
Everything is on the Move: the Mamluk empire as a node in (trans-)regional networks.

(Mamluk Studies 7)

Conermann, Stephan (ed.)
V&R Unipress
2014 特価

特価 ¥11,050
Trade routes -- Middle East -- Commerce -- Mameluks -- History

In this volume, we try to understand the "Mamluk Empire" not as a confined space but as a region where several nodes of different networks existed side-by-side and at the same time.

Stephan Conermann (Bonn): Networks and Nodes in Mamluk Times: some introductory remarks ... 9
Global Context
Georg Christ (Manchester): Beyond the Network - Connectors of Networks: Venetian Agents in Cairo and Venetian News Management ... 27
Yehoshua Frenkel (Haifa): The Mamluks among the Nations: A Medieval Sultanate in its Global Context ... 61
Henning Sievert (Bonn/Zurich): Family, friend or foe? Factions, households and interpersonal relations in Mamluk Egypt and Syria ... 83
Johannes Pahlitzsch (Mainz): Networks of Greek Orthodox Monks and Clerics between Byzantium and Mamluk Syria and Egypt ... 127
Michael Winter (Tel Aviv): Sufism in the Mamluk Empire (and in early Ottoman Egypt and Syria) as a focus for religious, intellectual and social networks ... 145
Carl F. Petry (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL): "Travel Patterns of Medieval Notables in the Near East" Reconsidered: contrasting trajectories, interconnected networks ... 165
Miriam Kiihn (Berlin): "Stars, they come and go, [...] and all you see is glory" - minbars as Emblems of Political Power in Intra-Mamluk Strife ... 181
Thomas Bauer (Munster): How to Create a Network: Zaynaddin al-Atari and his Muqarrizun ... 205
Mohammad Gharaibeh (Bonn): Brokerage and Interpersonal Relationships in Scholarly Networks. Ibn Hagar al-'Asqalanl and His Early Academic Career ... 223
Mental Networks: Travelling Concepts-Actor-Network-Theory
Albrecht Fuess (Marburg): Ottoman Gazwah - Mamluk Gihad. Two Arms on the Same Body? ... 269
Torsten Wollina (Beirut): News and Rumor - local sources of knowledge about the world ... 283
Richard McGregor (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee): Networks, Processions, and the Disruptive Display of Religion ... 311
Bethany J. Walker (Bonn): Mobility and Migration in Mamluk Syria: The Dynamism of Villagers 'on the Move' ... 325


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