cordoba and Granada / Emilio Garcia Gomez --
ch. 10. Land of the lion and the sun: the flowering of Iranian civilization / Roger M. Savory --
ch. 11. The Ottoman Empire: the rise and fall of Turkish domination / Norman Itzkowitz --
ch. 12. Muslim India: from the coming of Islam to independence / S.A.A. Rizvi --
ch. 13. Islam today: problems and prospects of the 19th and 20th centuries / Elie Kedourie


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