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- Bafaqif, Muhd. 'Abd al-Qadir
- Markaz al-Dirasat wa al-Buhuth al-Yamani
- 2 vols.
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- Landberg, Carlo, 1848-1924, Middle East specialists, Sweden -- Correspondence -- Yemen -- Antiquities المستشرقون و آثار اليمن : قصة المستشرق السويدي كارلودي لندبرج من خلال مراسلاته مع اليمنيين 1895-1911 محمد عبد القادر بافقيه al-Mustashriqūn wa-āthār al-Yaman : qiṣṣat al-Mustashriq al-Suwaydī al-Kūnt Kārlū dī Lindbirj min khilāl murāsalātihi maʻa al-Yamanīyīn, 1895-1911 / Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Qādir Bā Faqīh, Carlo Landberg al-mujallad 1. 1895-1898 al-mujallad 2. 1899-1911
Mawsu'at Qaba'il al-'Arab.
- 'Abd al-Hakim al-Wa'ili
- Dar Usamah
- 6 vols.
- 2009
- Tribes -- Arabs -- Genealogy -- Encyclopedias موسوعة قبائل العرب تأليف عبد الحكيم الوائلي Mawsu'at qaba'il al-'Arab ta'lif 'Abd al-Hakim al-Wa'ili
Saba'ik al-Dhahab fi Ma'rifat Qaba'il al-'Arab.
- Muhammad Amin al-Suwaydi (-1830/31 m.)
- Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
- 468p 古書
- 2005/1426
- Arabs -- Genealogy -- Arabian Peninsula -- Middle East سبائك الذهب في معرفة قبائل العرب للشيخ الفاضل والنجرير الكامل ابي الفوز محمد امين البغدادي الشهير بالسويدي Sabāʼik al-dhahab fī maʻrifat qabāʼil al-ʻArab lil-Shaykh al-fāḍil wa-al-najrīr al-kāmil Abī al-Fawz Muḥammad Amīn al-Baghdādī al-Shahīr bi-al-Suwaydī An arrangement, in tabular form, of the genealogies in al-Qalqashandī's Nihāyah al-arab fī maʻrifat ansāb al-ʻArab, with additional genealogies.
Asma' al-Qaba'il wa Ansab-ha. ed. by K.. Juburi
- Muhammad Mahdi ibn Hasan Qazwini (m. 1300 h.)
- Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
- 432p
- 2000
- Tribes -- Arab countries أسماء القبائل وأنسابها تأليف معز الدين محمد المهدي الحسيني الشهير بالقزويني Asmāʼ al-qabāʼil wa-ansābuhā taʼlīf Muʻizz al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Mahdī al-Ḥusaynī al-shahīr bi-al-Qazwīnī ; sharḥ wa-taḥqīq Kāmil Salmān al-Jubūrī
Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts: Codices Persici Arthur Christenseniani, Codices Simonseniani Persici, Codices Persici Additamenta. (COMDC Series #8.1)
- Perho, Irmeli
- NIAS Press
- 2 vols.(1,120p) ills. photos.
- 2014
- Manuscripts, Persian -- Denmark -- Copenhagen -- Catalogs This two-volume work describes three collections of Persian manuscripts and lithographic prints at the Royal Library, Copenhagen - in total, 267 manuscripts and lithographs dating from the 15th to the 20th century CE. Designed especially as an essential source of reference for scholars working in all aspects of manuscript studies.
Dawlat al-Islam fi al-Andalus.
- 'Inan, Muhd. 'Abdullah
- Maktabat al-Khanji
- 6 vols.
- 1997 (4th ed.)
