
Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat sects

(Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)

Moosa, Matti
Syracuse U.P.
xxiii,580p pap.

Shīʿah -- Islamic sects -- Nosairians -- Sufism

A ground-breaking study of the origins and cultural aspects of the different extremist, or Ghulat, Shiite sects in the Middle East.
Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects is an extremely useful work. It contains a mass of information on little known Muslim sects, their origin, development, religious practices, and present status—the last being perhaps the most significant part of the research done on this subject.

1- The Shabak, 2- The Bektashis, 3- The Safawis and Kizilbash, 4- The Bektashis, the Kizilbash, and the Shabak, 5- The Ghulats' "Trinity", 6- The Miraculous Attributes of Ali, 7- The Family of the Prophet, 8- Religious Herarchy, 9- The Twelve Imams, 10- The Abdal, 11- Rituals and Ceremonies, 12- Social Customs, 13- Religious Books, 14- The Bajwan and Ibrahimiyya, 15- The Sarliyya-Kakaiyya, 16. The Ahl-i Haqq (Ali Ilahis): Origin and Identity, 17- The Ahl-i Haqq: Cosmology and Cosmogony, 18- Sultan Sahak: Founder of the Ahl-i Haqq, 19- The Ahl-i Haqq: The Cult of dawud, 20- The Ahl-i Haqq: Jam, 21- The Ahl-i Haqq: The Role of Ali, 22- The Nusayris (AAlawis): Ancient Period, 23- The Nusayris: Middle Period, 24- The Nusayris: Under the French Mandate, 25- The Nusayris: Rise to Political Power, 26- The Nusayrios Religious System: The Concept of God, 27- The Nusayris Religious System: The Apoptheosis of Ali, 28- The Nusayri Concept of Light: Shamsis and Qamaris, 29- The Nusayri "Tribity": Alio, Muhammad and Salman al-Farisi, 30- The Nusayri Religious System: the Twelve Imams, 31- The Nusayri Religious System: Role of the Aytam and Spiritual Hierarchies, 32- The Nusayri Religious System: Metempsychosis, 33- The Nusayri Religious System: Initiation, 34- Nusayri Ceremonies: Festivals, 35- The Nusayri Mass, 36- The Nusayris, Sunnites, and Twelver Shiites, 37- Pagan, Christian, and Islamic Elements in the Beliefs of the Ghulat, 38- Armenian Elements in the Beliefs of the Kizilbash Kurds


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