
Al-Jahiz: a Muslim humanist for one time.

(Beiruter Texte und Studien, 119)

Heinemann, A., J.L. Meloy, & T. Khalidi & M. Kropp (ed.)
Orient-Institut Beirut

Jāḥiẓ, -868 or 869 -- Criticism and interpretation -- Congresses

Al-Jāḥiẓ : a Muslim humanist for our time

Part One: Intellectual History:Critical Concepts
Josef van Ess: Al-Jāhiz and Early Mu'tazili Theology --
Sebastian Günther: Al-Jāhizand the Poetics of Teaching – A Ninth Century Muslim Scholar on Intellectual Education --
Hilary Kilpatrick: Al-Jāhijz and World Music --
George Saliba: Al-Jāhiz and the Critique of Aristotelian Science --
Gregor Schoeler: Writing for a Reading Public: The Case of al-Jāhiz --
Part Two: Language, Literature and Communication
Saleh Said Agha: Language as a Component of Arab Identity in al-Jāhiz:The Case of Ismā'il’s Conversion to Arabhood --
Ramzi Baalbaki: The Place of al-Jāhiz in the Arabic Philological Tradition --
Vahid Behmardi: The Impact of al-Jāhiz on the Genesis of the Maqāma Genre --
Lale Behzadi: Al-Jāhiz and his Successors on Communication and the Levels of Language --
Peter Heath: Al-Jāhiz, Adab, and the Art of the Essay --
Part Three: Texts and Works
Asma Afsaruddin: Lessons from the Past: Piety, Leadership, and Good Governance in the Risālat al-̈'Uthmāniyya --
Michael Cooperson: Al-Jāhiz, the Misers, and the Proto-Sunnê Ascetics --
Hans Daiber: A New Manuscript of al-Jāhiz’s Works and its Importance for their Transmission --
Susanne Enderwitz: Culture, History and Religion: À propos the Introduction of the Kitāb al-Hayawān --
Geert Jan van Gelder: Kitāb al-Bursān: Al-Jāhiz on Right- and Left-Handedness --
Matthew S. Gordon: Yearning and Disquiet: Al-Jāhiz and the Risālat al-qiyān --
Maher Jarrar and Nisrine Jaafar: “It stinks in Basra!”: Al-Jāhiz on Odors --


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