




Rihlat Ibn Batutah, al-musammah Tuhfat al-nuzzar fi ghara'ib al-amsar. ed. by Darwish al-Jawidi

Rihlat Ibn Batutah, al-musammah Tuhfat al-nuzzar fi ghara'ib al-amsar.
  • Ibn Batutah
  • al-Maktabat al-'Asriyah
  • 2 vols. in 1
  • 2011
  • Ibn Batuta, 1304-1377 -- Voyages and travels -- Early works to 1800 رحلة ابن بطوطة، المسماه تحفة النظار في غرايب الامصار وعجايب الاسفار محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن ابراهيم اللواتي الطنجي، المعروف بابن بطوطة Riḥlat Ibn-i Baṭūṭah, al-musammāh Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʼib al-amṣār wa-ʻajāʼib al-asfār Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Lawātī al-Ṭanjī, al-maʻrūf bi-ibn Baṭūṭah



Tabi'at al-Da'wah al-'Abbasiyah, 98/716-132/749: dirasah tahliliyah li-wajihat al-thawrah al-'Abbasiyah wa tafsirat-ha

Tabi'at al-Da'wah al-'Abbasiyah, 98/716-132/749:
  • 'Umar, Faruq
  • Dar al-Irshad
  • 358p
  • 1970
  • Abbasids -- Islamic Empire -- History -- 661-750 طبيعة الدعوة العباسية، ٩٨ ھ/٧١٦ م-١٣٢ ھ/٧٤٩ م : دراسة تحليلية لواجهات الثورة العباسية وتفسيراتها فاروق عمر Ṭabīʻat al-daʻwah al-ʻAbbāsīyah 98/716-132/749 Dirāsah taḥlīlīyah li-wājihat al-thawrah al-ʻAbbāsīyah wa-tafsīrātihā Fārūq ʻUmar



Al-Kharaj, ahkam-hu wa maqadir-hu. (Silsilat Tarikh al-'Arab wa al-Islam)

Al-Kharaj, ahkam-hu wa maqadir-hu.
  • Hamdan 'Abd al-Majid al-Kubaysi
  • Sharikat al-Matbu'at lil-Tawzi' wa al-Nashr
  • 185p
  • 2004
  • Real property tax (Islamic law) -- Islamic Empire ‏الخراج :‏ ‏أحكامه ومقاديره تأليف حمدان عبد المجيد الكبيسي al-Kharāj : aḥkāmuhu wa-maqādīruh taʼlīf Ḥamdān ʻAbd al-Majīd al-Kubaysī



Kitab al-Kharaj. ed. by Ahmad Muhd. Shakir

Kitab al-Kharaj.  ed. by Ahmad Muhd. Shakir
  • Yahya ibn Adam (-818 m.)
  • Matba'ah al-Salafiyah
  • 214p
  • 1384
  • Real property tax (Islamic law) -- Land value taxation -- Early works to 1800 كتاب الخراج تأيف يحيى بن آدم القرشي Kitāb al-kharāj taʼlīf Yaḥyā Ibn-Ādam al-Qurašī. Ṣaḥḥaḥahu wa-šaraḥahu wa-waḍaʻa fahārisahu Aḥmad Muḥammad Šākir



Kitab al-Kharaj. ed. by Mahmud al-Baji

Kitab al-Kharaj.  ed. by Mahmud al-Baji
  • Abu Yusuf Ya'qub (113-182 h.)
  • Dar Busalamah
  • 243p
  • 1984
  • Real property tax (Islamic law) -- Land value taxation -- Early works to 1800 كتاب الخراج ابو يوسف يعقوب Kitāb al-kharāj Abū Yūsuf Yaʻqūb



Prelude to the Generals: a study of some aspects of the reign of the eighth 'Abbasid Caliph al-Mu'tasim bi-Allah (218-227 AH/833-842 AD)

Prelude to the Generals: a study of some aspects of the reign of the eighth  'Abbasid Caliph al-Mu'tasim bi-Allah
  • Al-Bili, Osman Sayyid Ismail Ahmad
  • Ithaca Press
  • xii,118p
  • 2001
  • Muʻtaṣim, Caliph, 794?-842 -- Islamic Empire -- History -- 750-1258 Prelude to the generals : a study of some aspects of the reign of al-Muʼtaṣim, 218-227/833-824/ ʻUthmān Sayyid Aḥmad Ismāʻīl Bīlī Inheriting a troubled and fragmented empire, Al-Mu'tasim was to be the last caliph not only of the illustrious Abbasid dynasty, which could be traced to Abbas, the Prophet Muhammed's uncle, but also the last to exercise such absolute - and inherited - power.



