
Violence in Islamic Thought from the Mongols to European Imperialism.

(Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence in Islamic Thought)

Gleave, Robert & Istvan Kristo-Nagy (ed.)
Edinburgh U.P.
vii,240p ills.

Violence -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- History

New in pap.
The medieval and later pre-modern periods began with the violent defeat of Muslim power by the Mongols, and witnessed the rise of major Muslim imperial powers. This volume examines the various intellectual and cultural reactions to these events, and how they were integrated into the Muslim historical landscape.

1.Introduction / Robert Gleave and Istvánt T. Kristó-Nagy --
Part I. The Mongols and their aftermath. 2. Violence and non-violence in the Mongol conquest of Baghdad (1258) / Michal Biran --
3. The Mongols as the scourge of God in the Islamic world / Timothy May --
4. Yasa and Shari'a: Islamic attitudes towards the Mongol law in the Turco-Mongolian world (from rhe Golden Horde to Timur's time) / István Vásáry --
5. Unacceptable violence as legitimation in Mongol and Timurid Iran / Beatrice Forbes Manz --
Part II. Violence in religious thought. 6. Reconciling Ibn Taymiyya's legitimisation of violence with his vision of universal salvation / Jon Hoover --
7. Moral violence in Ahkham Ahl al-Dhimma by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya / Marie Thérèse Urvoy --
8. Al-Karaki, Jihad, the state and legitimate violence in Imami jurisprudence / Robert Gleave --
Part III. Violence in philosophical thought. 9. Legitimate and illegitimate violence in Arabic political philosophy: al-Farabi, Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun / Miklós Maróth --
10. 'Soft' and ' hard' power in Islamic political advice literature / Vasileios Syros --
Part IV. Representing violence. 11. Old images in new skies: flaying in the Iranian visual tradition / Iván Szántó --
12. Warrant for genocide? Ottoman propaganda against the Qizilbash / Colin Imber.


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