Meyhane Kitabi
- Gürsoy Naskali, Emine (ed.)
- Kitabevi
- 568p. illus.
- 2022(19)
- Bars (Drinking establishments) -- Drinking of alcoholic beverages -- Turkey -- Istanbul -- History Meyhane kitabı/ editör, Emine Gürsoy Naskali
Mizanu'l-Evzan (vezinlerin terazisi). haz. Kemal Eraslan (T.D.K. 568)
- Alî-Şîr Nevâyî
- Türk Dil Kurumu
- xv,198p
- 2015(1993)
- Çaghatay poetry -- Arabic, Persian language -- Rhyme -- Early works to 1800 Mîzânuʹl-evzân : (vezinlerin terazisi)/ Alî-Şîr Nevâyî ; hazırl.: Kemal Eraslan
Mecalisu'n-Nefais I-II: Herati ve Hekimsah cevirisi mulhakati (Herati ve Hekimsah Tezkiresi). haz. A. Naci Tokmak (T.D.K. 1217)
- ʻAlī Šīr-i Nevai
- Türk Dil Kurumu
- 324p
- 2017
- Çaghatay literature -- Tezkire NEVÂÎ, 'Alişîr: Mecâlisü’n-Nefâis I-II Herâtî ve Hekîmşâh Çevirisi Mülhakâtı [Herâtî ve Hekîmşâh Tezkiresi]: Çeviren: A. Naci TOKMAK “Mecalisü'n-Nefais”, one of his major works, features to be the first tezkire (the Turkish literary genre considering biographical memoirs) penned in Turkish Literature. Hertî Tezkiresi, 'ALISÎR-I NEVÂÎ’nin Meclisu’n-Nefis adli tezkiresini Letyif-nme adiyla Farscaya ceviren Sultan Muhammed Fahrî-yi Hertî’nin tezkireye yaptigi ilavelerle, kitabin sonuna IX. Meclis adiyla dokuz kisim ve bir htimden olusan ve NEVÂÎ’nin tezkiresine almadigi, sdat, ulem, fuzal, erbb-i huner, avm, vuzer, unlu umer ve sultanlar olmak uzere 188 kisi hakkindaki bilgileri icerir. Hekîmsh Tezkiresi ise 'ALISÎR-I NEVÂÎ’nin Meclisu’n-Nefis adli tezkiresini Farscaya ceviren Hekîmsh Mubrek-i Kazvînî’nin, NEVÂÎ’nin eserine almadigi Akkoyunlulardan Sultan Ya’kûb’un sarayina mensup kirk sair ile daha da onemlisi, Ravza-yi Dovvom’da Yavuz Sultan Selim donemi saray sairleri ile baska tezkirelerde haklarinda bilgi bulunmayan, seksen bir sairin tercume-i hli ile siirlerinden ornekleri icine alan bir tezkiredir.
Osmanli'da Egitimin Modernlesmesi ve Ahmed Kemal Pasa: biyografisi, egitim politika ve uygulamalari
- Cücük, Eyüp
- Pegem Akademi
- xv,402p
- 2020
- Ahmed Kemal Pasha -- Education -- Tanzimat era. -- Ottoman empire -- History Osmanlı'da Eğitimin Modernleşmesi ve Ahmed Kemal Paşa (Biyografisi, Eğitim Politika ve Uygulamaları) / Eyüp Cücük Günümüz modern Türk eğitim sisteminin temellerinin atıldığı Osmanlı Tanzimat Dönemi’nin eğitim politika ve uygulamaları, devrin en etkin karakterlerinden biri olarak kritik noktalarda önemli görevler üstlenmiş Ahmed Kemal Paşa’nın (1808-1887) odağında incelenmiştir.
Atatürk Reformlari ve Islam
- Manaz, Abdullah
- Akademi Kitabevi
- 256p 古書
- 1995
- Kemalism -- Islam and state -- Turkey Atatürk reformları ve İslam / Abdullah Manaz
Musul Meselesi Kronolojisi.
- Öke, Mim Kemal
- Türk Dünyası Arastirmalari Vakfi
- 205p 古書
- 1991
- Mosul (Iraq) -- Turkey -- Diplomatic relations -- History Musul meselesi kronolojisi : 1918-1926 / Mim Kemal Öke (Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı yayını, 76)
Serv'den Lozan'a Kürt Sorunu ve Kemalist Hareket
- Isa, Saban
- Maki Basin Yayin.