Ansab al-Ashraf, Teil 1/1, 1/2, 3, 4/1, 5, 7/1, 7/2 (Bibliotheca Islamica, 28 a/1,2, c, d, g, i, j)

Ansab al-Ashraf, Teil 1/1, 1/2, 3, 4/1, 5, 7/1, 7/2
  • Al-Baladhuri
  • Orient-Isnstitut Beirut
  • 7 vols.
  • 1978-2008
  • Islamic Empire --Arabs -- Genealogy -- History -- 661-750 انساب الاشراف احمد بن يحيى بن جابر البلاذري Ansāb al-ashrāf al-Balādhurī, hrsg. von Yusuf al-Mar'asli, et al978387



Ansab al-Ashraf, 1st part: The biography of the messenfer of God Mohammed, 2nd part: Ali and his sons, 3rd part: al-Abbas son of Abdulmotaleb and his sons. ed. by Mahmud F. al-'Azm

Ansab al-Ashraf,
  • Al-Baladhuri
  • Dar al-Yaqzah al-'Arabiyah
  • 3 vols.
  • 1997-98
  • Islamic Empire --Arabs -- Genealogy -- History -- 661-750 انساب الاشراف احمد بن يحيى بن جابر البلاذري Ansāb al-ashrāf al-Balādhurī ; taḥqīq Maḥmūd al-Fardaws al-ʻAẓm ; qirāʼat Ṣubḥī Nadīm al-Mārdīnī



The Yemen in Early Islam 9-233/630-847: a political history. (Durham Middle East Monographs 3)

The Yemen in Early Islam 9-233/630-847: a political history.
  • al-Mad'aj, 'Abd al-Muhsin Mad'aj
  • Ithaca Press
  • xiii,265p 古書
  • 1988
  • Yemen -- Politics and government -- Islam -- History Chapter I: The Yemen before Islam II: The Yemen during the last phase of the Prophet's life (the movement of 'Abhala b. Ka'b) III: The political situation in the Yemen during the early period of Abu Bakr's Caliphate IV: The Yemenis and the early Islamic conquests during the caliphates of Abu Bakr and 'Umar V: Yemeni settlement in the conquered provinces VI: The political situation and Yemeni relations with the Islamic government during the period of the first three Orthodox Caliphs VII: The role of the Yemeni migrants in the uprising against 'Uthman and the Civil War VIII: The political situation in the Yemen at the time of Civil War IX: The Yemen during the period of the Umayyad Caliphate X: The Yemen during the early 'Abbasid caliphs XI: The Yemen from the death of Harun al-Rashid to the first year of the Mutawakkil's reign XII: Conclusions



Al-Ilahiyat min al-Muhakamat bayna Sharhay al-Isharat, ma'a hashiyah Mirza Habibullah al-Fadil al-Baghnawi. ed. by Majid Hadizadah (Mirath-e Maktub 100, 'Ulum wa Ma'arif al-Islami 37)

