
Mawqif Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah min Qadiyah al-'Aql wa al-Naql: dirasah tahliliyah li-Kitab Dar' ta'arud al-'aql wa al-naql.

al-Tubji, Sharif
Dar al-Rawafid al-Thaqafiyah

Islam -- Ibn Taymīyah, Aḥmad b. ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm 1263-1328 -- Philosophy -- Rationalism

In Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation, Carl Sharif El-Tobgui offers the first comprehensive study of Ibn Taymiyya’s ten-volume magnum opus, Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql (Refutation of the conflict of reason and revelation). In his colossal riposte to the Muslim philosophers and rationalist theologians, the towering Ḥanbalī polymath rejects the call to prioritize reason over revelation in cases of alleged conflict, interrogating instead the very conception of rationality that classical Muslims had inherited from the Greeks. In its place, he endeavors to articulate a reconstituted “pure reason” that is both truly universal and in full harmony with authentic revelation. Based on a line-by-line reading of the entire Darʾ taʿāruḍ, El-Tobgui’s study carefully elucidates the “philosophy of Ibn Taymiyya” as it emerges from the multifaceted ontological, epistemological, and linguistic reforms that Ibn Taymiyya carries out in this pivotal work.

موقف شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية من قضية العقل والنقل - دراسة تحليلية لكتاب درء تعارض العقل والنقل
شريف الطوبجي
[Ibn Taymiyyah on reason and revelation : a study of Darʼ ta'āruḍ al-ʻaql wa-l-naql]


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