
Al-Riddah and the Muslim Conquest of Arabia.

(Islamic Series)

Shoufani, Elias S.
The Arab Inst. for Research and Publishing/ U. of Toronto Press

Riddah war -- History

The wars that the new state of Medina wages against tribes in the Arabian Peninsula, after the death of Muhammad, have been known traditionally as Hurub al-Riddah to denote an apostasy from Islam and forcible reconversion. The application of the term Riddah by the classical Muslim historians implied that Arabia was unified and completely converted to Islam before the Prophet's death. Because this legend has been contested by modern scholarship in its re-evaluation of Muhammad's political achievements, a thorough examination of the whole question of the Riddah -- as it is treated in the first sources -- has been rendered inevitable. Dr. Shoufani's conclusions are the outcome of careful comparative study of the traditional sources in the light of modern criticism of these sources. Dr. Shoufani concludes that only some tribes of Najd deserve this unflattering epithet "Ahl al-Riddah," or apostates. Contrary to what Muslim historians have claimed of it, the Riddah was not a religious movement directed against Islam, the Muslims, or their beliefs: it was the Najdi trides' repudiation of their fiscal obligations to Medina, which they had unwillingly agreed to pay yearly in taxes.

The Problem of the Riddah
I Muhammad's Control in Arabiah
II The Election of Abu Bakr
III The Character and Extent of the Riddah
IV The Riddah and the Arab Conquest
V The Successo f Abu Bakr


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