Kunasat al-Dukkan ba'da intiqal al-sukkan: hawla al-'alaqat al-siyasiyah bayna mamlakatay 'Gharnatah wa al-Maghrib. ed. by Muhd. Kamal Shabanah (Turath-na)
- Ibn al-Khatib (m. 776h. )
- Dar al-Katib al-'Arabi
- 191p 古書
- (1966)
- Granada (Kingdom) -- Foreign relations -- Morocco كناسة الدكان بعد انتقال السكان : حول العلاقات السياسية بين مملكتي غرناطة والمغرب ابن الخطيب Kunāsat ad-dukkān baʻda intiqāl as-sukkān : ḥaula ʼl-ʻalāqāt as-siyāsīya baina mamlakatai Ġarnāṭa wa-ʼl-Maġrib fī-l-qarn at̲-t̲āmin al-hiǧrī
Kitab Mi'yar al-Ikhtiyar fi dhikr al-ma'ahid wa al-diyar. ed. by Muhd. Kamal Shabanah
- Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (713-776 h.)
- al-Lajnah al-Mushtarikah li-Nashr al-Turath al-Islami
- 198p photos 古書
- 1976
- Spain -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 كتاب معيار الاختيار في ذكر المعاهد والديار للسان الدين بن الخطيب السلماني Kitāb miʻyār al-ikhtiyār fī dhikr al-maʻāhid wa-al-diyār li-Lisān al-Dīn ibn al-Khaṭīb al-Salmānī ; taḥqīq Muḥammad Kamāl Shabānah
Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (713-776 h.) Nufadat al-Jirab fi 'ulalat al-ightirab. ed. by Ahmad Mukhtar al-'Abbadi
- Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (713-776 h.)
- Dar al-Nashr al-Maghribiyah
- 5110
- 1985
- Morroco -- Description and travel -- History -- Early works to 1800 نفاضة الجراب في علالة الاغتراب للسان الدين بن الخطيب Nufāḍat al-jirāb fī ʻulālat al-ightirāb Lisān al-Dīn ibn al-Khaṭīb ; nashr wa-taʻlīq Aḥmad Mukhtār al-ʻAbbādī ; murājaʻat ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Ahwānī
A Medieval Islamic City Reconsidered: an interdisciplinary approach to Samarra. (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, No. 14)
- Robinson, Chase F. (ed.)
- Oxford U.P.
- 207p ills. photos. 古書
- 2001
- Sāmarrāʼ (Iraq) -- Islamic architecture -- Cities and towns, Medieval -- History This work attempts to understand Islamic urbanism and court life from an interdisciplinary approach. It examines Samarra, the last great example of early Islamic city building in Iraq, the capital of the Abbasid caliphate and the centre of court culture during the second half of the ninth century.
The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival.
- Tabbaa, Yasser
- U. of Washington Press
- xiii,210p ills pap. 古書
- 2001
- Islamic architecture -- Decoration and ornament -- Middle East The transformation of Islamic architecture and ornament during the eleventh and twelfth centuries signaled profound cultural changes in the Islamic world. Yasser Tabbaa explores with exemplary lucidity the geometric techniques that facilitated this transformation, and investigates the cultural processes by which meaning was produced within the new forms. Iran, Iraq, and Syria saw the development of proportional calligraphy, vegetal and geometric arabesque, muqarnas (stalactite) vaulting, and other devices that became defining features of medieval Islamic architecture. Ultimately, the forms and themes described in this book shaped the development of Mamluk architecture in Egypt and Syria, and by extension, the entire course of North African and Andalusian architecture as well.
The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos, Part I: translation and notes (Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 31)
- Thomson, R.W. (tr.)
- Liverpool U.P.
- lxxvii,154p 古書
- 1999
- Armenia -- History -- Arab period, 640-885 part I only The History Attributed to Sebeos is one of the major works of early Armenian historiography. Although anonymous, it was written in the middle of the 7th century. Sebeos traces the fortunes of Armenia in the 6th and 7th centuries within the broader framework of the Byzantine-sasania conflict. His main theme covers the reign of Khosrow II (589-628) and the early Muslim expansion, emphasizing Armenian participation in the international scene. This excellent publication will be of interest to all those involved in the study of Armenia, the Caucasus, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Middle East in late antiquity.
The Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite. tr. with notes & introduction by F.R. Trombley & J.W. Watt (Translated Texts for Historians, v. 32)
- Joshua, the Stylite
- Liverpool U.P.
- lv,170p maps 古書
- 2011
- Middle East -- Syria -- Iran -- History -- 333 B.C.-634 A.D. The 'Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite' or 'Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua' is a Syriac text written, in all probability, by an inhabitant of Edessa almost immediately after the conclusion of the war between Rome and Persia in 502-506 AD. Although that conflict is treated in other ancient texts, none of them can match 'Joshua' in his wealth of detail, his familiarity with the region where the hostilities occurred, and his proximity in time to the events. The Chronicle also vividly describes the famine and plague that swept through Edessa in the years immediately before the war. The work is a document of great importance for both the social and military history of late antiquity, remarkable for the information it provides on Roman and Persian empires alike.
Al-Kharaj: mundhu al-fath al-islami hatta awasit al-qarn al-thani al-hijri: al-mumarasat wa al-nazariyah.
- Al-Katibi, Ghaida' Khaznah
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 415p
- 2001(94)
- Land value taxation (Islamic law) -- Islamic empire -- History -- To 1500 الخراج منذ الفتح الإسلامي حتى أواسط القرن الثالث الهجري : الممارسات والنظرية غيداء خزنة كاتبي al-Kharāj mundhu al-fatḥ al-Islāmī ḥattá awāsiṭ al-qarn al-thālith al-hijrī : al-mumārasāt wa-al-naẓarīyah Ghaydāʼ Khazanah Kātibī Surveys the institution of al-Kharaj - land tax in Islam. This title provides a comprehensive history of a practice which evolved from an exigency of conquest into an essential pillar of the early Islamic state. It presents a documented statistical analysis of the historical materials for various regions of the early Islamic world.
Min A'lam al-'Ulama' fi al-Qarn al-Thalith al-Hijri. (Silsilat al-Turath al-Qawmi)
- 'Abd al-Baqi, Ahmad
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 288p 古書
- 1990
- Muslim scholars -- Islamic Empire -- Biography من أعلام العلماء العرب في القرن الرابع الهجري أحمد عبد الباقي Min aʻlām al-ʻulamāʼ al-ʻArab fī al-qarn al-thālith al-Hijrī Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Bāqī
Nazariyat al-Khilafah aw al-Imamah, wa tatawwur-ha al-siyasi wa al-dini (11-41/611-632).
- Nawwar, Salah al-Din Muhammad
- Munshat al-Ma'arif
- 115p
- 1996
- Caliphate -- Imamate -- History نظرية الخلافة أو الإمامة : وتطورها السياسي و الديني، ١١-٤١ه/٦٦١-٦٣٢م : دراسة تحليلية ونقدية مقارنة صلاح الدين محمد نوار Naẓarīyat al-khilāfah aw al-imāmah wa-taṭawwuruhā al-siyāsī wa-al-dīnī, 11-41 H/632-661 M : dirāsah taḥlīlīyah wa-naqdīyah muqāranah Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad Nawwār
Al-Shu'ubiyah wa-Athar-ha al-Ijtima'i wa-al-Siyasi fi al-hayah al-Islamiyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal.
- Qaddurah, Zahiyah
- Dar al-Kitab al-Lubnani
- 352p 古書
- 1972
- Shuʻūbīyah -- Islamic Empire -- History -- 750-1258 الشعوبية و أثرها الإجتماعي و السياسي في الحياة الإسلامية في العصر العباسي الأول زاهية قدورة Al-Shu'ūbīyah wa-athȧru̇hā al-ijtimā'ī wa-al-siyāsī fī al-ḥayāh al-Islāmīyah fī al-'aṣr al-'Abbāsī al-awwal Zāhiyah Qaddūrah
The Kizilbash/Avevis in Ottoman Anatolia: Sufism, politics and community. (Edinburgh Studies on the Ottoman Empire)
- Karakaya-Stump, Ayfer
- Edinburgh U.P.
