
The Occult Sciences in Pre-Modern Islamic Cultures

(Beiruter Texte und Studien, 138)

El-Bizri, Nader & Eva Orthmann (ed.)
Orient Institut Beirut

Magic -- Occultism -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- Congresses

This volume examines the occult sciences and their context within the body of scientific knowledge in pre-modern Islamic cultures. The chapters explore the relationships between the phenomena of nature and the supernatural arcana as accounted for in arithmology, physiognomy, astrology, divination, geomancy, lettrism, alchemy, magic, and gnosis. The spectrum of analytic approaches in the studies that are set in the chapters of this volume vary in terms of their methodological directives in historiography, philology, and epistemology. However, they cumulatively reveal the complex nuances in thought that situated the occultist practice within the sphere of science in the pre-modern Islamic milieu.

Chapter 1:
Nader El-Bizri
The Occult in Numbers: The Arithmology and Arithmetic of the Ikhwān al-Safāʾ
Chapter 2:
Emma Gannagé
Between Medicine and Natural Philosophy: Avicenna on Properties (khawāss) and Qualities (kayfiyyāt)
Chapter 3:
Muhammad Ali Khalidi / Tarif Khalidi
Is Physiognomy a Science? Reflections on the Kitāb al-Firāsa of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
Chapter 4:
Antonella Ghersetti
A Science for Kings and Masters: Firāsa at the Crossroad between Natural Sciences
and Power Relationships in Arabic Sources
Chapter 5:
George Saliba
Cometary Theory and Prognostications in the Islamic World and Their Relationship to Renaissance Europe
Chapter 6:
Kristine Chalyan-Daffner
Predictions of ῾Natural᾽ Disasters in the Astro-meteorological Malhamah Handbooks
Chapter 7:
Matthew Melvin-Koushki
Persianate Geomancy from Tūsī to the Millennium: A Preliminary Survey
Chapter 8:
Orkhan Mir-Kasimov
The Occult Sciences in Ḥurūfī Discourse: Science of Letters, Alchemy and Astrology in
the Works of Faḍlallāh Astarābādī
Chapter 9:
Eva Orthmann
Lettrism and Magic in an Early Mughal Text: Muḥammad Ghawth’s Kitāb al-Jawāhir al-Khams
Chapter 10:
Isabel Toral-Niehoff / Annette Sundermeyer
Going Egyptian in Medieval Arabic Culture: The Long-Desired Fulfilled Knowledge of Occult Alphabets by Pseudo‐Ibn Waḥshiyya


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