
Studies in Islamic Society: contribution in memory of Gabriel Baer.

Warburg, Gabriel R. & Gad G. Gilbar (ed.)
Haifa U.P.

Baer, Gabriel -- Islamic civilization -- Middle East -- History

*Women and Waqf: an analysis of the Istanbul Tahrīr of 1546/ G. Baer
*The Waqf Institution in Early Ottoman Edirne/ H. Gerber
*The Waqf as an Instrument to Increase and Consolidate Political Power: the case of the Khassekī Sultan Waqf in late 18th-century Ottoman Jerusalem/ O. Peri
*Ottoman Service as a Vehicle for the Rise of New Upstarts among the Urban Elite Families of Syria in the Last Decades of Ottoman Rule/ R. Roded
*Dhawāt and 'Isāmiyyūn: two groups of Arab Community Leaders in Haifa a during the British Mandate/ J. Vashitz
*Effects of the Transition from the Turkish to the French Regime in Algiers - the case of the Mzābī Talaba (Tolba)/ M. Hoester
*Cultural Relations between Egyptian and Jerusalem 'Ulamā' in the Early 19th Century/ 'Adel Mannā'
*Law, Practice, and Social Reality: a theft case in Cairo, 1854/ E.R. Toledano
*Islam on the Defensive the Supreme Muslim Council's Role in Mandatory Palestine/Uri M. Kupferschmidt
*Between Ottomanism and Egyptianism: the evolution of 'national sentiment' in the Cairene middle class as reflected in Najīb Mahfūz's Bayn al-Qasrayn/ I. Gershomi
*Culture in the Service of Wataniyya: the treatment of Mesopotamian-inspired art in Ba'thi Iraq/ A. Baram
*List of Publications of Gabriel Baer, 1919-1982


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