- xxi,378p Pap
- 2021(20)
- Explores the transformation of the Kizilbash from a radical religio-political movement to a religious order of closed communities. The Kizilbash were at once key players in and the foremost victims of the Ottoman-Safavid conflict that defined the early modern Middle East. Today referred to as Alevis, they constitute the second largest faith community in modern Turkey, with smaller pockets of related groups in the Balkans. Yet several aspects of their history remain little understood or explored. This first comprehensive socio-political history of the Kizilbash/Alevi communities uses a recently surfaced corpus of sources generated within their milieu. It offers fresh answers to many questions concerning their origins and evolution from a revolutionary movement to an inward-looking religious order.
Violence in Islamic Thought from the Mongols to European Imperialism. (Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence in Islamic Thought)
- Gleave, Robert & Istvan Kristo-Nagy (ed.)
- Edinburgh U.P.
- vii,240p ills.
- 2020(18)
- Violence -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- History New in pap. The medieval and later pre-modern periods began with the violent defeat of Muslim power by the Mongols, and witnessed the rise of major Muslim imperial powers. This volume examines the various intellectual and cultural reactions to these events, and how they were integrated into the Muslim historical landscape. 裏表紙傷アリ
Ali Sir Nevayi: Kitab-i Tevarih-i Müluk-i 'Acem.
- Türk, Vahit
- Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü
- 216p facs.
- 2019
- Ali Şir Nevayi -- Chagatay Ali Şir Nevayi-Kitab-ı Tevarih-i Müluk-ı 'Acem/ Vahit Türk
Damolla Sah Abbas Oglu Seyfeddin Aksikenti: Mecmu'ü't-tevarih (Türklerin soyagaci ve Manas destani'nin tarih kaynagi).
- Çeribas, Mehmet
- Kesit
- 390p facs.
- 2019
- Manas -- Epic literature, Turkic -- Texts -- Kazakh language -- History Damolla Şah Abbas oğlu Seyfeddin Aksıkendi: Mecmû'ü't- tevârîh (Türklerin soyağacı ve Manas destanı'nın tarihi kaynağı)/ Mehmet Çeribaş In Turkish; facsimile in Kazakh in Cyrilic script and in Persian
Al-Bayan wa al-Tahsil, wa al-sharh wa al-tawjih wa al-ta'lil fi masa'il al-mustakhrajah. ed. by Muhd. Hajji
- Ibn Rushd (m. 520/1126)
- Dar al-Gharb al-Islami
- 18 vols.
- 1984
- Islamic law -- Malikites -- Early works to 1800 البيان و التحصيل والشرح والتوجيه والتأليف في المسائل المستخرجة لابي الوليد بن رشد القرطبي al-Bayān wa-al-taḥṣīl wa-al-sharḥ wa-al-tawjīh wa-al-taʻlīl fī masāʼil al-Mustakhrajah li-Abī al-Walīd ibn Rushd al-Qurṭubī ; wa-ḍimnahu al-Mustakhrajah min al-asmiʻah al-maʻrūfah bi-al-ʻUtbīyah li-Muḥammad al-ʻUtbī al-Qurṭubī ; taḥqīq Muḥammad Ḥajjī
Fatawa al-Burzuli, Jami' masa'il al-ahkam li-ma nazala al-qadaya bi al-muftin wa al-hukkam ed. by Muhd. al-Habib al-Hilah
- Al-Burzuli, Abu al-Qasim b. Ahmad al-Balawi al-Tunisi (m. 841/1438)
- Dar al-Gharb al-Islami
- 7 vols.