- 462p
- 2008
- Kurds -- Turkey -- Government relations -- Kemalism -- 918-1923 Sevr'den Lozan'a Kürt sorunu ve Kemalist hareket / Şaban İba (Özgür Üniversite kitaplığı ; 74 )
Türk Dis Politikasi: Kurtulu,s savasindan bugüne olgular, belgeler, yorumlar, Cilt I: 1919-1980
- Oran, Baskin (ed.)
- Iletisim
- 900p 古書
- 2015(01)
- Turkey -- Foreign relations -- 1918-1980 -- History Türk dış politikası : Kurtuluş Savaşından bugüne ; olgular, belgeler, yorumlar. cilt 1, 1919-1980 / (ed.) Baskın Oran
Osmanl.i Imparatorlugunda Inkilap Hareketleri ve Milli Mücadele
- Kuran, Ahmed Bedevi
- Türkiye Is Bankasi
- viii,927p photos. 古書
- 2012 (1956)
- Turkey -- Politics and government -- History -- 1877-1948 Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda inkılâp hareketleri ve Millı̂ Mücadele / Kuran, Ahmed Bedevî, 1884-1966. Çeltüt Matbaasi’nda yapilan 1959 baskisinin tipkibasimi olan ve Tanzimat’a hazirliktan Mesrutiyet’e, Hürriyet’in Ilani’ndan Mütareke ve Milli Mücadele’ye uzanan can alici dönemi genis bir belge külliyatina ve tanikliklara dayanarak ele alan bu kitap, konusunda yapilan arastirmalarda vazgeçilmez bir kaynak olmayi sürdürüyor.
Understanding of Democracy in the Turkish Public Opinion during 1930 Municipality Election and 1946 General Election in Turkey
- Çöl, Sebahattin
- Yeditepe
- 104p
- 2020
- Democracy -- Political parties -- Elections -- Turkey -- History -- 20th century 1930 Municipality Election and 1946 General Election in Turkey were pretty simillar, although there are 16 years behind them. In essence we can sum up two elections like this: One powerful Ruling Party (Republican People's Party) against a promising and surprisingly generally supported Opposition Party.
Ottoman Istanbul in Flames : city conflagrations, governance and society in the early modern period
- Tekin, Ahmet
- Yeditepe
- 173p facs.
- 2020
- Fire management -- Istanbul -- History -- 18th century Introduction Using Gis and Mapping Fires: Listing and Visualization of Istanbul Fires Istanbul Fires: Reasons, Perceptions and Precautions Dealing With Fires: Firefighting and Recovery in Tulumba Age
Katip Celebi and His World: an intellectual between reason and sacred law.
- Bastürk, Baris Abdullah
- Libra
- 164p
- 2021
- Kâtip Çelebi, 1609-1657 -- Criticism and interpretation -- Scholars -- History -- 17th century Kâtip Çelebi and his world : an intellectual between reason and sacred law / Baştürk, Barış Abdullah An Ottoman intellectual at work : Kâtip Çelebi -- Society, politics and Kâtip Çelebi -- Islamic law, logic and Kâtip Çelebi -- A historian at work Kâtip Çelebi between the East and the West.
Suriye, Irak, Necid ve Hicaz Seyahatlerim = Necid'e dogru-Necid'ten avdet hatirat
- Suad, Ali
- Tasmektep
- 278p facs. photos.
- 2015
- Ali Suad -- Description and Travel -- Irak -- Hejaz -- Najd (Soudi Arabia) Suriye, Irak, Necid ve Hicaz seyahatlerim = Necid'e doğru-Necid'ten avdet hatıratı / Ali Suad ; hazırlayanlar, Zekeriya Kurşun, Ali Okumuş (Ortadoğu ve Afrika Araştırmacıları Derneği yayınları. Kaynak eserler serisi ; nu. 6) Text in romanized Ottoman Turkish; introd. in Turkish
The Ottoman Armenians: Victims of great power diplomacy
- Sonyel, Salahi Ramsdan
- K. Rustem & Brother (Nicosia)
- xv,426p 古書
- 1987
- Armenian question -- Genocide -- Ottoman empire -- Ralations Europe, United States -- 1878-1909 Sonyel provides a great description of the historical background in the last quarter of 19th century, the power struggle between great powers, confusion in the Ottoman empire, weak and yielding policies of Sultan Abdulhamid resulting in further disintegration of Armenians from the Ottomans.