- Arabs -- Spain -- History -- 711-1516 دولة الإسلام في الأندلس تأليف محمد عبد الله عنان Dawlat al-Islām fī al-Andalus taʼlīf Muḥammad ʻAbd Allāh ʻInān al-ʻAṣr al-awwal, al-qism al-awwal: Min al-fatḥ ilá bidāyaẗ ʻahd al-nāṣir al-'asr al-awwal al-qism al-thânî: al-khilâfa al-Umawiyyat wa al-dawlat al-'âmiriyyat al-'asr al-thânî: Duwal al-Tawâif mundhu qiyâmihâ al-fath al-Murâbitî al-'asr al-thâlith: 'Asr al-murâbitîn wa al-muwahhîdîn fî al-Maghrib wa al-Andalus, Al-Qism al-awwal 'asr al murâbitîn wa bidâyat al-dawlat al-muwahhidiyat al-'asr al-thâlith: Al-qism al-thânî 'asr al-muwahhidîn wa inhiyâr al-Andalus al-Kubrà al-ʻaṣr al-Rābiʻ : nihāyat al-Andalus wa tārīkh al-ʻArab al-mutanaṣṣirīn
Nashr al-Lata'if fi Qutr al-Ta'if. ed. by 'Ali Muhd. 'Umar
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- Maktabat al-Thaqafah al-Diniyah
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- Ṭāʼif (Saudi Arabia) -- History -- Early works to 1800 نشر اللطائف فى قطر الطائف تأليف على بن محمد بن عراق الكنانى Nashr al-laṭāʼif fī quṭr al-Ṭāʼif taʼlīf ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn ʻIrāq al-Kinānī ; ḥaqqaqahu wa-qaddama la-hu ʻAlī Muḥammad ʻUmar
Qism min Akhbar al-Muqtadir Billah al-'Abbasi, aw, Tarikh al-dawlah al-'Abbasiyah min sanat 295 ila sanat 315 hijriyah min Kitab al-Awraq. ed. Khalaf Rashdd Nu'man (Silsilat Khizanat al-Turath)
- Al-Suli, Abu Bakr Muhd. bn Yahya (m. 335 h.)
- Dar al-Shu'un al-Thaqafiyah al-'Ammah
- 332p
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- Muqtadir Billāh, Caliph, 895-932 -- Abbasids -- Iaslamic empire -- Early works to 1800 قسم من أخبار المقتدر بالله العباسي، أو، تاريخ الدولة العباسية من سنة ٥٩٢ الى سنة ٥١٣ هجرية من كتاب الأوراق لأبي بكر محمد بن يحيى الصولي ؛ دراسة وتحقيق خلف رشيد نعمان Qism min akhbār al-Muqtadir billāh al-ʻAbbāsī, aw, Tārīkh al-dawlah al-ʻAbbāsīyah min sanat 295 ilá sanat 315 Hijrīyah min Kitāb al-Awrāq li-Abī Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyá al-Ṣūlī ; dirāsat wa-taḥqīq Khalaf Rashīd Nuʻmān Awrāq. Selections
Al-Istikhraj al-Ahkam al-Kharaj. ed. by 'Abd Allah al-Siddiq
- Abu al-Faraj ibn Rajab al-Hanbali
- Dar al-Hadithah
- 128p 古書
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- Taxation -- Real property tax (Islamic law) الاستخراج لاحكام الخراج ابن رجب، عبد الرحمن بن احمد al-Istikhrāj li-aḥkām al-kharaj li-Abī al-Faraj Rajab al-Ḥanbalī ; ṣaḥḥaḥahu wa-ʻallaqa alayhi ʻAbd Allāh al-Ṣiddīq
The Book of Revenue, Kitab al-Amwal. tr. by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee (Great Books of Islamic Civilization)
- Ibn Sallam, Abu 'Ubayd al-Qasim
- Garnet Publishing
- xxviii,581p 古書
- 2003
- Finance, Public -- Law and legislation -- Islamic countries Ibn Sallâm provides an accurate record of legal precedents laid down in the first two centuries of Islam, in particular those pertaining to the sources of revenue and the avenues of public expenditure.
The Heritage of Edirne in Ottoman and Turkish Times: continuities, disruptions and reconnections. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, 34)
- Krawietz, Birgit & Florian Riedler (ed.)
