
Iran and Persianate Culture in the Indian Ocean World.

(BIPS - Studies in the History and Culture of the Persianate World)

Peacock, A.C.S. (ed.)
I.B. Tauris
xiv, 355p. facs. photos.

Indian Ocean region -- Irannian influence -- History -- Congresses

The first interdisciplinary study of the history of contact between Iranians and the peoples and polities of the Indian Ocean.
This book brings together a collection of internationally renowned scholars from a variety of disciplines - including archaeology, history, literature, linguistics, art history - to examine Iran's political and commercial relations with the Indian Ocean world in history, Persian-speaking communities in the Indian Ocean world, Persian(ate) elements in Indian Ocean languages and literatures, Persian texts dealing with the Indian Ocean, and connections in material culture.

Introduction / A.C.S. Peacock
Chapter 1. The Sasanian Origin of Siraf? / Seth M.N. Priestman
Chapter 2. Mark Marking on Ceramic Transport Jars – Clues to Persianate Actors and Networks in the Indian Ocean World (8th through 10th Centuries AD) / Elizabeth Lambourn
Chapter 3. The Shirazis in East Africa, myth or reality? / Mark Horton
Chapter 4. Maritime relations between the Persian Gulf and China: An overview from the Song through the Ming periods (10th-17th centuries) / Ralph Kauz
Chapter 5. The Role of Iran in the Islamicisation of the Maldives / Jost Gippert
Chapter 6. Medieval Khurasan and the Indian Ocean World / A.C.S. Peacock
Chapter 7. From Devas to Muwakkils: Manifestations of Indic Gods in Persianate Works / Maya Petrovich
Chapter 8. Traditional Malay Conversion Narratives, Sufi Hagiography, and Persian Historiography: Crafting Political Legitimacy while “Centring the Periphery” in the Malay World / Alexander Wain
Chapter 9. The Jami? al-barr wa'l-ba'r: The place of 'birds of paradise' in the elaboration of Perso-Islamicate traditions in the eastern frontiers of Indonesia / Raha Ebrahimi
Chapter 10. Another Ship of Persians to Siam in the 17th Century: An Account of a Persian Shi?i Anthology in Patna, Dhaka and Burma / Majid Daneshgar
Chapter 11. Arabic-Persian Bilingualism and Persianate Identities in the Early Modern Western Indian Ocean: The Case of Mirza Muhammad Fayyaz / James White
Chapter 12. Unfinished Hyperboles! Adam's Footprint in Sri Lanka and Wonder on the Edge of Modernity / Vivek Gupta
Chapter 13. Rejecting the Persianate Past: A Pioneering Urdu History of the Indian Ocean / Nile Green
Chapter 14. Royal Exile in the Indian Ocean: Reza Shah's Sojourn in Mauritius / H.E.Chehabi


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