The Armenian Question 1914-1923.
- Öke, Mim Kemal
- K. Rustem & Brother (Nicosia)
- vii, 295p 古書
- 1988
- Armenia -- Turkey -- History -- Genocide -- 1901-1923 The Armenian question, 1914-1923/ Mim Kemal Öke K. Rustem & Bros., Nicosia (Cyprus), ©1988 This study is devoted to the investigation of the nature of the 'Armenian Question' which erupted in the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century Introduction: The Theoretical Approach Chapter I: The International Environment in Which the Armenian Question Arose CH. II: The Anatomy of Armenian Question Ch. III: The Solution of the Armenian Question Conclusion: On the Toopls of Foreign Politics.
Awraq 'A'iliyah: dirasat fi al-tarikh al-ijtima'i al-mu'asir li-Filastin
- Muhammad, Zakariya, et al
- Mu'assasah al-Dirasat al-Maqdisiyah
- 205p photos.
- 2009
- Palestinian Arabs -- History -- Social conditions -- 20th century اوراق عائلية : دراسات في التاريخ الاجتماعي المعاصر لفلسطين تحرير زكريا محمد ... [et al.] Awrāq ʻāʼilīyah : dirāsāt fī al-tārīkh al-ijtimāʻī al-muʻāṣir li-Filasṭīn Muḥammad, Zakarīyā, editor
The Arab and Jewish Questions: geographies of engagement in Palestine and beyond.
- Bashir, Bashir & Leila Farsakh (ed.)
- Columbia U.P.
- ix,304p pap.
- 2020
- Jewish-Arab relations -- Arab-Israeli conflict Nineteenth-century Europe turned the political status of its Jewish communities into the “Jewish Question,” as both Christianity and rising forms of nationalism viewed Jews as the ultimate other. With the onset of Zionism, this “question” migrated to Palestine and intensified under British colonial rule and in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Zionism’s attempt to solve the “Jewish Question” created what came to be known as the “Arab Question,” which concerned the presence and rights of the Arab population in Palestine. For the most part, however, Jewish settlers denied or dismissed the question they created, to the detriment of both Arabs and Jews in Palestine and elsewhere.
Health and Identity in Egypt: shifting frontiers
- Sholkamy, Hania & Farha Ghannam (ed.)
- The American U. in Cairo Press
- 129p.
- 2004
- Health -- Social identification -- Egypt -- Ethnology Four anthropologists argue the relevance of bodily experiences and conditions to the understanding of social processes in Egypt. Using recent ethnography that describes beliefs and practices concerning infertility, beauty, and physical and spiritual health, the authors engage with issues of identity in both urban and rural Egyptian settings. Each study attempts to transcend the notions of viewing health and ill-health as simple physical experiences and to draw out their social and political significance.
Muhafazat Hamah: dirasah tabi'iyah, tarikhiyah, bashariyah, iqtisadiyah
- Musa, 'Ali & Muhammad Harbah
- Manshurat Wizarat al-Thaqafah
- 559p maps, photos.. 古書
- 1985
- Ḥamāh (Syria) -- History محافظة حماة : دراسة طبيعية - تارخية - بشرية - اقبصادية تاليف علي موسى، محمد جربة Muḥāfaẓat Ḥamāh : dirāsah ṭabīʿīyah - taʼrīkhiyaẗ - bashriyah - iqtiṣādiyah Muḥammad Ḥarbat / ʿAlī Mūsà
Researching the Middle East : cultural, conceptual, theoretical and practical issues (Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities)
- Charles, Lorraine, Ilan Papper & Monica Ronchi (ed.)
- Edinburghn U.P.
- vii,244p pap.
- 2021
- Social sciences -- Research -- Middle East -- Methodology *14 case studies explore specific, frequently encountered issues: from the challenges of doing research in conflict zones to working with interpreters and navigating the problems of researching ‘terrorism’ *Includes a variety of perspectives to allow a critical understanding of the methodological challenges in Middle East studies