Al-Ilahiyat min al-Muhakamat bayna Sharhay al-Isharat,
  • Qutb al-Din Razi, Muhd. bn Muhd. (m. 667 a.h.)
  • Mirath-e Maktub
  • 460p
  • 2002
  • TIslamic philosophy -- Islamic theology -- Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-1274 -- Sharḥ al-Ishārāt -- Avicenna, 980-1037. -- Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt ال الاهيات من المحاكمات بين شرحي الاشارات : مع حاشية ميرزا حبيب الله الباغنوي لقطب الدين محمد بن محمد الرازي Al- Ilahīyāt min al-muḥākamāt baina šarḥai al-Išārāt : maʻa ḥāšīyat Mīrzā Ḥabīballāh al-muštahar bi-l-Fāḍil al-Baġnawī li-Quṭb al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Rāzī. Maʻa Ḥāshīyat Mīrzā Ḥabīb Allāh, al-mashtahar bi-al-Fāḍil al-Bāghnāwī ; ṣaḥḥaḥahu Majīd Hādīzādah



Kholasat al-Akhbar fi Bayan-e Ahval al-Akhyar. ed. by Mirhashem Mohaddeth

Kholasat al-Akhbar fi Bayan-e Ahval al-Akhyar.
  • Gheyath al-Din ibn Homam al-Din Khovandmir
  • Da'erat al-Ma'aref-e Bozorg-e Eslami
  • 1244p
  • 1399
  • Islamic Empire -- Iran -- Herat -- History -- Early works to 1800 خلاصه الاخبار فی بیان احوال الاخیار غیاث الدین بن همام الدین خواندمیر Khulāṣat al-akhbār fī bayān aḥwāl al-akhyār Khvānd Mīr (Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn Ḥusaynī Shīrāzī Hiravī); taṣḥīḥ Mīr Hāshim Muḥaddis̲



Ibadi Theology: rereading sources and scholarly works. (Studies on Ibadism and Oman, 4)

Ibadi Theology: rereading sources and scholarly works.
  • Francesca, Ersilia (ed.)
  • Georg Olms
  • 331p
  • 2015
  • Ibadites -- Theology -- History -- Congresses The conference explored different issues of Ibadi theology from the early beginnings until the present day and specifically focused on the formative period of Ibadi theology, the transformation period and the theological discourse. The Ibadis are a moderate branch, and today the only survivors, of the Khawarij, the oldest Islamic sect. At present, they form the main part of the population in Oman, in the oases of Mzab in Algeria, of Zawara and Jabal Nafusa in Tripolitania, in the island of Jerba in Tunisia while small groups are also found in the island of Zanzibar. Ibadi Islam emerged in the early Islamic period and played a pivotal role into the development of Islamic law and theology. Today it continues to be an influential force in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa. Despite its antiquity and its vitality, Ibadi Islam has often been misunderstood and remains little known. Conference on "Ibadi Theology. Rereading Sources and Scholarly Works" (2012 : Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale")



Tarikh al-'Alawiyin.

Tarikh al-'Alawiyin.
  • Ghalib al-Tawil, Muhd. Amin
  • Dar al-Andalus
  • 543p
  • repr. (1968)
  • Nosairians -- History تاريخ العلوين الطويل, محمد امين غالب Tārīkh al-ʻAlawīyīn Muḥammad Amīn Ghālib al-Ṭawīl



Epistle on Worship: Risalat al-'Ubudiyya. tr. by James Pavlin

Epistle on Worship: Risalat al-'Ubudiyya.
  • Ibn Taymiyya
  • The Islamic Texts Society
  • cxxxiii,148p
  • 20156
  • Ibn Taymīyah, 1263-1328. -- Risālat al-ʻubūdīyah -- God -- Worship and love -- Early works to 1800 Epistle on worship = Risālat al-ʻubūdiyya/ Ibn Taymīyah; transl. by James Pavlin an annotated translation of one of Ibn Taymiyya’s most important epistles on the theology behind the concept of worship.] The introduction gives the reader an overview of his biography and situates Ibn Taymiyya in the broader world of Islamic intellectual history by explaining his methodological arguments and theological opinions.



