
The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: from the seventh to the twelfth century.

(Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture)

Lev, Yaacov
Edinburgh U.P.
vii,301p photos. pap.

Justice, Administration of -- Egypt -- History

Explores how Muslim law governed the life of the individuals and the conduct of society in medieval Egypt.
This book shows how political and administrative forces shaped the way justice was applied in medieval Egypt. It introduces the model that evolved during the 7th to the 9th centuries, which involved 4 judicial institutions: the cadi, the court of complaint (mazalim), the police/shurta (responsible for criminal justice) and the Islamized market law (hisba) administrated by the market supervisor/muhtasib.

Part One. The Cadi: Judge and Administrator
Chapter One. The Cadi's Jurisdiction: Evolution and Consolidation
Chapter Two. Sunnῑ Rulers and Their Cadis
Chapter Three. Ismᾱʻῑlῑ Rulers and the Judicial System
Part Two. Judicial Institutions outside the Pale of Islamic Law
Chapter Four. Criminal Justice and the Police
Chapter Five. The Law of the Market
Chapter Six. The Ruler's Justice: The Maẓᾱlim Institution
Part Three. The Administration of Justice in Non-Muslim Communities
Chapter Seven. Judicial Autonomy: Medieval Realities and Modern Discourse
Chapter Eight. Administration of Justice in a Broader Perspective


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