
A History of Islamic Societies.

2nd edition

Lapidus, Ira M.
Cambridge U.P.
xxx,970p pap.

Islam -- Islamic countries -- History

Lapidus's history explores the beginnings and transformations of Islamic civilizations in the Middle East and details Islam's worldwide diffusion to Africa, Spain, Turkey and the Balkans, Central, South and Southeast Asia, and North America, situating Islamic societies within their global, political, and economic contexts. It accounts for the impact of European imperialism on Islamic societies and traces the development of the modern national state system and the simultaneous Islamic revival from the early nineteenth century to the present. This book is essential for readers seeking to understand Muslim peoples.

Part I The Origins of Islam Civilization: the Middle East from c. 600 to c. 1200
The Preaching of Islam
The Arab Muslim Imperium (632-945)
From Islamic Culture to Islamic Sopciety: Iran asnd Iraq, 945 - c. 1200
Part II The Worldwide Diffusion of Islamic Societies from the Tenth to the Nineteenth Centuries
The Middle Eastern Islamic Societies
Islam in Central Asia and the Southern Asia
Islam in Africa
Part III The Modern Transformation: Muslim Peoples in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Nationalism and Islam in the Middle East
Secularism and Islam in Central and Southern Asia
Islam in Twentieth-Centuiry Africa
Islam in the West


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