
Christian - Muslim Encounters.

Haddad, Y.Y. & W.Z. Haddad (ed.)
U. Press of Florida
ix,508p. pap. 古書

Christianity -- Islam -- Interfaith relations -- Congresses

The authors of these essays examine the ways in which Muslims and Christians worldwide have encountered one another over 1,400 years and the ways in which they are engaged today, enlightening current interpolitical, intersocial and intereconomic relationships. Covering geographical, historical and methodological topics that range from medieval scripture to contemporary theological reflections and including contributions from both Muslims and Christians, the essays will interest scholars of Islamic history and political science, religious leaders and the public.

The result of a conference held on June 7-9, 1990 and sponsored in part by the Hartford Seminary, Connecticut

Christian-Muslim studies, Islamic studies, and the future of Christian-Muslim encounter / Willem A. Bijlefeld --
Fa-stabiqū ʼl-khayrāt: a Qurʼanic principle of interfaith relations / Issa J. Boullata --
Some biblical considerations relevant to the encounter between traditions / Antonie Wessels --
Jesus the Son of God: a study of the terms ibn and walad in the Qurʼan and Tafsīr tradition / Mahmud Mustafa Ayoub --
Tenth-century speculative theologian's refutation of the basic doctrines of Christianity: al-Bāqillānī (d. A.D. 1013) / Wadi Z. Haddad --
Ibn Taymiyya and the Kitāb al-Burhān: a Muslim controversialist responds to a ninth-century Arabic Christian apology / Mark N. Swanson --
"Holosphyros?" A Byzantine perception of "the God of Muhammad" / Daniel J. Sahas --
Calvin and the Turks / Jan Slomp --
Jesus and Mary as poetical images in Rūmī's verse / Annemarie Schimmel --
Personal transformation in Ibn-al-ʻArabī and Meister Eckhart / James E. Royster --
Muslim attitudes toward Christians in the Maghrib during the Fāṭimid period, 297/909-358/969 / R. Marston Speight --
Some aspects of Muslim-Frankish Christian relations in the Shām region in the twelfth century / Hadia Dajani-Shakeel --
Christians in Mamlūk Jerusalem / Donald P. Little --
Old French travel accounts of Muslim beliefs concerning the afterlife / Jane I. Smith --
Sharing Islamically in the pluralistic nation-state of India: the views of some contemporary Indian Muslim leaders and thinkers / Christian W. Troll --
Dynamics of religious coexistence in Kerala: Muslims, Christians, and Hindus / Roland E. Miller --
Christian-Muslim encounter in Indonesia / Olaf Schumann --
Direction of Christian-Muslim relations in Sub-Saharan Africa / Johann Haafkens --
Muslims in Europe in the late twentieth century / Jorgen S. Nielsen --
Challenges facing Christian-Muslim dialogue in the United States / Sulayman S. Nyang --
Umma in North America: Muslim "melting pot" or ethnic "mosaic"? / Frederick Mathewson Denny --
Some North African intellectuals' presentations of Islam / Jacques Waardenburg --
Christians in a Muslim state: the recent Egyptian debate / Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad --
Ismāʻīi al-Fārūqī in the field of dialogue / Kenneth Cragg --
Religious pluralism in the thought of Muḥammad Kāmil Ḥussein / Harold S. Vogelaar --
"He walked in the path of the prophets": toward Christian theological recognition of the prophethood of Muhammad / David A. Kerr --
Suspending or postponing theological judgment? A second look at W.A. Bijlefeld's De islam als na-christelijke religie / John B. Carman --
Comments on a few theological issues in Islamic-Christian dialogue / Seyyed Hossein Nasr


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