
es-Sukuk ala Batlamyus: the Doubts Concerning Ptolemy: Batlamyus üzerine süpheler: inceleme - tercüme - tahkikli metin.

haz. F.Z. Pattabano.glu, A.N. Kattan & Z. Akkus

Ibnü'l-Haysem/ Ibn al-Haytham
Türkiye Bilimler Akademis
215p (131-202p arabic)

Astronomy -- Ibn Al-Haytham -- Batlamyus -- Ptolemy -- History of Egypt

eş-Şukuk ala Batlamyus Batlamyus Üzerine şüpheler İnceleme - Tercüme - Tahkikli Metin / Yazar: İbnü’l-Heysem, Editör: Prof. Dr. Atilla Bir
with Arabic text [al-Shukûk 'alâ Batlaimûs]

This book is an analysis, a text and a translation study of Ibn Al-Haytham's work called al-Shukuk ala Ptolemy. The aforementioned work is the critique of three books written by Ptolemy on Mathematike Syntaxis/ Almagest (al-Macisti), Planetary Hypotheses (al-Iqtisas), and Optics (al-Manazur). According to Ibn Al-Haytham, the inconsistencies that disrupted Prolemy's astronomy stem from the inconsistency between the mathematical theory of planets and cosmology. Although Ptolemy's Geocentric system use Aristotle's physics, the concept of the displacement of the Earth from the center, the epicycle circle, the equinant is contrary to Aristotelian physics. For this reason, Ibn Al-Haytham desires to put Prolemy's astronomy on a more solid ground by clearing out its internal in consistencies. In addition, in order to reach the truth in science, he's aimed to eliminate the prejudices and the pressure of the authority.


2024年 10月 23日 25398509 リクエスト (2015年 06月 19日 より)

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