Yawmiyat Lubnani fi Ayyam al-Mutasarrifiyah (al-Khizanah al-Tarikhiyah, 4)
- Hishi, Salim Hasan
- Dar Lahd Khatir
- 200p
- 1983
- Lebanon -- History -- Biography -- 1898-1907 -- Sources Yawmīyāt lubnānī fī ayyām al-mutasạrrifīyah Salīm Ḥasan Hishī [Memoires d'un libanais a l'epoque du "Mutasarrifat"]
Tarikh al-Azminah. ed. by Butrus Fahd (al-Khizanah al-Tarikhiyah, 3)
- Istifan al-Duwayhi
- Dar Lahd Khatir
- xxiii,647p
- 1986
- History -- Maronites -- Lebanon -- Middle East تاريخ الازمنة، اسطفانوس الدويهي Tārīkh al-azminah, 1095M - 1699M Isṭifān Duwayhī
Tarikh al-Umara' al-Shihabiyin, bi-qalam ahad umara'i-him min Wadi al-Taym (al-Khizanah al-Tarikhiyah, 2)
- Hishi, Salim Hasan
- Dar Lahd Khatir
- 218p
- 1984
- Lebanon -- Shihābī family -- History -- 1516-1918 تاريخ الأمراء الشهابيين بقلم أحد أمرائهم من وادي التيم ؛ ناظر فيها ونقحها ووضع فهارسها سليم حسن هشي Tārīkh al-Umarāʼ al-Shihābīyīn bi-qalam aḥad Umarāʼihim min Wādī al-Taym ; naẓara fīhā wa-naqqaḥahā wa-waḍaʻa fahārisahā Salīm Ḥasan Hishī
Jami' al-Mufassal fi Tarikh al-Mawarinah al-Mu'assal (al-Khizanah al-Tarikhiyah, 1)
- Dibs, Yusuf
- Dar Lahd Khatir
- 410p
- 1987
- Maronites -- History - Biographies -- Lebanon الجامع المفصل في تارخ الموارنة المؤصل ليوسف الدبس al-Jāmi al-mufaṣṣal fī tārikh al-Mawārinah al-muʼaṣṣal Yūsuf al-Dibs
Al-Tifl fi al-Watan al-'Arabi (Waqi' wa Ihtiyajat) (Silsilah Kutub al-Mustaqbal al-'Arabi 62)
- Muhlih, Ahmad (ed.)
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 576p
- 2011
- Children -- Arab countries -- Childre's right الطفل في الوطن العربي : واقع واحتياجات تقديم وتحرير أحمد مفلح al-Ṭifl fī al-waṭan al-ʻArabī : wāqiʻ wa-iḥtiyājāt taqdīm wa-taḥrīr Aḥmad Mufliḥ., Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm [and others] [The Child in the Arab World: reality and prerequistes]
Al-Tanawwu' al-Hayawi wa al-tanmiyah al-Mustadamah wa al-Ghidha' ('alamiyan wa 'arabiyan)
- Al-Ashram, Mahmud
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 416p
- 2020
- Biodiversity -- Arab countries التنوع الحيوي والتنمية المستدامة والغذاء : (عالميا وعربيا) محمود الأشرم al-Tanawwuʻ al-ḥayawī wa-al-tanmiyah al-mustadāmah wa-al-ghidāʼ : ʻālamīyan wa-ʻArabīyan Maḥmūd al-Ashram [Biodiversity: sustainable growth and food staples (global and Arab perspectives)]
Anmat Intiqal al-Sultah fi al-Watan al-'Arabi: mundhu al-istiqal wa hatta bidayat al-rabi' al-thawrat al-'arabiyah
- Zarnuqah, Salah Salim
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 3-4p
- 2012
- Power (Social sciences) -- Arab countries -- Arab Spring, 2010- أنماط انتقال السلطة في الوطن العربي : منذ الإستقلال و حتى بداية ربيع الثورات العربية صلاح سالم زرنوقة Anmāṭ intiqāl al-sulṭah fī al-waṭan al-ʻArabī : mundhu al-istiqlāl wa-ḥattá bidāyat rabīʻ al-thawrāt al-ʻArabīyah Ṣalāḥ Sālim Zarnūqah [Patterns of Power Transfer in the Arab World: from independence to the beginning of the Arab Spring]
Sunnis and Shi'a: a political history.
- Louer, Laurence
- Princeton U.P.
- 227p pap.
