
The Dilemma of Authoritarian Local Governance in Egypt.

The Dilemma of Authoritarian Local Governance in Egypt.
Awad, Hani
Edinburgh U.P.
ix,238p. pap.

Egypt -- Authoritarianism -- Local government

The authoritarian upgrading process in Egypt has enabled the regime to have a more effective dominance in local politics and to enhance its political control. However, its strategies failed to overcome the weakness of system mobilisation functions, which reflected the authoritarian dilemma of bridging the macro (the national) and the micro (the local). Drawing on extensive fieldwork, Hani Awad explores the formal and informal decentralisation strategies employed under three regimes (Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak) to upgrade the Egyptian system of local governance without giving up power or democratising local governments.

Introduction: Centralised structures and decentralised politics --
1. Political decentralization in centralized institutional contexts: The dilemma of authoritarian local governance in Egypt --
2. Centralized and decentralized: The authoritarian upgrading of the Egyptian system of local governance --
3. Alternative local politics: The rise and the fall of the Da'wa Movement --
4. Clannism without clans: The ascendance of kin-based political mobilization --
5. System collapsed: The advent of revolutionary local politics --
Epilogue: A regime trusts no grassroots: Local governance under Sisi: Securitisation, untrust and uncertainty.


2025年 02月 01日 31798963 リクエスト (2015年 06月 19日 より)

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