- 2002
- Fatwas -- Malikites -- Islamic law -- Early works to 1800 فتاوي البرزلي : جامع مسائل الاحكام لما نزل من القضايا بالمفتين والحكام لأبي القاسم بن أحمد البلوي التونسي المعروف بالبرزلي ؛ تقديم وتحقيق محمد الحبيب الهيلة Fatāwá al-Burzulī : jāmiʻ masāʼil al-aḥkām li-mā nazala min al-qaḍāyā bi-al-muftīn wa-al-ḥukkām li-Abī al-Qāsim ibn Aḥmad al-Balawī al-Tūnisī al-maʻrūf bi-al-Burzulī ; taqdīm wa-taḥqīq Muḥammad al-Ḥabīb al-Hīlah
The Islamic Middle East and Japan: perceptions, aspirations, and the birth of intra-Asian modernity.
- Worringer, Renee (ed.)
- Markus Wiener Pub.
- 163p
- 2020(07)
- Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Japan Iranian and Ottoman travelers to Japan in the late nineteenth century found a model to admire — a culture that was beginning to take its place in the modern world without sacrificing its traditional culture. Their admiration was bolstered when Japan sunk the Russian Baltic fleet in 1905. This victory was celebrated across the Middle East, and dispelled the traditional colonial discourse of European supremacy. No longer, Japan had proven, did modernization demand Westernization. This collection provides fresh insight into the cross-cultural exchange between “the Crescent” and “the Rising Sun” in a rapidly changing world. The authors explore the encounters between these two separate, but fatefully linked cultures and the ensuing reciprocal influences in developing “Eastern modernity” against a looming backdrop of Western imperial domination.
Jang-e Englis va 'Othmani dar Bayn al-Nahrayn, 1914 ta 1918 va 'avaqeb-e an dar iran. ed. by M. Ettehadiyeh & B. Farman (Nashr-e Tarikh-e Iran)
- Farman-Farmayan, 'Abbas Mirza
- Ketab-e Siyamak
- 366p
- 1386
- Iran -- Foreign relations -- Turkey -- World War, 1914-1918 -- Iraq جنگ انگلىس و عثمانى در بىن النهرىن، 1914 تا 1918 و عواقب آن در ايران فرماىان سالار لشکر ;به کوشش منصوره اتحادىه، بهمن فرمان Jang-i Ingilīs va ʻUs̲mānī dar Bayn al-Nahrayn, 1914 tā 1918 va ʻavāqib-i ān dar Īrān nivishtah-i ʻAbbās Mīrzā Farmānʹfarmāyān (sālār lashkar) ; bih kūshish-i Manṣūrah Ittiḥādiyah, Bahman Farmān [England against the Ottoman Empire: the war in Mesopotamia and its repercussions in Iran 1914-1918]
'Abbas Mirza Farmanfarmayyan (Salar Lashkar): zamaneh va karnameh-ye siyasi va ejtema'i-ye yek sal dar qoshun-e Faranaseh, ravabet-e Napileyun va Iran. ed. by Mansureh Ettehadi & Bahman Farman (Nashr-e Tarikh-e Iran)
- Farman-farmayyan, 'Abbas Mirza (1888-1935/6)
- Ketab-e Siyamak
- 557p
- 1387(2008)
- Iran -- Foreign relations -- France -- History -- Qajar dynasty, 1794-1925 عباس مىرزا فرمان فرماىان سالار لشکر : زمانه و کارنامه سىاسى و اجتماعى ىک سال در قشون فرانسه : روابط ناپلىون و ايران عباس مىرزا فرمان فرماىان، منصوره اتحادىه، بهمن فرمان نوشته و ترجمه و تدوىن ʻAbbās Mīrzā Farmānʹfarmāiyān (sālār lashkar) : zamānah va kārnāmah-i siyāsī va ijtimāʻī-i yak sāl dar qushūn-i Farānasah : ravābiṭ-i Nāpuliyūn va Īrān navishtah va tarjamah va tadvīn-i ʻAbbās Mīrzā Farmānʹfarmāiyān, Manṣūrah Ittiḥādiyah, Bahman Farmān [Abbas Mirza Farman Farmaian Salar Lashkar, his time, and the account of his political and social achievments, with a comprehensive biography of two books by Salar Kashkar "One Year in the French Army" and "Napoleon and Iran"]