- 2022(20)
- Shīʻah -- Relations -- Sunnites -- Islam and politics Sunnis and Shi‘a provides needed perspective on the historical roots of today’s conflicts and reveals how both branches of Islam have influenced and emulated each other in unexpected ways. This compelling and accessible book also examines the diverse regional contexts of the Sunni-Shi‘a divide, examining how it has shaped societies and politics in countries such as Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, and Lebanon.
Arab Patriotism: the ideology and culture of power in late Ottoman Egypt.
- Mestyan, Adam
- Princeton U.P.
- xiii,356p figs. maps pap.
- 2020(17)
- Politics and culture -- Egypt -- Nationalism -- History -- 19th century The book presents the essential backstory to the formation of the modern nation-state and mass nationalism in the Middle East. While standard histories claim that the roots of Arab nationalism emerged in opposition to the Ottoman milieu, Mestyan points to the patriotic sentiment that grew in the Egyptian province of the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century, arguing that it served as a pivotal way station on the path to the birth of Arab nationhood.
Empire of Salons Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands
- Pfeifer, Helen
- Princeton U.P.
- xi,297p
- 2022
- Ghazzī, Badr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1499-1577 -- Salons -- Syria -- Damascas -- History -- 16th century -- Egypt -- Turkey Historians have typically linked Ottoman imperial cohesion in the sixteenth century to the bureaucracy or the sultan's court. In Empire of Salons, Pfeifer points instead to a critical but overlooked factor: gentlemanly salons. Pfeifer demonstrates that salons-exclusive assemblies in which elite men displayed their knowledge and status-contributed as much as any formal institution to the empire's political stability.
Al-Rif fi al-'Ahd al-'Uthmani: dirasah iqtisadiyah idariyah ijtima'iyah, Rif mintaqat Dimashq unmudhajah fi al-qarn al-'ashir al-Hijri/al-sadis 'ashar al-miladi
- al-Shaykh Khalil, Asma' Ramadan
- A,R, al-Shaykh Khalil
- 435p maps
- 2010
- Rural development -- Syria -- History -- 1260-1516 الريف في العهد العثماني : دراسة اقتصادية ادارية اجتماعية، ريف منطقة دمشق أنموذجا، في القرن القرن العاشر الهجري/ السادس عشر الميلادي أسماء رمضان الشيخ خليل Al-Rīf fī al-'Ahd al-'Uthmānī: dirāsah iqtiṣādīyah idārīyah ijtimā'īyah, Rīf minṭaqat Dimashq unmūdhajah fī al-qarn al-'āshir al-Hijrī/al-sādis 'ashar al-mīlādī Asmā' Ramadān al-Shaykh Khalīl [The Country Side in Ottoman Era (economic, social, administration study) in 16th A.D./10th Hijri in the Province of Damascus as a model] 背表紙傷みあり
Tahdhib Tarikh al-Duwal al-Islamiyah bi-al-jadawil al-mardiyah
- Dahlan, Ahmad ibn Zayni (m. 1304 h.)
- Dar al-Mashari'
- 308p
- 2000-01?
- Islamic Empire -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy -- History تهذيب تاريخ الدول الاسلامية بالجداول المرضية تاليف احمد بن زيني دحلان Tahdhīb Tārīkh al-duwal al-Islāmīyah bi-al-jadāwil al-marḍīyah taʼlīf Aḥmad ibn Zaynī Daḥlān
Ighathat al-Ummah bi Kashf al-Ghummah. ed. by Muhd. M. Ziyadah & J.D. Muhd. al-Shayyal (Markaz Tahqiq al-Turath)
- Al-Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din (1365-1441)
- Dar al-Kutub wa al-Watha'iq al-Qawmiyah
- xii,92p
- 2002 repr.
- Mamluk economics -- Famines -- Egypt -- History اغاثة الامة بكشف الغمة لتقي الدين احمد بن علي المقريزي ؛ قام على نشره محمد مصطفى زيادة، جمال الدين محمد الشيال Kitāb ighāthat al-ummah bi-kashf al-ghummah li-Taqī al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī al-Maqrīzī ; qāma ʻalá nashrihi Muḥammad Muṣṭafá Ziyādah, Jamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Shayyāl 3rd pr.
Boundaries and Frontiers in Medieval Muslim Geography (Transactions of Americ. Philosophical Soc., vol. 85, Part 6)
- Brauer, Ralph W.