- de Gruyter
- xvii,575p
- 2020
- Edirne (Turkey) -- History Modern scholarship has not given Edirne the attention it deserves regarding its significance as one of the capitals of the Ottoman Empire. This edited volume offers a reinterpretation of Edirne's history from Early Ottoman times to recent periods of the Turkish Republic. Presently, disconnections and discontinuities introduced by the transition from empire to nation state still characterize the image of the city and the historiography about it. In contrast, this volume examines how the city engages in the forming, deflecting and creative appropriation of its heritage, a process that has turned Edirne into a UNESCO heritage hotspot. A closer historical analysis demonstrates the dissonances and contradictions that these different interpretations and uses of heritage produce. From the beginning, Edirne was shaped by its connectivity and relationality to other places, above all to Istanbul. This perspective is employed at many different levels, e.g., with regard to its population, institutions, architecture, infrastructures and popular culture, but also regarding the imaginations Edirne triggered. In sum, this multi-disciplinary volume boosts urban history beyond Istanbul and offers new insight into Ottoman and Turkish connectivities from the vantage point of certain key moments of Edirne's history.
The History of Beyhaqi: the history of Sultan Mas'ud of Ghazna, 1030-1041). tr. by C.E. Bosworth & rev. by Mohsen Ashtiani (Ilex Foundation Series, 6)
- Abu'l-Fazl Beyhaqi
- Harvard U.P.
- 3 vols.
- 2011
- Masu̕d I, Emir of Ghazni -- Ghaznevids -- Iran -- Afghanistan -- History This is the first complete translation, with detailed commentary, of the surviving volumes of Beyhaqi's massive project. The historian's writings, dealing with the years 1030--1041, combine astute criticism and wry humor with an unobtrusive display of mastery of the learned literature of the time, both in Arabic and Persian. v. 1. Introduction and translation of years 421-423 A.H. = 1030-1032 A.D. -- v. 2. Translation of years 424-432 A.H. = 1032-1041 A.D. and the history of Khwarazm -- v. 3. Commentary, bibliography and index
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- 'Azzawi, Ahmad
- Rabanit, Duyur al-Jami'
- 200p
- 2010
- North Africa -- History -- Sources نصوص تاريخية عن الغرب الاسلامي أحمد عزاوي Nuṣūṣ tārīkhīyah ʻan al-Gharb al-Islāmī Aḥmad ʻAzzāwī
Adab al-Rihlah fi al-'Asr al-Marini. (Min Adab al-Rihlah bi al-Maghrib)
- Shahidi, al-Hasan
- Dar al-Qalam
- 3 vols.
- 1990
- Travelers -- Morocco -- History أدب الرحلة بالمغرب في العصر المريني شاهدي، الحسن Adab al-riḥlah bi-al-Maghrib fī al-ʻAṣr al-Marīnī al-Ḥasan Shāhidī
Al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Hasan fi Ma'athir wa Mahasin Mawlana al-Imam Abi al-Hasan. ed. by Maria Jesus Viguera (Publ. de la Bibliotheque Nationale, textes et etudes historiques 5)
- Muhammad Ibn Marzuq al-Tilmisani
- Dar al-Aman
- vi(fr),467p
- 2012(1981)
- Abū al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn ʻUthmān, Marinid Sultan, 1292?-1351 or 1352 -- Marīnides (dynastie) -- Maghreb -- 1292 / 1351 المسند الصحيح الحسن فى مٱثر ومحاسن مولانا أبى الحسن تأليف محمد بن مرزوق التلمسانى al-Musnad al-ṣaḥīḥ al-ḥasan fī maʼāthir wa-maḥāsin Mawlānā Abī al-Ḥasan taʼlīf Muḥammad Ibn Marzūq al-Tilimsānī ; dirāsat wa-taḥqīq Māriyā Khaysūs Bīghāyrā ; taqdīm Maḥmūd Būʻayyād
Nafhah al-Nasriniyah wa al-Lamhah al-Mariniyah. ed. by 'A. Muhd. al-Tum'ah
- Isma'il ibn Yusuf ibn al-Ahmar (m. 807 h.)
