
Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder

(Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, No. 12)

Hawting, G.R., J.A. Mojaddedi & A. Samely (ed.)
Oxford U.P.

Islam -- Islamic law -- Arabic literature -- History and criticism

Norman Calder 21 March 1950-13 February 1998 / Stefan Sperl
Published works of Norman Calder
Jewish tradition in early Islam: the case of Enoch/Idrīs / P.S. Alexander
Al-Muʻtaṣim's 'bridge of toil' and Abū Tammām's Amorium qaṣīda / J. Bray
A propos du Kitāb al-radd ʻalā al-Shāfiʻī attribué à Abū Bakr Muḥammad Ibn al-Labbād al-Qayrawānī (m. 333/944) et des réfutations de Shāfiʻī dans le mālikisme ancien / É. Chaumont
The Khārijites and the caliphal title / P. Crone
Narrative and doctrine in the first story of Rūmī's Mathnawī / R. Davis
Two classical Shīʻī theories of qaḍāʼ / R. Gleave
Discussion in Islamic law of being prevented from completing a pilgrimage (iḥṣār) / G.R. Hawting
Fiqh for beginners: an Anatolian text on jihād / C. Imber
In praise of the few / E. Kohlberg
Can rights co-exist with religion? / O. Leaman
Researching Muslim minorities: some reflections on fieldwork in Britain / S. McLoughlin
Jāmīʼs re-contextualization of biographical traditions: 'the biography of Anṣārī' in the framework of the Nafaḥāt al-uns / J.A. Mojaddedi
The exegetical literature of abrogation: form and content / A. Rippin
From case to case: notes on the discourse logic of the Mishnah / A. Samely
The defective marriage in classical Ḥanafī law: issues of form and validity / M. Siddiqui
In celebration of Spring: a poem by al-Ṣanawbarī / S. Sperl
The medieval Kārim: an ancient near eastern paradigm? / J. Wansbrough


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