
Mamluk Historiography Revisited - Narratological Perspectives

(Mamluk Studies, 15)

Conermann, Stephan (ed.)
V&R Unipress
2018 特価

特価 ¥8,038
Mamelouks -- Historiography

This volume discusses Mamluk historical texts with an emphasis on literary/stylistic analysis, basically ignoring issues of ‘factuality’ versus 'fictivity'. None of the authors set out to write 'fiction'; nor would their audience have received their accounts as such. The events depicted were a matter of historical record; but their meaning was geared both to contemporary and to general concerns. The fact of telling them is part and parcel of the historian’s task; the means of telling them has to do with the historian’s choice of style; and style is all-important in conveying meaning. Were these accounts not considered 'true', the purpose behind their telling and the meaning they convey, would, arguably, be lost; but were they not told in the most effective manner, their meaning might not be clearly grasped.

On the Art of Writing History in Mamluk Times / Stephan Conermann --
Mamlūk Historiography Revisited: Narratological Perspectives in Damascene Chronicles / Yehoshua Frenkel --
Narrative Strategies in Biographical Dictionaries: The ad-Durar al-Kāmina of Ibn Ḥağar al-ʿAsqalānī -- a case study / Mohammad Gharaibeh --
Ibn Iyās, the Poet: The Literary Profile of a Mamluk Historian / Li Guo --
Lachrymose behavior in Mamluk Chronicles: A Narratological Technique / Amalia Levanoni --
The Topos of Predicting the Future in Early Mamluk Historiography / Amir Mazor --
Documents as Literary Texts: Mamluk Historiography Revisited / Linda Northrup --
Ibn Taghrībirdī’s Stories / Irmeli Perho --
Gendered Nuances in Historiographical Discourses of the Mamluk Period: Muted Praise? Veiled Trivialization? Enigmatic Transgressions? / Carl Petry --
Ibn Zunbul on the Ottoman Conquest of Syria and Egypt / Boaz Shoshan --
Al-Maqrīzī’s History of the Ḥajj (al-Dhahab al-Masbūk) and Khaldūnian Narrative Construction: towards a macro-structural textual analysis of form and meaning / Jo Van Steenbergen --
The Changing Legacy of a Sufi Shaykh: Narrative Constructions in Diaries, Chronicles, and Biographies (15th-17th Centuries) / Torsten Wollina


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