- Dar Sa'd al-Din
- 72p
- 1992
- Beni Marin dynasty -- Morocco -- Early works to 1800 النفحة النسرينية و اللمحة المرينية تأليف أبو الوليد اسماعيل بن يوسف بن الأحمر Nafḥah al-nasrīnīyah wa-al-lamḥah al-Marīnīyah taʼlīf Abū al-Walīd Ismāʻīl ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Aḥmar ; ḥaqqaqahu wa-qaddama la-hu ʻAdnān Muḥammad Āl Ṭuʻmah
Akhir Ayyam Gharnatah: Nubdhat al-'asr fi akhbar muluk Bani Nasr, min al-qarnayn al-tasi' wa al-'ashir al-hijriyayn
- Al-Dayah, Muhd. Ridwan (ed.)
- Dar al-Fikr al-Mu'asir
- 168p
- 2002
- Granada (Kingdom) -- Nasrides -- History -- Early works to 1800 آخر أيام غرناطة : نبذة العصر في أخبارملوك بني نصر : من القرنين التاسع والعاشر الهجريين مجاهد مجهول من المقاومة الإسلامية في غرناطة Ākhir ayyām Gharnāṭah : Nubdhat al-ʻAṣr fī akhbār mulūk Banī Naṣr : min al-qarnayn al-tāsiʻ wa-al-ʻāshir al-hijrīyayn [taʼlīf] mujāhid majhūl min al-muqāwamah al-Islāmīyah fī Gharnāṭah ; haqqaqahu wa-qaddama la-hu Muḥammad Riḍwān al-Dāyah
The Berbers in Arabic Literature (Arab Background Series)
- Norris, H.T.
- Lib. du Liban
- xxiv,280p
- 1982
- Berbers -- Arabic literature -- History and criticism -- History Chapter 1: The Berbers and the Arabic sources 2: The Berbers and their southern Neighbours in Medieval European Literature 3: Berbers Lineages 4: The Arab Conquest of Berber Africa and the Berbers in Spain 5: Ibādī Puritans of Sijilmāsa, Rustamid Tāhert, and the Libyan Jabal Nafūsa 6: The Barghawāta and their Berber Koran 7: 'Abdallāh ibn Yāsīn and his Veiled Warriors of the Ribāt 8: Ibn Tūmart, the Mahdī of the Moroccan Masmūda 9: The Berber Scholars of Morocco and Mauritania and their Scholarship 10: The Hilāliyya Appendix: A Tamāsheq commentary on the Sughrā of al-Sanūsi
Al-Lamhah al-Badriyah fi al-dawlah al-Nasriyah. ed. by Ahmad al-Tukhi
- Lisan al-Din ibn al-Khatib
- Maktabat Afaq
- 253p
- 2013
- Granada (Kingdom) -- Spain -- History -- biography -- Early works to 1800 اللمحة البدرية في الدولة النصرية تأليف لسان الدين الخطيب al-Lamḥah al-badrīyah fī al-dawlah al-Naṣrīyah taʼlīf Lisān al-Dīn al-Khaṭīb ; dirasah wa-taʻlīq D. Aḥmad Muḥammad al-Ṭūkhī
Naqt al-'Arus (Textos Medievales, 39)
- Ibn Hazm
- Anubar
- 204p 古書
- 1974
- Spain -- Andalus -- Caliphs -- History Naqt al-arús Ibn Ḥazm ; trad. por Luis Seco de Lucena ; texto árabe por C.F. Seybold ; indices por Ma. Milagros Carcel Orti Texte arabe, trad. espagnole نقط العروس في تواريخ الخلفاء Naqṭ al-ʻarūs fī tawārīkh al-khulafāʼ