Al-Mabda' wa al-Ma'ad. ed. by 'Abd Allah Nurani (Wisdom of Persia, XXXVI)

Al-Mabda' wa al-Ma'ad.
  • Ibn Sina
  • McGill Univ./ Tehran Univ.
  • 121p
  • 1984
  • Soul -- Islamic philosophy -- Early works to 1800 المبدئ والمعاد ابن سينا al-Mabdaʼ wa-al-maʻād = The beginning and the end Abū-ʻAlī al-Ḥusain Ibn-ʻAbdallāh Ibn-Sīnā. [ed.] ʻAbdallāh Nūrānī



Jami' al-Usul fi bayan al-qawa'id al-Hanafiyah wa al-Shafi'iyah fi usul al-fiqh: Camiu'l-Usul. ed. by .I. G. Şimşek (Ikinci Klasik Donem Projesi/Silsilah 'Uyun al-Turath al-Islami, 30)

Jami' al-Usul fi bayan al-qawa'id al-Hanafiyah wa al-Shafi'iyah fi usul al-fiqh: Camiu'l-Usul.
  • Rukn al-Din 'Ubayd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Samarqandi (t. 701/1301)
  • Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı
  • 2 vols.
  • 2020
  • Islamic law -- Hanafites -- Shafiites -- Interpretation and construction -- Early works to 1800. Jāmiʻ al-uṣūl fī bayān al-qwāʻid al-Ḥanafiyah wa-al-Shāfiʻiyah fī uṣūl al-fiqh/ Câmiu'l-usûl fî beyâni'l-kavâidi'l-Hanefiyye ve'ş-Şâfiiyye fî usûli'l-fıkh ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Muḥammad Samarqandī/ Rükneddin Ubeydullah es-Semerkandî ; tahkik İsmet Garibullah Şimşek



Das Arabische Tonsystem im Mittelalter.

Das Arabische Tonsystem im Mittelalter.
  • Manik, Liberty
  • E.J. Brill
  • xii,140p 古書
  • 1969
  • Music theory -- History -- 500-1400



al-Balaghah al-Wadihah: al-bayan wa al-ma'ani wa al-badi' lil-madaris al-thanawiyah, Dalil al-Balaghah al-Wadihah.

al-Balaghah al-Wadihah: al-bayan wa al-ma'ani wa al-badi'
  • al-Jarim, 'Ali & Mustafa Amin
  • Dar al-Ma'arif
  • 2 vols. (308p+160p)
  • 1983-84
  • Arabic language -- Rhetoric -- Style -- Composition and exercises البلاغة الواضحة : البيان والمعاني والبديع للمدارس الثانوية : وفقا للمنهاج الحديث الذي أقرته وزارة التربية والتعليم تأليف علي الجارم و مصطفى أمين al-Balāghah al-wāḍiḥah : al-bayān wa-al-maʻānī wa-al-badīʻ lil-madāris al-thānawīyah : wafaqan lil-manhāj al-ḥadīth alladhī uqarratʹh Wizārat al-Tarbiyah wa-al-Taʻlīm taʼlīf ʻAlī al-Jārim wa Muṣṭafá Amīn



al-Nubugh al-Maghribi fi al-adab al-'arabi.

al-Nubugh al-Maghribi fi al-adab al-'arabi.
  • Kannun, 'Abd Allah
  • (Maktabat al-Madrasah)
  • 984p (3 pts. in 1)
  • repr. of 1960
  • Arabic literature -- Morocco -- North Africa -- History and criticism النبوغ المغربي في الادب العربي تليف عبد الله كنون al-Nubūgh al-Maghribī fī al-adab al-ʻArabī ʻAbd Allāh Kannūn



Tarikh Adab al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah

Tarikh Adab al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah
  • Zaydan, Jurji
  • Dar al-Hilal
  • 4 vols. 古書
  • (n.d.) repr.
  • Arabic literature -- History and criticism تاريخ آداب اللغة العربية تأليف جرجى زيدان Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah taʼlīf Jirjī Zaydān ; rājaʻahā wa-ʻallaqa ʻalayhā Shawqī Ḍayf al-Juzʼ 1. Min qadam azminat al-tārīkh ilá sanat 132 H -- al-juzʼ 2. Min sanat 132 ilá sanat 447 H -- al-juzʼ 3. Min sanat 447 ilá sanat 1213 H (1798 M) -- al-juzʼ 4. Min sanat 1213 H (1798 M) ilá hādhihi al-ayyām --



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