- American Philosophical Society
- 73p maps
- 1995
- Islamic Empire -- Boundaries -- Historical geography Section 1: The Geographical Concepts: Boundaries in Arabo-Islamic Cartography; Boundaries in the Arabo-Islamic Geographic & Historical Texts; Section 2: Travelers’ Experiences at Internal Boundaries, the Area Concept in Arabo-Islamic Geography, & the Relation of Zone-Boundaries to Basic Tenets of Arabo-Islamic Culture; Boundaries in the Writings of Travelers in the Islamic Empire; The Concept of Area in Muslim Geographic thought; Boundary Characteristics as a consequence of Embedded Attitudes of the Culture: Section 3: Genesis of Boundary Zones Involving non-Arab Muslim States; Section 4: Summary & Conclusions
Aristocratic Violence and Holy War: studies in the Jihad and the Arab-Byzantine frontier. (American Oriental Society, Monographs, 81
- Bonner, Michael
- American Oriental Society
- xv,221p
- 1996
- Borderlands -- Byzantine Empire -- 'Abbasids -- Islamic Empire -- History Introduction: Aristocratic violence and holy war Chapter 1: Substitution in warfare: pledge, wage and divine reward 2: The emergence of the frontier, I: Abū l-ʻAbbās al-Saffāḥ and Abū Jaʻfar al Manṣūr 3: The emergence of the frontier, II: Al-Mahdī, al Hādī and al Rashīd 4: Scholars and saints of the frontier 5: The Thughūr in history 6: The scholars and ascetics of the Arab-Byzantine frontier in the ʻAbbāsid period
Al-Musannaf. ed. by Habib al-Rahman al-A'zami
- 'Abd al-Razzaq al-San'ani (m. 211 h.)
- al-Maktab al-Islami
- 11 vols.
- 1983
- Hadith --Hanbalites -- Early works to 1800 المصنف لأبي بكر عبد الرزاق بن همام الصنعاني. ومعه كتاب الجامع al-Muṣannaf li-Abī Bakr ʻAbd al-Razzāq ibn Hammām al-Ṣanʻānī. Wa-maʻahu Kitāb al-Jāmiʻ
A Hundred and One Nights. [Miʼat laylah wa-laylah] (Library of Arabic Literature)
- Fudge, Bruce (ed. & tr.)
- New York U.P.
- xlvii,402p
- 2016
- Folklore -- Fairy tales -- Arabs A Hundred and One Nights / edited and translated by Bruce Fudge ; foreword by Robert Irwin. Miʼat laylah wa-laylah Arabic text with English translation Known to us only through North African manuscripts, and translated into English for the first time, A Hundred and One Nights is a marvelous example of the rich tradition of popular Arabic storytelling. Like its more famous sibling, the Thousand and One Nights, this collection opens with the frame story of Shahrazad, the gifted vizier’s daughter who recounts imaginative tales night after night in an effort to distract the murderous king from taking her life.
Tabaqat al-Shu'ara' fi al-naqd al-adabi 'inda al-'Arab, hatta nihayat al-qarn al-thalith al-Hijri
- al-Majali, Jihad
- Dar al-Jil
- 226p
- 1992
- Arabic poetry -- History and criticism طبقات الشعراء في النقد الأدبي عند العرب : حتى نهاية القرن الثالث الهجري جهاد المجالی Ṭabaqāt al-shuʻarā fī al-naqd al-adabī ʻinda al-ʻArab : ḥattá nihāyat al-qarn al-thālith al-Hijrī Jihād al-Majālī [Classification of poets by rank in Arabic literary criticism: a critical study up to the end of the third/9th century]
- al-Hufi, Ahmad Muhd.
- al-Hay'ah al-Misriyah al-'Ammah
- 333p
- 1980
- Maḥmūd b. ʿUmar al- Zamakhsharī -- Biography الزمخشري الحوفي، احمد محمد Az-Zamahkhsharī al-Ḥūfī, Aḥmad Muḥammad
Manamat al-Wahrani wa maqamat-hu wa rasa'il-hu ed. by Ibrahim Sha'lan & Muhd. Naghash
- Rukn al-Din al-Wahrani (m. 575 h.)
- Dar al-Kitab al-8Arabi
- 256p 古書
- 1968
- Arabic prose literature -- History and criticism -- Correspondence -- Early works to 1800 منامات الوهراني و مقاماته و رسائله لركن الدين محمد بن محمد بن محرز الوهراني ؛ تحقيق ابراهيم شعلان، محمد نغش ؛ مراجعة عبد العزيز الأهواني مصر : دار الكاتب العربي 1968 Manāmāt al-Wahrānī wa-maqāmātuhu wa-rasāʼiluhu li-Rukn al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥriz al-Wahrānī ; taḥqīq Ibrāhīm Shaʻlān, Muḥammad Naghash ; murājaʻah ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Ahwānī